n-Track Studio 10

n-Track Changes Build by Build

n-Track Studio v10.2.0 Released
Thursday, September 12 2024, 8:00 pm - 26 weeks ago
New in version 10.2:

  • Vocal Harmonizer is a powerful effect designed to create harmonies that complement your music [New Feature]
  • The new oscilloscope plug-in is a versatile tool for visualizing audio signals in real-time [New Feature]
  • We now support CLAP (CLever Audio Plugin), the new open-source plugin format [New Feature]
  • Create a 6-track song using our interactive song-building tutorial [New Feature]
  • Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]
Watch a video on the new features of n-Track Studio 10.2

n-Track Studio v10.1.0 Released
Wednesday, April 24 2024, 6:00 pm - 46 weeks ago
New in version 10.1:
AI MixSplit: use the power of AI to remove vocals from a track or extract stems (bass, drums and vocals) from a full mix [New Feature]
Easily audition instrument presets using the new control in the plug-in UI [New Feature]
Importing multitrack MIDI files now assigns the correct instrument for each MIDI track [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v10.0.0 Released
Tuesday, October 10 2023, 9:00 am - 74 weeks ago
New in version 10:
Create your own instruments by dragging and dropping or even recording sounds straight into the step sequencer, piano roll, drums or screen keyboard [New Feature]
Redesigned n-Track Sampler editor view [Improvement]
Redesigned Onda Synth editor view [Improvement]
Save and recall chains of effects and instruments with the new Effects Chains and Instrument Chains menus [New Feature]
New Song Browser view, quickly reload previously saved songs without having to manually manage files [New Feature]
Add some celestial magic to your tracks with the new Shimmer effect [New Feature]
New Diffuser effect [New Feature]
Assign an icon representing the instrument for a track [New Feature]

To activate this version you need to have purchased n-Track Studio 9 or 10 on or after November 29th 2022
If you purchase before that date you can upgrade to version 10 here

n-Track Studio v9.1.8 Released
Tuesday, January 3 2023, 5:00 pm - 114 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v9.1.7 to v9.1.8:
New look-ahead mastering Limiter effect: maximize your song loudness [New Feature]
Improved performance when using multiple CPU threads in the audio engine [Improvement]
Audio engine uses bigger buffering when doing offline mixdown/bounce for improved speed. Setting in Preferences -> Options -> Mixdown Buffer Size [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.7 Released
Wednesday, September 7 2022, 6:00 pm - 131 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v9.1.6 to v9.1.7:
Added LUFS to level metering modes [New Feature]
Added True Peak metering option [New Feature]
New standalone Meter plugin [New Feature]
Support for VST 2.x, VST 3.x and AU Midi-only plug-ins [New Feature]
Added option to create new take when overdubbing MIDI parts [New Feature]
Added MIDI learn command to main UI controls and effects parameters [Improvement]
Improved audio engine performance when recording in loop mode [Improvement]
Improved Tuner algorithm [Improvement]
Fixed bug on dragging group of parts belonging to different takes [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which widgets don't appear correctly when displaying take lanes [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.6 Released
Tuesday, April 26 2022, 6:30 pm - 150 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v9.1.5 to v9.1.6:
New nEfx AutoFilter effect [New Feature]
New 'Band shelf' EQ band shape [New feature]
Fixed sporadic playback cursor drift when song is in loop mode [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs when using count-in/punch-in [Bug fix]
Improved editing MIDI events in the bottom panel of the Pianoroll [Improvement]
Fixed overlapping notes in the Pianoroll would sometimes result in first note loosing its original length [Improvement]
Improved audio engine performance [Improvement]
Improved video files compatibility of Video Sync window [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.5 Released
Thursday, October 7 2021, 3:30 pm - 179 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v9.1.4 to v9.1.5:
New nEfx Arpeggiator MIDI effect [New Feature]
New nEfx Dynamic EQ effect [New Feature]
New nEfx Lo-Fi noise generator [New Feature]
Periodic shapes for automation nodes (sine, square, triangle, sawtooth) [New Feature]
Record automations of effect parameters using knobs, buttons or XY editors [Improvement]
Automation nodes can be snapped to grid [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.5 Beta Build 4389 Released
Thursday, September 2 2021, 4:00 pm - 184 weeks ago
New nEfx Arpeggiator MIDI effect [New Feature]
New nEfx Dynamic EQ effect [New Feature]
New nEfx Lo-Fi noise generator [New Feature]
Periodic shapes for automation nodes (sine, square, triangle, sawtooth) [New Feature]
Record automations of effect parameters using knobs, buttons or XY editors [Improvement]
Automation nodes can be snapped to grid [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.4 Released
Tuesday, May 4 2021, 4:30 pm - 201 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v9.1.3 to v9.1.4:
New nEfx DEnoiser effect [New Feature]
New nEfx Gain effect [New Feature]
Step Sequencer: edit per-step position and length by dragging on the step [New Feature]
Redesigned Onda Synth and n-Track Sampler windows [Improvement]
Apple Silicon (M1) version (separate download) [Improvement]
Apple Silicon (M1) version can load plug-ins built for Intel CPU [Improvement]
Fixed sporadic crash on loading a song [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash while editing a temporal selection in the timeline [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on closing a song which uses FabFilter plug-ins [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.4 Beta Build 3783 Released
Monday, April 12 2021, 4:40 pm - 204 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash on loading a song [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash while editing a temporal selection in the timeline [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on closing a song which uses FabFilter plug-ins [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.4 Beta Build 3769 Released
Tuesday, April 6 2021, 5:30 pm - 205 weeks ago
New nEfx DEnoiser effect [New Feature]
New nEfx Gain effect [New Feature]
Step Sequencer: edit per-step position and length by dragging on the step [New Feature]
Redesigned Onda Synth and n-Track Sampler windows [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Build 3751 Released
Monday, March 22 2021, 6:30 pm - 207 weeks ago
Fixed bug in which the app hangs after downloading a pack from the Add-On Manager when the Loop Browser window is opened [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on showing back the main toolbar from View->Toolbars->Main toolbar [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic bug in which actions applied to an audio/MIDI part from the widgets window are ignored (Mac) [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Build 3750 Released
Tuesday, March 9 2021, 12:30 pm - 209 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash at startup [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on opening corrupted song files (Mac) [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Build 3749 Released
Tuesday, March 2 2021, 5:30 pm - 210 weeks ago
Fixed performace degradation on Big Sur (macOS 11) [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Build 3748 Released
Friday, February 19 2021, 6:00 pm - 211 weeks ago
Fixed bug in which the Loop Browser preview doesn't play the first notes when playing MIDI loops [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on closing the Loop Browser window when is undocked [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Build 3747 Released
Thursday, February 11 2021, 6:30 pm - 213 weeks ago
Fixed bug in which UI becomes unresponsive when the Spectrum view is opened (Mac) [Bug fix]
Fixed graphical glitches in track properties window (Mac) [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Build 3746 Released
Wednesday, February 3 2021, 12:30 pm - 214 weeks ago
Fixed bug in which the length of a Quick Rhythm loop, computed for the Loop Browser preview, is wrong when the file's bpm don't match with the project's ones [Bug fix]
Indonesian and Japanese translations (Mac) [Localisation]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Build 3745 Released
Wednesday, January 13 2021, 6:00 pm - 217 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic bug in which the app hangs while opening a song [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic bug in which the just recorded part is placed far away from the recording point when using MME drivers (Win) [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Build 3744 Released
Wednesday, December 30 2020, 2:30 pm - 219 weeks ago
Fixed crash on stopping playback when using SMPTE as input signal to sync playback/recording [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Build 3743 Released
Monday, December 21 2020, 4:00 pm - 220 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic UI freeze on unplugging USB audio devices (Win) [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Released
Thursday, December 10 2020, 8:00 pm - 222 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v9.1.2 to v9.1.3:
Loop Browser now supports Individual MIDI Chords and Chord Progressions. Take a look at the Add-on Manager (View--> Add-on Manager) and find out what's new [New feature]
Improved performances on saving big projects [Improvement]
Added search filters to the Loop Browser [New feature]
Step sequencer tracks can now be converted to MIDI tracks and viceversa. Find the command in the track context menu [New feature]
Fixed sporadic bug in which frozen parts are missing after loding a song [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which frozen parts don't play after loading a song [Bug fix]
Fixed corrupted output on playing sounds from the "FX Vol 1" Add-On (Win) [Bug fix]
Fixed error message on encoding from wav to m4a (Mac) [Bug fix]
Fixed error message on uploading files to the Songtree Community (Mac) [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on loading a project [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on changing buffer size form withi the Audio devices prefereces window [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on importing tracks from the Songtree Community [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic UI freeze on stopping playback [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on loading "Blue Cat Audio" plug-ins (Mac) [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Beta Build 3741 Released
Monday, December 7 2020, 2:30 pm - 222 weeks ago
Fixed bug in which audio files are missing on opening a project [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Beta Build 3740 Released
Friday, December 4 2020, 5:30 pm - 222 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic bug in which frozen parts are missing after loding a song [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which frozen parts don't play after loading a song [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Beta Build 3739 Released
Wednesday, December 2 2020, 8:00 am - 223 weeks ago
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Beta Build 3738 Released
Monday, November 23 2020, 2:00 pm - 224 weeks ago
Fixed corrupted output on playing sounds from the "FX Vol 1" Add-On (Win)
Fixed crash on previewing files from the Loop Browser
Fixed error message on encoding from wav to m4a (Mac)
Fixed error message on uploading files to the Songtree Community (Mac)
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Beta Build 3737 Released
Wednesday, November 18 2020, 2:30 pm - 225 weeks ago
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Beta Build 3736 Released
Friday, November 13 2020, 5:00 pm - 225 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash on loading a project [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on importing tracks from the Songtree Community [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Beta Build 3735 Released
Thursday, November 5 2020, 6:00 pm - 227 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crashes on saving a song [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Beta Build 3734 Released
Wednesday, October 28 2020, 6:00 pm - 228 weeks ago
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Beta Build 3733 Released
Tuesday, October 27 2020, 4:00 pm - 228 weeks ago
Loop Browser now supports Individual MIDI Chords and Chord Progressions. Take a look at the Add-on Manager (View--> Add-on Manager) and find out what's new [Improvement]
Improved performances on saving big projects [Improvement]
Fixed sporadic UI freeze on stopping playback [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Beta Build 3732 Released
Thursday, October 8 2020, 5:30 pm - 231 weeks ago
Added search filters to the Loop Browser [Improvement]
Fixed "Error saving backup copy of song" on saving song (Windows) [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on loading "Blue Cat Audio" plug-ins (Mac) [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Beta Build 3731 Released
Wednesday, September 30 2020, 6:00 pm - 232 weeks ago
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.2 Build 3708 Released
Wednesday, September 30 2020, 3:00 pm - 232 weeks ago
Improved windows positioning handling when working using multiple monitors [Improvement]
Fixed crash on loading VST3 plug-ins who don't support Program change parameter [Bug fix]
Fixed generic editor not working when using third party plug-ins [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which sometimes tracks go out of sync on opening a.sgw project [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.3 Beta Build 3730 Released
Friday, September 18 2020, 1:00 pm - 234 weeks ago
Improved project management: songs now automatically saved in a folder, which contains all project resources including recorded audio, imported files and snapshots (song backups) [Improvement]
"Swing" control setting now available in the Step Sequencer [New feature]
Added control in Step Sequencer so that volume of each sample can be individually adjusted [New feature]
An XY Editor interface added to n-Track builtin plug-ins as an additional view for creative music making [New feature]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.2 Build 3707 Released
Thursday, September 17 2020, 4:30 pm - 234 weeks ago
Fixed bug in which the custom font of the Big Time window is not saved [Bug fix]
Fixed wrong naming of the output pairs when using Asio drivers [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.2 Build 3706 Released
Monday, September 14 2020, 3:30 pm - 234 weeks ago
Fixed bug in which the arrows of the main menus sub-menus are not visible [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic bug in which the message "Error opening file" is showed at startup if the "Auto-save" setting is enabled [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.2 Released
Monday, August 31 2020, 6:00 pm - 236 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v9.1.1 to v9.1.2:
Loop browser can now read MIDI loops [New feature]
Quick Rhythms can now be added from the Loop Browser instead of using the Quick Rhythms window, which has been removed [Improvement]
Step Sequencer parts can now be edited using the part widgets [New feature]
Added Undo/Redo feature when editing plug-ins parameters [New feature]
Redesigned Builtin plug-ins editor [Improvement]
Redesigned Compressor builtin plug-in editor [Improvement]
Redesigned the main window caption (Windows) [Improvement]
Fixed sporadic bug in which some MIDI notes are not played on starting playback of a MIDI track when using n-Track Sampler [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash when using Wasapi audio drivers (Windows) [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on enabling Settings->64 bit Mixing option when mixing a song containing mono FX plug-ins [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which the editor size of Waves plug-ins appears halved [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on loading Helm VST3 plug-in [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on loading OB-XD VST3 plug-in [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on opening song containing Virtual Instruments [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which changes to the Step Sequencer patterns name are ignored [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on starting playback [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on opening the Loop browser [Bug fix]
Various UI improvements [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.2 Beta Build 3704 Released
Friday, August 21 2020, 6:30 pm - 237 weeks ago
Drums loops imported from the Loop Browser can be edited using the Step Sequencer [Improvement]
Quick Rhythms can now be added from the Loop Browser instead of using the Quick Rhythms window, which has been removed [Improvement]
Fixed bug in which builtin plug-ins don't load if the "Add new plug-in with nBridge" setting is enabled [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.2 Beta Build 3703 Released
Monday, August 10 2020, 3:30 pm - 239 weeks ago
Fixed crash on enabling Settings->64 bit Mixing option when mixing a song containing mono FX plug-ins [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which the editor size of Waves plug-ins appears halved [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on loading Helm VST3 plug-in [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on loading OB-XD VST3 plug-in [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.2 Beta Build 3702 Released
Tuesday, August 4 2020, 4:00 pm - 240 weeks ago
Fixed bug in which plug-ins using nBridge technology don't load [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.2 Beta Build 3701 Released
Friday, July 31 2020, 5:00 pm - 240 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash on opening song containing Virtual Instruments [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which changes to the Step Sequencer patterns name are ignored [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.2 Beta Build 3661 Released
Monday, July 13 2020, 3:30 pm - 243 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic bug in which some MIDI notes are not played on starting playback of a MIDI track when using n-Track Sampler [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash when using Wasapi audio drivers (Win) [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which MIDI loops cannot be un-synched to the project bpm [Bug fix]
Various UI improvements [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.2 Beta Build 3660 Released
Wednesday, June 24 2020, 3:30 pm - 246 weeks ago
Loop browser can now read MIDI loops [New feature]
Step Sequencer parts can now be edited using the part widgets [New feature]
Added Undo/Redo feature when editing plug-ins parameters [New feature]
Redesigned Compressor plug-in editor [Improvement]
Redesigned Builtin plug-ins editor [Improvement]
Redesigned the main window caption (Windows) [Improvement]
Fixed sporadic crash on starting playback [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on opening the Loop browser [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.1 Build 3650 Released
Wednesday, June 17 2020, 4:30 pm - 247 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash on loading an instrument track with n-Track Drums VST [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic bug in which the app goes in background when a popup marker window is closed [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash after closing the Editing History window [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.1 Build 3649 Released
Sunday, May 31 2020, 9:00 am - 249 weeks ago
Fixed network error occurring on trying to activate the license [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.1 Build 3648 Released
Friday, May 29 2020, 4:00 pm - 249 weeks ago
Speed, mute and fade widgets are applied on selected parts [Improvement]
Fixed crash on loading song containing Surround Panner plug-in [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic bug in which the mixdown of a temporal selection generates an empty file [Bug fix]
Fixed screen MIDI drums mapping when using Acoustic kit and Real live drums kits [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on changing the surround configuration [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.1 Released
Friday, May 15 2020, 10:00 am - 252 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v9.1.0 to v9.1.1:
Added "Arm selected track" feature: enable this option from the track input menu to arm the track by selecting it [New feature]
Parts looped using the loop widget now inherit properites of the part from which have been looped (fade in, fade out, part key etc.) [Improvement]
Fixed midi events are not drawed in the correct position if the song contains tempo changes [Bug fix]
Fixed misalignement between pianoroll grid and timeline grid if the being edited midi part has an offset [Bug fix]
Fixed bug on copy and paste multiple parts when one of the part has zero offset [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which cannot change the Step Sequencer event velocity by dragging the event up/down [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which volume/pan envelopes get shifted on changing project sampling frequency [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on starting online mixdown [Bug fix]
Fixed tempo map is not applied when importing midi files that have tempo changes [Bug fix]
fixed midi parts get out of sync on bpm changes [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on loading Genesis Pro VTSi when using n-Track 64 bit [Bug fix]
Fixed bug on dragging parts in which the dragged part jumps in an unwanted point in the timeline [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on opening the Add-on Manager [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.1 Beta Build 3646 Released
Monday, April 27 2020, 2:30 pm - 254 weeks ago
Fixed crash on starting online mixdown [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.1 Beta Build 3645 Released
Friday, April 24 2020, 5:00 pm - 254 weeks ago
Fixed bug on copy and paste multiple parts when one of the part has zero offset [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which cannot change the Step Sequencer event velocity by dragging the event up/down [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which volume/pan envelopes get shifted on changing project sampling frequency [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.1 Beta Build 3644 Released
Friday, April 17 2020, 10:30 am - 256 weeks ago
Fixed misalignement between pianoroll grid and timeline grid if the being edited midi part has an offset [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.1 Beta Build 3643 Released
Friday, April 3 2020, 5:30 pm - 257 weeks ago
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.1 Beta Build 3642 Released
Thursday, March 26 2020, 5:30 pm - 259 weeks ago
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.1 Beta Build 3641 Released
Wednesday, March 18 2020, 11:00 am - 260 weeks ago
Added "Arm selected track" feature: enable this option from the track input menu to arm the track by selecting it [New feature]
Fixed crash on loading Genesis Pro VTSi when using n-Track 64 bit [Bug fix]
Fixed tempo map is not applied when importing midi files that have tempo changes [Bug fix]
fixed midi parts get out of sync on bpm changes [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.1 Beta Build 3640 Released
Thursday, February 27 2020, 7:00 pm - 263 weeks ago
Parts looped using the loop widget now inherit properites of the part from which have been looped (fade in, fade out, part key etc.) [Improvement]
Fixed bug on dragging parts in which the dragged part jumps in an unwanted point in the timeline [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on opening the Add-on Manager [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Build 3636 Released
Thursday, February 13 2020, 10:30 am - 265 weeks ago
Fixed bug in which app hangs on cloning tracks [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Build 3635 Released
Thursday, February 6 2020, 4:00 pm - 266 weeks ago
Added New Vintage Synth presets selectable trough the Instruments Browser window [New feature]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Build 3634 Released
Thursday, January 16 2020, 5:00 pm - 269 weeks ago
Fixed big memory leak during playback [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic bug in which app hangs on dragging audio files from finder (Mac)

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Build 3633 Released
Wednesday, January 15 2020, 11:00 am - 269 weeks ago
Fixed count-in doens't work when recording MIDI parts [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which the mute widget of MIDI parts doesn't work during playback [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic bug in which switching between Quick Rhythm mutes master output [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which playing live virtual instruments when playback is stopped produces audio glitches [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Build 3632 Released
Tuesday, December 31 2019, 3:30 pm - 271 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash on loading a song [Bug fix]
Fixed sync issue of loops that have sampling frequency different from the current set in preferences [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Build 3631 Released
Friday, December 20 2019, 6:30 pm - 272 weeks ago
Fixed bug on copy and paste MIDI events into indented MIDI parts that have zero offset [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Build 3630 Released
Friday, December 13 2019, 6:00 pm - 273 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash while using bridged plug-ins [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on loading Pure Data plug-ins (Win) [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which sometimes audio parts get out of sync when at startup n-Track automatically loads last worked song [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Build 3629 Released
Friday, December 6 2019, 5:00 pm - 274 weeks ago
Improved performance when using n-Track Amps plug-ins [Improvement]
Fixed bug in which bridged plug-ins are missing on loading a song
Fixed sporadic crash on opening .sgw files [Bug fix]
Fixed GDI resources leaking working in the Piano Roll window when the left panel displays note names instead of piano keys [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Build 3628 Released
Friday, November 29 2019, 4:30 pm - 275 weeks ago
Fixed sometimes audio parts go out of sync on loading a song whose sampling frequency is different from the current one set in preferences [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on changing pitch list visualization mode in the Step Sequencer window when the pitch list is customized [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on importing/exporting mp3 files (Win) [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Build 3627 Released
Wednesday, November 20 2019, 6:30 pm - 277 weeks ago
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Build 3626 Released
Thursday, November 7 2019, 6:00 pm - 279 weeks ago
Improved performance on scrolling/zooming a song with large number of parts [Improvement]
Fixed when changing sampling frequency in Preferences existing tracks may loose sync [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic bug in which mixdown fails if the song contains at least two parts completely overlapped [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Build 3625 Released
Thursday, October 31 2019, 4:30 pm - 280 weeks ago
Improvement in VST3 compatibilty (Overloud TH-U) [Improvement]
Fixed sporadic bug in which an audio track plays even if its volume envelope is set to -Inf [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic audio glitch that appeared at the beginning of track playback when the volume envelope started at -Inf [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 9.1.0 Released
Wednesday, October 23 2019, 6:00 pm - 281 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v9.0.2 to v9.1.0:
Discover our new Loop Browser and make music with a couple of clicks! Choose your favourite genre - then preview, download, drag and drop samples to help shape your next masterpiece. There are loop packages that cater to all tastes, and even space to add your own custom loops and sample folders [New feature]
Added musical key widget to quickly change the pitch of an audio part [New feature]
Added song musical key: set the musical key of your song from the control panel in the bottom toolbar to control the key of all the audio files in the song that have key info [New feature]
Audio files that have info about bpm can now follow the changes of the song's bpm (can be customized with the key widget or from the part properties box) [New feature]
Improved support for multi-channel audio devices when using Wasapi drivers (Windows) [Improvement]
n-Track Sampler redesigned from the ground up, improves performance and stability [Improvement]
Soundbanks are now compressed losslessly for smaller download size [Improvement]
Compatibility for OSX 10.15 Catalina (Mac) [Improvement]
Pianoroll keyboard and screen MIDI keaybord now detect the active keys of the current instrument when using n-Track Sampler [Improvement]
Fixed sporadic crash on loading projects containing n-Track Amps plug-ins [Bug Fix]
Fixed excessive memory usage when working on projects that have a large number of tracks [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash on loading n-Track using versions of OSX older than 10.14 Mojave (Mac) [Bug Fix] Fixed sporadic crash on deleting tracks using n-Track Sampler [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which Acoustic Kit preset wasn't correclty mapped in the Screen MIDI Drums [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic bug in which the wrong track is minimizied when trying to minimize a track after have changed its order [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which after deleting a muted track, the track that takes its place get muted [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on loading n-Track Pitch Shift builtin plug-in [Bug fix]
Fixed bug on scrolling tracks when mouse is on widgets window [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Beta Build 3621 Released
Monday, October 14 2019, 5:30 pm - 282 weeks ago
Fixed bug on scrolling tracks when mouse is on widgets window [Bug fix]
Fixed bug on grabbing widgets when parts are overlapped [Bug fix]
Minor fixes to n-Track Sampler [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Beta Build 3620 Released
Friday, October 11 2019, 3:30 pm - 282 weeks ago
Improved n-Track Sampler performances and stability [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Beta Build 3619 Released
Tuesday, September 17 2019, 5:00 pm - 286 weeks ago
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Beta Build 3618 Released
Friday, August 23 2019, 5:00 pm - 289 weeks ago
Pianoroll keyboard and screen MIDI keaybord now detect the active keys of the current instrument when using n-Track Sampler [Improvement]
Fixed glitches when using n-Track Sampler with MIDI tracks containing a large number of notes [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash/audio glitches when using n-Track Sampler with Rock Toolkit package [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic bug in which the wrong track is minimizied when trying to minimize a track after have changed its order [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Beta Build 3617 Released
Thursday, August 8 2019, 8:00 pm - 292 weeks ago
Fixed main input VU-meter remains stucked when the audio input format is 24 bit [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash dropping audio files [Bug fix]
Improved folders management in the Loop Browser window [Improvement]

n-Track Studio v9.1.0 Beta Build 3616 Released
Friday, August 2 2019, 4:00 pm - 292 weeks ago
Moved version number from 9.0.5 to 9.1.0
Fixed sporadic crash on deleting a track [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which after deleting a muted track, the track that takes its place get muted [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on loading n-Track Pitch Shift builtin plug-in [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3615 Released
Wednesday, July 24 2019, 3:00 pm - 294 weeks ago
Fixed bug on loading songs containing earlier versions of n-Track Sampler plug-in [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3614 Released
Friday, July 19 2019, 4:00 pm - 294 weeks ago
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3613 Released
Friday, July 5 2019, 5:30 pm - 296 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash on deleting tracks with n-Track Sampler [Bug fix]
Fixed bug in which Acoustic Kit preset wasn't correclty mapped in the Screen MIDI Drums [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3612 Released
Friday, July 5 2019, 9:00 am - 297 weeks ago
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3611 Released
Tuesday, July 2 2019, 10:00 am - 297 weeks ago
Improved support for multi-channels audio devices when using Wasapi drivers [Improvement]
Minor changes to Loop Browser [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3610 Released
Wednesday, June 12 2019, 4:30 pm - 300 weeks ago
Minor changes to Loop Browser [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3609 Released
Monday, June 10 2019, 5:00 pm - 300 weeks ago
Fixed 32 bit plug-ins don't work using n-Track 64 bit [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3608 Released
Friday, June 7 2019, 2:00 pm - 301 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash on dragging a file from Loop browser when part properties are opened [Bug fix]
Fixed freeze on importing an audio file contains musical info [Bug fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3607 Released
Wednesday, June 5 2019, 11:00 am - 301 weeks ago
Acidized files that have info about bpm can now follow the changes of the song's bpm (handle the option from the key widget or from the part properties view) [New feature]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3606 Released
Friday, May 31 2019, 2:00 pm - 302 weeks ago
Fixed changing of the pitch of an audio part from the musical key widget is not applied during playback [Bug fix]
Fixed changing of the song musical key is not applied to all the audio parts that follow the changement during playback [Bug fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3605 Released
Tuesday, May 28 2019, 5:30 pm - 302 weeks ago
Added song musical key: set the musical key of your song from the control panel in the bottom toolbar to control the key of all the Acidized files of your project [New feature]
Added musical key widget to quickly change the pitch of an audio part [New feature]
Loop browser can now read compressed audio files (flac, mp3, m4a, ogg, wma) [Improvement]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3604 Released
Monday, May 13 2019, 5:00 pm - 304 weeks ago
Fixed crash on loading n-Track using versions of OSX older than Mojave (10.14) (Mac) [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3603 Released
Thursday, May 2 2019, 4:30 pm - 306 weeks ago
Loop browser can be now navigated using Arrows, Return and Tab keys [Improvement]
Fixed excessive memory usage when working on projects that have a large number of tracks [Bug Fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3602 Released
Wednesday, April 17 2019, 4:30 pm - 308 weeks ago
Fixed missing soundfont on loading projects containing n-Track Sampler plug-in [Bug Fix]
Fixed bug in which the MIDI track created on selecting a preset from the Instrument Browser doesn't sound (Mac) [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on loading projects containing n-Track Amps plug-ins [Bug Fix]
Fixed minor bugs in the Loop Browser window [Bug Fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3601 Released
Monday, April 8 2019, 4:45 pm - 309 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash on streaming big files from loop browser [Bug Fix]
Loop browser remembers working category on reopening [Improvement]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.5 Beta Build 3600 Released
Monday, April 1 2019, 9:30 am - 310 weeks ago
Discover our new Loop Browser and make music with a couple of clicks! Choose your favourite genre - then preview, download, drag and drop samples to help shape your next masterpiece. There are loop packages that cater to all tastes, and even space to add your own custom loops and sample folders [New feature]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Build 3572 Released
Monday, February 25 2019, 5:30 pm - 315 weeks ago
Fixed bug in which the Songtree window doesn't show the songs waveforms (Windows) [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Build 3571 Released
Wednesday, February 13 2019, 5:00 pm - 317 weeks ago
Fixed bug in which MIDI keyboards cannot drive two or more MIDI tracks simoultaneously [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic bug in which the output of a step sequencer track becomes muted on changing drum kits from the instruments browser [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic noise burst that could lead to application crash when using the nEfx/DirectX Reverb on stereo tracks [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on loading songs containing VST3 plug-ins [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash on bouncing freezed tracks [Bug Fix]
Fixed bug on cloning MIDI tracks [Bug Fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Build 3570 Released
Wednesday, January 23 2019, 5:30 pm - 320 weeks ago
Fixed overdubbed track remains muted on undoing punch-in recording [Bug Fix]
Fixed playback starts even if "Ready to record" box is still displayed [Bug Fix]
Fixed sometimes rec button becomes disabled on stopping recording during count-in [Bug Fix]
Reorganized punch-in menu (Shift + click on the Punch-in/Count-in button) [Improvement]
Added "Start recording where stopped" option (listed in the punch-in menu) [New feature]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Build 3569 Released
Thursday, January 3 2019, 6:30 pm - 323 weeks ago
Fixed crash on change eq curve when sonogram and tuner are displayed [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on downloading packages from the Add-On Manager[Bug Fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Build 3568 Released
Friday, December 14 2018, 6:00 pm - 325 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash on adding virtual instruments from the instruments browser [Bug Fix]
Fixed graphical glitches during mixer scrolling (Windows) [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on adding Pure Data plug-ins [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash on importing mp3 file on Windows N (Windows) [Bug Fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Build 3567 Released
Friday, December 7 2018, 2:30 pm - 326 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash on adding multiple outputs VSTis [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash on moving n-Track Parametric EQ bands (Windows) [Bug Fix]
Fixed n-Track 64 bit sometimes doesn't load DirectX plug-ins when opening projects saved with n-Track 32 bit (Windows) [Bug Fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Build 3566 Released
Wednesday, November 28 2018, 6:30 pm - 328 weeks ago
Fixed bug in which external instruments menu is empty when reached from Instrument browser [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on exchanging tracks order [Bug Fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Build 3565 Released
Tuesday, November 27 2018, 7:00 pm - 328 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic bug in which audio parts would become muted after punch-in recording [Bug Fix]
Fixed bug in which spectrum ignores its settings managed from context menu [Bug Fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Build 3564 Released
Tuesday, November 20 2018, 6:00 pm - 329 weeks ago
Fixed crash on selecting Metronome output from Metronome control panel [Bug Fix]
Fixed cycle recording when using Punch-in feature [Bug Fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Build 3563 Released
Sunday, November 11 2018, 2:00 pm - 330 weeks ago
Fixed songs imported from n-Track 8 may sometimes have tracks that are muted during recording [Bug Fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Build 3562 Released
Monday, November 5 2018, 2:00 pm - 331 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash on adding instrument from Instruments browser [Bug Fix]
Fixed missing Multitap Delay effect on Windows [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 9.0.2 Released
Thursday, November 1 2018, 2:00 pm - 332 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v9.0.1 to v9.0.2:
New Convolution Reverb plugin: emulate the reverberation of real world rooms, churches and cathedrals. Includes a built-in impulses starter pack and the possibility to download many other ones [New feature]
Improved Audio Engine performance, decrased possibility of audio glitches at very low latencies [Improvement]
Simplified tracks management by adding Instruments plug-ins on MIDI tracks instead of creating separate Instrument channels. You can now add effects and volume/pan envelopes to MIDI tracks [Improvement]
Improved VocalTune plug-in performance [Improvement]
Simplified the "File" main menu [Improvement]
Fixed sporadic bug on changing Quick Rhythms that caused n-Track to play a rhythm different from the selected one [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic noise burst on rewinding or seeking songs containing MIDI tracks with n-Track Sampler [Bug fix]
Fixed widgets handling of overlapped parts [Bug fix]
Fixed graphic issues VocalTune plug-ins windows on high resolution monitors (Win) [Bug Fix]
Fixed case in which audio would become muted when a track volume envelope starts from -Inf [Bug Fix]
Various UI improvements [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Beta Build 3558 Released
Wednesday, October 31 2018, 4:00 pm - 332 weeks ago
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Beta Build 3557 Released
Monday, October 29 2018, 2:00 pm - 332 weeks ago
Fixed graphic issues on Convolverb and VocalTune plug-ins windows on high resolution monitors (Win) [Bug Fix]
Various UI improvements [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Beta Build 3556 Released
Friday, October 19 2018, 4:00 pm - 333 weeks ago
Fixed case in which audio would become muted when a track volume envelope starts from -Inf [Bug Fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Beta Build 3555 Released
Thursday, October 11 2018, 5:00 pm - 335 weeks ago
Fixed crash on opening track EQ [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Beta Build 3553 Released
Friday, October 5 2018, 5:00 pm - 335 weeks ago
Fixed crash on loading 32 bit plug-ins with n-Track 64 bit[Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Beta Build 3552 Released
Tuesday, October 2 2018, 5:30 pm - 336 weeks ago
Fixed crash on opening n-Track Parametric EQ DirectX plug-in [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Beta Build 3551 Released
Tuesday, October 2 2018, 10:30 am - 336 weeks ago
Fixed widgets handling of overlapped parts [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on opening n-Track Amps plug-ins [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.2 Beta Build 3550 Released
Tuesday, September 4 2018, 6:00 pm - 340 weeks ago
New Convolution Reverb plugin: emulate the reverberation of real world rooms, churches and cathedrals. Includes a built-in impulses starter pack and the possibility to download many other ones [New feature]
Improved Audio Engine performance, decrased possibility of audio glitches at very low latencies [Improvement]
Simplified tracks management by adding Instruments plug-ins on MIDI tracks instead of creating separate Instrument channels. You can now add effects and volume/pan envelopes to MIDI tracks [Improvement]
Improved VocalTune plug-in performance [Improvement]
Fixed sporadic bug on changing Quick Rhythms that caused n-Track to play a rhythm different from the selected one [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic noise burst on rewinding or seeking songs containing MIDI tracks with n-Track Sampler [Bug fix]
Various UI improvements [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 9.0.1 Released
Friday, July 27 2018, 4:30 pm - 345 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v9.0.0 to v9.0.1:
Added full support to Wasapi, the low latency Windows native audio drivers (Windows) [Improvement]
Improved the input routing: the tracks remember their last input and can be quickly armed/disarmed for recording [Improvement]
Improved VocalTune processing speed [Improvement]
Improved multiple channels operations management: apply certains timeline context menu features to all selected tracks (change output, add effects, clone and much more) [Improvement]
Ctrl + '+'/'-' shortcut to nudge selected parts offset [New feature]
M / Shift+M shorcut to mute/solo selected channels [New feature]
Fixed "cut and move left" feature when multiple parts from multiple channels are selected [Bug fix]
Fixed changes to envelopes of Groups, Aux, Instruments and Master are not applied if option "Apply edit to all selected tracks" is enabled [Bug fix] Fixed crash on loading songs with more than one n-Track Guitar Amp instance [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on loading soundfonts in n-Track Sampler from its file picker [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on changing Metronome output [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic bug causing project to be saved inside the n-Track configuration folder [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on loading bridged n-Track Sampler [Bug fix]
Fixed wrong MIDI events playback of bridged VST3 instruments [Bug fix]
Fixed widgets actions applied to wrong part after having changed its Z order using "Bring to front" or "Send to back" features [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on clicking on the DirectX settings button in the toolbar on the top of the plug-in window [Bug fix]
Fixed memory leak during playback [Bug Fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.1 Beta Build 3533 Released
Tuesday, July 24 2018, 1:30 pm - 346 weeks ago
Improved VocalTune processing speed [Improvement]
Fixed crash on loading bridged n-Track Sampler [Bug fix]
Fixed wrong MIDI events playback of bridged VST3 instruments [Bug fix]
Fixed widgets actions applied to wrong part after having changed its Z order using "Bring to front" or "Send to back" features [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on clicking on the DirectX settings button in the toolbar on the top of the plug-in window [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.1 Beta Build 3532 Released
Thursday, June 28 2018, 3:45 pm - 350 weeks ago
Fixed "cut and move left" feature when multiple parts from multiple channels are selected [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic bug causing project to be saved inside the n-Track configuration folder [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.1 Beta Build 3531 Released
Tuesday, June 26 2018, 4:30 pm - 350 weeks ago
Improved support for Wasapi drivers when working in shared mode (Windows) [Improvement]
Fixed some USB audio devices don't work using Wasapi drivers in exclusive mode (Windows) [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.1 Beta Build 3530 Released
Thursday, June 14 2018, 9:00 am - 352 weeks ago
Fixed crash on selecting unsupported sampling rate when using WasAPI audio drivers [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.1 Beta Build 3529 Released
Thursday, June 7 2018, 4:45 pm - 353 weeks ago
Fixed crash on selecting WasAPI audio drivers (Windows 7) [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on changing Metronome output [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.1 Beta Build 3528 Released
Monday, June 4 2018, 3:45 pm - 353 weeks ago
Improved multiple channels operations management: apply certains timeline context menu features to all selected tracks (change output, add effects, clone and much more) [Improvement]
Fixed changes to envelopes of Groups, Aux, Instruments and Master are not applied if option "Apply edit to all selected tracks" is enabled [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.1 Beta Build 3527 Released
Wednesday, May 30 2018, 6:30 pm - 354 weeks ago
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.1 Beta Build 3526 Released
Tuesday, May 15 2018, 4:30 pm - 356 weeks ago
Fixed crash on loading songs with more than one n-Track Guitar Amp instance [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on loading soundfonts in n-Track Sampler from its file picker [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.1 Beta Build 3525 Released
Wednesday, May 2 2018, 2:40 pm - 358 weeks ago
Added full support to Wasapi, the low latency Windows native audio drivers (Windows) [Improvement]
Improved the input routing: the tacks remember their last input and can be quickly armed/disarmed for recording [Improvement]
Ctrl + '+' or '-' to nudge selected parts offset [New feature]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.0 Released
Tuesday, March 27 2018, 1:40 pm - 363 weeks ago
Main changes since n-Track Studio 8:
Redesigned user interface [New feature]
New Guitar amp plugin [New feature]
New Bass amp plugin [New feature]
New VocalTune vocal pitch correction plugin [New feature]
Improvements in the timeline editing including trimming multiple selected parts [Improvement]
Various improvements in the Piano Roll and in handling MIDI parts [Improvement]
Added screen drum controller which you can map to your computer keyboard [New feature]
The screen MIDI keyboard can now too be controller by the computer keyboard [New feature]
Improved Quick Grooves [New feature]

To activate this version you need to have purchased n-Track Studio 8 or 9 on or after September 17th 2017
If you purchase before that date you can upgrade to version 9 here

n-Track Studio v9.0.0 Beta Build 3507 Released
Friday, February 23 2018, 6:30 pm - 367 weeks ago
Minor bug fixes and improvements [Bug fix]
This is a Release Candidate version of n-Track Studio 9.0
Note: unlike previous betas to activate this version you need to have purchased n-Track Studio 8 or 9 on or after September 17th 2017
If you purchase before that date you can upgrade to version 9 here

n-Track Studio v9.0.0 Beta Build 3506 Released
Friday, February 16 2018, 5:30 pm - 368 weeks ago
Minor bug fixes and improvements [Bug fix]
This is a Release Candidate version of n-Track Studio 9.0
Note: unlike previous betas to activate this version you need to have purchased n-Track Studio 8 or 9 on or after September 17th 2017
If you purchase before that date you can upgrade to version 9 here

n-Track Studio v9.0.0 Beta Build 3505 Released
Friday, February 9 2018, 3:30 pm - 369 weeks ago
Fixed rare bug causing n-Track didn't start after using 32 bit plug-ins with n-Track 64 bit (Mac) [Bug fix]
Fixed memory leak on working on a large number of projects in the same session [Bug fix]
Minor changes to skin colors [Bug fix]
Minor bug fixes and improvements [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.0 Beta Build 3504 Released
Monday, January 22 2018, 9:30 pm - 372 weeks ago
Minor bug fixes and improvements [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.0 Beta Build 3503 Released
Wednesday, January 17 2018, 5:00 pm - 373 weeks ago
Added Stereo Image view to Eq window [New feature]
Redesigned Eq window [New feature]
Redesigned main toolbar: manage the toolbar buttons using three groups (center and both sides) [New feature]
Minor bug fixes and improvements [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.0 Beta Build 3502 Released
Friday, January 5 2018, 5:30 pm - 374 weeks ago
New pitch correction builtin plugin [New feature]
Trim/Extend an audio/MIDI part will apply to all the selected parts [New feature]
Minor bug fixes and improvements [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.0 Beta Build 3501 Released
Wednesday, December 20 2017, 2:30 pm - 377 weeks ago
Fixed loss of performance with Main mixer window and Pianoroll window opened [Bug fix]
Fixed error on product activation [Bug fix]
Minor bug fixes and improvements [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v9.0.0 Beta Build 3500 Released
Monday, December 18 2017, 11:00 am - 377 weeks ago
Redesigned user interface [New feature]
New Guitar amp plugin [New feature]
New Bass amp plugin [New feature]
Added screen drum controller which you can map to your computer keyboard [New feature]
The screen MIDI keyboard can now too be controller by the computer keyboard [New feature]
Improved Quick Grooves [New feature]
Various improvements in the Piano Roll and in handling MIDI parts [Improvement]

n-Track Studio 8.1.4 Build 3464 Released
Friday, August 25 2017, 11:30 am - 394 weeks ago
Fixed crash on opening n-Track Parametric EQ (Windows) [Bug fix]
Fixed Instrument browser doesn't show the 32 bit plug-ins list when using n-Track 64 bit [Bug fix]
Fixed error on opening 32 bit AU plug-ins when using n-Track 64 bit (Mac) [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1.4 Build 3463 Released
Monday, August 14 2017, 1:30 pm - 395 weeks ago
Fixed built-in Metronome output menu [Bug fix]
Fixed n-Track Drums editor not showing kits downloaded from the Add-On Manager [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1.4 Released
Friday, August 4 2017, 5:00 pm - 396 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v8.1.3 to v8.1.4:
Added Share window: click on the "Share" button on the main toolbar for quickly export or upload your song and optionally share it with the Songtree Community [New feature]
Added "Loop" part widget: trim or indent the recorded part, snap it to the grid and the drag it from the "Loop" widget to create a perfectly timed beat [New feature]
Added bypass for global speed and transpose processing: click on the button in the transport bar to enable/disable the effects and to show/hide the controls [Improvement]
Improved multiple download of the Add-On Manager packages [Improvement]
Reduced application installer size [Improvement]
Fixed crash on switching tab while downloading a product from the Add-On Manager [Bug fix]
Minor bug fixes and improvements [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.4 Beta Build 3461 Released
Friday, July 28 2017, 4:00 pm - 397 weeks ago
Reduced application installer size [Improvement]
Minor bug fixes and improvements [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.4 Beta Build 3460 Released
Tuesday, July 18 2017, 4:30 pm - 399 weeks ago
Added Share window: click on the "Share" button on the main toolbar for quickly export or upload your song and optionally share it with the Songtree Community [New feature]
Added "Loop" part widget: trim or indent the recorded part, snap it to the grid and the drag it from the "Loop" widget to create a perfectly timed beat [New feature]
Added bypass for global speed and transpose processing: click on the button in the transport bar to enable/disable the effects and to show/hide the controls [Improvement]
Improved multiple download of the Add-On Manager packages [Improvement]
Fixed crash on switching tab while downloading a product from the Add-On Manager [Bug fix]
Minor bug fixes and improvements [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1.3 Build 3446 Released
Tuesday, July 4 2017, 3:00 pm - 401 weeks ago
Fixed wrong output routing of MIDI tracks on loading songs containing Virtual Instruments and effects that accept MIDI commands[Bug fix]
Fixed "Output to" sub-menu of timeline context menu [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1.3 Build 3445 Released
Tuesday, June 27 2017, 3:30 pm - 402 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash on opening MIDI track properties [Bug fix]
Fixed "Electronic Elements" add-on product remains in a "Not installed" state even after installation (Windows) [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1.3 Build 3444 Released
Tuesday, June 13 2017, 3:00 pm - 404 weeks ago
Fixed minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1.3 Released
Monday, June 12 2017, 4:30 pm - 404 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v8.1.2 to v8.1.3:
Added instrument browser for quickly browsing and adding virtual instruments: click a MIDI channel output to open the window and browse instruments [New feature]
Added Add-on Manager window to install extra sound content like drum kits and virtual instruments [New feature]
Added login with Facebook and Google: purchase and activate your copy of n-Track Studio or any add-on using your Facebook or Google account [New feature]
Redesigned launch menu with easy access to recent projects [Improvement]
Fixed mixdown window not closing during live mixdown [Bug fix]
Fixed remixing songs from Songtree Community with names containing special characters [Bug fix]
Various UI improvements [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.3 Beta Build 3442 Released
Friday, June 9 2017, 2:00 pm - 405 weeks ago
Added login with Facebook and Google+: purchase and activate your copy of n-Track Studio or any add-on using your Facebook or Google+ account [New feature]
Various UI improvements [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.3 Beta Build 3441 Released
Friday, May 26 2017, 4:30 pm - 406 weeks ago
Fixed minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.3 Beta Build 3440 Released
Thursday, May 25 2017, 11:30 am - 407 weeks ago
Various UI improvements [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.2 Build 3429 Released
Wednesday, May 24 2017, 5:30 pm - 407 weeks ago
Fixed download from Songtree Community of files with name containing not allowed chars[Bug fix]
Various UI improvements [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.3 Beta Build 3428 Released
Friday, May 19 2017, 4:00 pm - 407 weeks ago
Fixed mixdown window remains displayed during online mixdown [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.3 Beta Build 3427 Released
Wednesday, May 10 2017, 4:00 pm - 409 weeks ago
Various UI improvements [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.3 Beta Build 3426 Released
Friday, May 5 2017, 6:30 pm - 409 weeks ago
Add-on Manager shows progress bar during products download [Improvement]
Fixed crash on changing intrument kind from the instrument browser [Bug fix]
Fixed spordic crash on closing Songtree Community window [Bug fix]
Minor bug fixes and UI improvements [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.3 Beta Build 3425 Released
Friday, April 28 2017, 5:30 pm - 410 weeks ago
Added instrument browser for quickly browsing and adding virtual instruments: click a MIDI channel output to open the window and browse instruments [New feature]
Added Add-on Manager window to install extra sound content like drum kits and virtual instruments [New feature]
Redesigned launch menu with easy access to recent projects [Improvement]
Minor bug fixes and improvements [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.2 Build 3422 Released
Friday, March 24 2017, 5:30 pm - 415 weeks ago
Improved effects browser opening time [Improvement]
Fixed trasport bar takes the whole screen when docked as rebar (Windows) [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.2 Build 3421 Released
Wednesday, March 15 2017, 4:30 pm - 417 weeks ago
Added German and Russian translations of quick tips and quick guide texts [Improvement]
Fixed sporadic crash when selecting Asio4All audio drivers (Windows) [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1.2 Released
Monday, March 13 2017, 10:00 pm - 417 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v8.1.0 to v8.1.2:
Added Quick Guide window: discover how to setup your project or how to perform common tasks [New feature]
Added controls Quick Tips: move the mouse over a control to get info about its function [New feature]
"Flex time": stretch the audio or MIDI parts preserving the pitch by dragging the right side widget [New feature]
Fixed compatibility issues with Apple synth and the Apple Sampler (Mac) [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crashes on docking floating windows [Bug fix]
Various UI improvements [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.2 Beta Build 3417 Released
Monday, March 6 2017, 7:00 pm - 418 weeks ago
Added quick tips and quick guide texts in italian language [Improvement]
Fixed sporadic crash on docking floating windows [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.2 Beta Build 3414 Released
Monday, February 27 2017, 2:30 pm - 419 weeks ago
Added new quick tips for the step sequencer, the main toolbar and other windows [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.2 Beta Build 3413 Released
Tuesday, February 21 2017, 1:30 pm - 420 weeks ago
Fixed recording over an existing part doesn't add a new take [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on start recording [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.2 Beta Build 3411 Released
Friday, February 17 2017, 6:30 pm - 420 weeks ago
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.2 Beta Build 3410 Released
Friday, February 10 2017, 1:00 pm - 422 weeks ago
Added Quick Guide window: discover how to setup your project or how to do the common operations [Improvement]
Added controls Quick Tips: enable the "T" button on the transport bar and move the mouse over a control to get info about its function [Improvement]
The Apple synth and the Apple Sampler now work properly (Mac) [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.0 Build 3409 Released
Friday, January 27 2017, 4:00 pm - 423 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic freezing on plugging/unplugging USB devices during recording [Bug fix]
Fixed crash when exporting AAF projects containing stereo tracks [Bug fix]
Fixed rare crash uploading a song to Songtree community [Bug fix]
Fixed splash screen hanging on application startup (Mac) [Bug fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.0 Build 3408 Released
Monday, January 16 2017, 10:00 am - 425 weeks ago
Fixed drawing of selected parts during free selection on the timeline [Bug fix]
Fixed sometimes waveform drag crosshair widget doesn't respond to the first click [Bug fix]
Fixed waveform refresh on changing settings from track/part properties window [Bug fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.0 Build 3407 Released
Wednesday, December 21 2016, 7:00 pm - 429 weeks ago
Fixed Zoom buttons in the main toolbar not working on Windows [Bug fix]
Fixed rare crash on changing track Eq from the Spectrum window settings [Bug fix]
Fixed rare crash during the mixdown process [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1.0 Build 3406 Released
Tuesday, December 20 2016, 12:30 pm - 429 weeks ago
Fixed crash adding buttons to the main toolbar [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on loading a song with track properties window opened [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic crash decoding mp3 file on Windows [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio 8.1 Released
Tuesday, December 13 2016, 3:00 pm - 430 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v8.0.1 to v8.1:
The main toolbar can now be fully customized: add/remove, sort and group buttons, use the main toolbar as a floating window [New Feature]
Vastly improved responsiveness when working on large projects [Improvement]
Volume ramping fixes clicks when using the Normalize command on portions of a track [New Feature]
The reverse playback direction is now honored when mixing down - i.e. you can now create a reverse playback mixdown [New Feature]
n-Track now restores the state of automation envelopes (i.e. which automation is displayed on which track) when reloading a song [New Feature]
Added pattern following during playback on Step Sequencer [New Feature]
Redesigned integrated Songtree community [Improvement]
Native support for mp3 files on Windows - encode/decode a .mp3 file without downloading external codecs [Improvement]
Improved pattern and playlist items dragging on Step Sequencer [Improvement]
Various UI improvements [Improvement]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1 Beta Build 3400 Released
Friday, December 2 2016, 5:00 pm - 431 weeks ago
Added possibility to undock the main toolbar [Improvement]
Fixed sporadic crash when making a selection on the timeline if transport window is closed [Bug fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1 Beta Build 3398 Released
Friday, November 11 2016, 5:00 pm - 434 weeks ago
Improved scrolling speed of the work space when working on large projects [Improvement]
Various UI improvements and minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.1 Beta Build 3397 Released
Friday, October 21 2016, 6:00 pm - 437 weeks ago
Perfomance speed improved [Improvement]
Redesigned integrated Songtree community [Improvement]
Native support for mp3 files on Windows - encode/decode a .mp3 file without downloading any codec [Improvement]
Smooth edges on the start/end of a normalized audio selection [New Feature]
Reverse mixdown when playback is backward [New Feature]
Added saving of channel automation display status [New Feature]
Improved pattern and playlist items dragging on built-in Step Sequencer [Improvement]
Added pattern following during playback on built-in Step Sequencer [New Feature]
Fixed a number of minor bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0.1 Build 3396 Released
Friday, May 13 2016, 10:00 am - 461 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash importing AAF files [Bug fix]
Volume and pan envelopes are now imported from AAF files [Improvement]
Fixed crash enabling the 'Send new tracks to all aux channels' option [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0.1 Build 3394 Released
Wednesday, April 27 2016, 10:00 am - 463 weeks ago
Fixed erros reloading packed song file when the original songs contains paths outside the song folder [Bug fix]
Fixed opening part properties box on a part that is not selected would not make the properties appear [Bug fix]
Fixed sometimes default song save path is n-Track private data folder instead of Documents or Music folder [Bug fix]
Fixed a number of minur bugs and crashes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3391 Released
Friday, April 15 2016, 2:00 pm - 465 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash clicking opening track properties box [Bug fix]
Fixed sluggishness when using a track with many parts [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3385 Released
Wednesday, March 23 2016, 2:00 pm - 468 weeks ago
Fixed install issue on Windows Vista [Bug fix]
Fixed crash on Mac when MIDI devices fail to open at startup [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3380 Released
Friday, March 11 2016, 2:00 pm - 470 weeks ago
Fixed issues uploading songs to Songtree [Bug fix]
Fixed rare crash on startup (Mac) [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3378 Released
Wednesday, February 24 2016, 4:00 pm - 472 weeks ago
Fixed crash with Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 audio device's Asio drivers [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3376 Released
Wednesday, February 17 2016, 5:00 pm - 473 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash with audio playback [Bug fix]
Fixed graphic glitches with n-Track Compressor plugin [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3375 Released
Wednesday, February 17 2016, 5:00 pm - 473 weeks ago
New presets for channel EQ [Improvement]
Fixed issues with track speed/transpose control in track properties box [Bug fix]
Fixed rare problem with n-Track Drums not correctly loading external sound banks [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3374 Released
Friday, February 5 2016, 5:00 pm - 474 weeks ago
Fixed graphic issues with some Windows DPI / resolution settings [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3373 Released
Friday, February 5 2016, 12:00 pm - 475 weeks ago
Added new presets to Tempo Delay and Multiband compressor missing in build 3372 [New Feature]
Fixed crash when last audio device selected is missing (Mac) [Bug Fix]
Minor bugs fixed [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3372 Released
Monday, February 1 2016, 5:00 pm - 475 weeks ago
New presets banks by Christian C. Thompson to n-Track plugins: Chorus, Echo Compressor, Reverb, Tremolo, Phaser, TubeAmpli, Autovol, Tempo Delay and Multiband compressor [New feature]
Fixed rare cases in which after adding a plugin to a channel results in no change to the audio [Improvement]
Minor graphic improvements to the Songtree window [Improvement]
Fixed crash when deleting a song with one or more tracks with the 'stereo independent' pan law [Bug fix]
Fixed crash when switching between 32bit and 64bit while the audio engine was running [Bug fix]
Fixed crash when changing a track between stereo and mono when using the TubeAmplifier plugin [Bug fix]
Fixed crash when changing n-Track Skin (Mac) [Bug fix]
Fixed rare crash closing the app [Bug fix]
Fixed rare crash closing the Songtree window [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3371 Released
Monday, January 25 2016, 6:00 pm - 476 weeks ago
Fixed various minor bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Released
Friday, January 22 2016, 11:00 am - 477 weeks ago
This is the official release of n-Track Studio 8, the most significant upgrade since the beginning of n-Track
Here's a recap of the new features and enhancements:
New Step Sequencer tracks: create beats, sequences or arpeggios easily with the new Step Sequencer.
One click rithm base creation: click on the add rithm button in the new startup screen to quickly create bass and drums tracks to easily start jamming
New multi-take recording mode
Control parameter automation on separate lanes for each track
Internal recording routing, i.e. you can now record from a track output (which may include live input)
Improved Audio Engine Performance: n-Track is now faster than ever and supports working with even lower audio latencies
Songtree: n-Track Studio 8 brings music collaboration inside your DAW environment. The new integrated Songtree app lets you make music with others online. Get another musician into your project, or contribute to a song started by others.
Pure Data: you can now load your Pure Data patches inside n-Track and use your favorite sounds, instruments and effects in your song

Upgrading to n-Track Studio 8
If you purchased any earlier version you can upgrade to v8 at a discounted price at http://ntrack.com/upgrade
Your purchase will help support the development of new versions of n-Track
If you purchased or upgraded to version 7.x on or after the 16th of September 2014 the upgrade to version 8.x is free.
Please contact us via the support form if you're unable to activate n-Track Studio 8
For more info on how to activate check out: http://en.ntrack.com/help/manual.html#activating-ntrack-studio

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3369 Released - Release Candidate
Thursday, January 21 2016, 5:00 pm - 477 weeks ago
Fixed soloing a muted track the track couldn't be heard [Bug fix]
Fixed missing tooltips on play, rec etc. buttons [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3368 Released - Release Candidate
Tuesday, January 19 2016, 5:00 pm - 477 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash working with audio track takes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3367 Released - Release Candidate
Tuesday, January 19 2016, 5:00 pm - 477 weeks ago
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]
Fixed sometimes reverting to non-activated state [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3366 Released - Release Candidate
Friday, January 15 2016, 7:00 pm - 477 weeks ago
Fixed upload on Songtree community[Bug fix]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3365 Released - Release Candidate
Thursday, January 14 2016, 4:00 pm - 478 weeks ago
Fixed various bugs [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3363 Released - Release Candidate
Tuesday, January 12 2016, 4:00 pm - 478 weeks ago
Updated translations [Localisation]
Initial startup screen [New feature]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3362 Released - Release Candidate
Monday, January 11 2016, 5:00 pm - 478 weeks ago
Fixed crash starting playback or recording with MME drivers and the 'Keep audio devices' open option checked [Bug fix]
Fixed incompatibilities with Mac OSX 10.8 [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Build 3360 Released - Release Candidate
Monday, January 4 2016, 5:00 pm - 479 weeks ago
n-Track Studio 8 Release Candidate
If you purchased or upgraded to version 7.x on or after the 16th of September 2014 the upgrade to version 8.x is free.
Please contact us via the support form if you're unable to activate n-Track Studio 8
For more info on how to activate check out: http://en.ntrack.com/help/manual.html#activating-ntrack-studio

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3359 Released
Thursday, December 31 2015, 5:00 pm - 480 weeks ago
Fixed memory leak leading to crash when working on large projects [Bug fix]
Stay tuned for the final non-beta version of n-Track Studio 8
Happy new year from the n-Track team!

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3357 Released
Monday, December 28 2015, 5:00 pm - 480 weeks ago
More responsive user interface when working on songs with tens of tracks [Improvement]
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3356 Released
Thursday, December 24 2015, 5:00 pm - 481 weeks ago
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3353 Released
Tuesday, December 22 2015, 6:00 pm - 481 weeks ago
Fixed selected track not highlighted in mixer [Bug fix]
Fixed compatibility issues with Mac OSX 10.9 and earlier [Bug fix]
Fixed rare crash using n-Track Drums [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3352 Released
Friday, December 18 2015, 6:00 pm - 481 weeks ago
Fixed noise when starting recording with count-in enabled [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3351 Released
Friday, December 18 2015, 6:00 pm - 481 weeks ago
Fixed press rec button during recording no longer restarted recording to a new take [Bug fix]
Fixed rare crash using n-Track Drums [Bug fix]
Fixed double clicking on time axis sometimes not starting playback [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3350 Released
Wednesday, December 16 2015, 7:00 pm - 482 weeks ago
Fixed crash after a few seconds of MIDI playback [Bug fix]
Fixed graphic glitches in step sequencer [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3348 Released
Monday, December 14 2015, 7:00 pm - 482 weeks ago
Minor bug fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3342 Released
Friday, November 27 2015, 7:00 pm - 484 weeks ago
Fixed minor bugs on Songtree Window [Bug fix]
Minor fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3341 Released
Friday, November 20 2015, 5:00 pm - 485 weeks ago
Click over a solo (S) or mute (M) button on the mixer, then drag to apply the mute or solo to adjacent channels [New Feature]
Fixed incorrect errors when an Asio audio driver is not working correctly [Bug fix]
Fixed missing MIDI output devices names in Settings -> MIDI devices box [Bug fix]
Fixed rare crash when starting playback when one ore more selected MIDI devices are missing [Bug fix]
Fixed minor bugs on Songtree Window [Bug fix]
Songtree improvements: import from solo track, sharing and login with Google and Facebook [Improvement]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3340 Released
Wednesday, November 11 2015, 2:00 pm - 487 weeks ago
Fixed upload on Songtree community sometimes failing with files with uppercase .WAV extension [Bug fix]
Fixed button to send Songtree comments not working on Windows [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3337 Released
Wednesday, November 4 2015, 3:00 pm - 488 weeks ago
Fixed upload on Songtree community sometimes failing [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3336 Released
Tuesday, November 3 2015, 2:00 pm - 488 weeks ago
Integrated Songtree collaborative music creation community [New feature]
- press the Songtree button to instantly post your song online and let others record over it, or
- explore the Songtree community, find a track you like and overdub it
Minor fixes and graphic redesign [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3335 Released
Tuesday, September 22 2015, 7:00 pm - 494 weeks ago
Fixed bug causing mixdown to ignore VST parameters automation [Bug fix]
Fixed bug on surround configuration routing [Bug fix]
Fixed lag on start playback after track transposing [Bug fix]
Fixed sluggish namebar vertical scrolling [Bug fix]
Fixed bug causing aux channels to not return to master [Bug fix]
Improved drag and drop of multiple files [Improvement]
Minor fixes and graphic redesign [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3334 Released
Friday, September 11 2015, 9:00 pm - 495 weeks ago
Fixed crash on program shutdown [Bug fix]
Fixed some missing fonts and bitmaps [Bug fix]
Fixed sporadic bug causing MIDI tracks to skip notes during playback [Bug fix]
Improved performance during playback of a song with large number of tracks [Improvement]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3333 Released
Monday, September 7 2015, 1:00 pm - 496 weeks ago
Redesigned graphics [Improvement]
New n-Track PD synth [New Feature]
Support for 32 bit floating point format for Asio audio devices [New Feature]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3332 Released
Wednesday, August 5 2015, 1:00 pm - 501 weeks ago
Fixed reloading a song sometimes would make plugins stop working [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3330 Released
Friday, July 24 2015, 1:00 pm - 503 weeks ago
Fixed track volume not working correctly on tracks that used the fade waveform widget [Bug fix]
Fixed crash closing a project with a surround track [Bug fix]
Minor bugs fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3329 Released
Friday, July 24 2015, 1:00 pm - 503 weeks ago
Fixed audio would briefly click when stopping playback when using effects or synths with long audio tails [Improvement]
Fixed problems enabling Count-in and punch-in starting to record from the beginning of the song [Bug fix]
Fixed crash hiding a track during playback (Windows) [Bug fix]
Don?t create track if there?s at least one armed on start recording [Bug fix]
Fixed rare cases of excessive memory usage [Bug fix]
Minor fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3328 Released
Tuesday, July 7 2015, 7:00 pm - 505 weeks ago
Fixed bug causing n-Track to not start on Windows XP (Windows) [Bug fix]
Fixed wrong effects list view refreshing after effect dragging [Bug fix]
Minor bugs fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3326 Released
Friday, July 3 2015, 4:00 pm - 505 weeks ago
Support for encoding and decoding m4a and aac audio files (Windows) [New Feature]
Minor bugs fixes [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3324 Released
Thursday, June 25 2015, 3:00 pm - 507 weeks ago
Added 'go to marker at index' to external MIDI controller actions list [New feature]
Added external MIDI controller support for changing the step sequencer current pattern [Improvement]
Added musical scale presets on step sequencer [New feature]
Fixed crash on closing signal path window (Mac) [Bug Fix]
Minor fixes on USB audio devices auto detection [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3323 Released
Friday, May 29 2015, 3:00 pm - 510 weeks ago
Fixed freezing for a few seconds after opening song file [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3322 Released
Thursday, May 28 2015, 7:00 pm - 511 weeks ago
MIDI export of a step sequencer pattern [New Feature]
Quick rhythm creation [New Feature]
Minor fixes [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3321 Released
Friday, May 22 2015, 5:00 pm - 511 weeks ago
Audio/MIDI USB devices plug and play [New Feature]
Added playlist import/export on step sequencer [New Feature]
Added real time progress indicator on step sequencer [New Feature]
Fixed crash on opening track properties with timeline track mixer closed [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3320 Released
Wednesday, May 6 2015, 10:00 am - 514 weeks ago
Ctrl + Rec button (or Ctrl + 0) during recording deletes last take and re-starts recording [New Feature]
Fixed lag between rec click and the recording start (Windows + Asio drivers) [Bug Fix]
Added 'Create N channels' command [New Feature]
Improved 'missing audio files' dialog with 'Apply to all missing files' checkbox [Improvement]
Improved velocity editing on step sequencer [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3319 Released
Tuesday, April 28 2015, 3:00 pm - 515 weeks ago
Shortcuts for changing playback speed, to increase/decrease selected track volume and to increase/decrease playback start offset, work even if main window loses the focus [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic crash on right clicking on timeline, when envelopes drawing mode is enabled [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic crash muting parts [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3318 Released
Friday, April 24 2015, 4:00 pm - 515 weeks ago
Fixed issues with n-Track Sampler not correctly loading the sound banks [Bug Fix]
Fixed issues with volume/pan automation for MIDI tracks [Bug Fix]
Volume/pan automation for step sequencer tracks [New Feature]
Minor fixes and UI improvement [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3317 Released
Wednesday, April 22 2015, 8:00 am - 516 weeks ago
Fixed volume slider changes not applying during playback (Windows) [Bug Fix]
Fixed spurious warnings caused by 32 bit plugins scanned from 64 bit VST scan [Bug Fix]
Step sequencer output can be routed to MIDI output [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3316 Released
Wednesday, April 15 2015, 4:00 pm - 517 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash on loading a song from the latests songs in file menu [Bug Fix]
Fixes issues dragging and dropping files into n-Track (Mac) [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash on loading Pure Data Vocoder [Bug Fix]
Fixed audio glitches on changing track volume when playback is over the last node [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3315 Released
Friday, April 10 2015, 4:00 pm - 517 weeks ago
Fixed recorded parts sometimes had wrong offset [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash deleting tracks just recorded [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3315 Released
Friday, April 10 2015, 4:00 pm - 517 weeks ago
Fixed recorded parts sometimes had wrong offset [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash deleting tracks just recorded [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3314 Released
Friday, April 3 2015, 4:00 pm - 518 weeks ago
Fixed minor bugs with on-screen keyboards [Bug Fix]
Improved compatibility with iZotope Nectar[Improvement]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3312 Released
Friday, March 27 2015, 4:00 pm - 519 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash in bridged plugins [Bug Fix]
Fixed some instrument channels appeared in mixer group channels [Bug Fix]
Fixed graphical glitches on Screen MIDI keyboard
Fixed crash toggling track live echo button [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3311 Released
Friday, March 27 2015, 4:00 pm - 519 weeks ago
Fixed errors opening n-Track 8 when version 7 was also installed [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash in n-Track PD on 64 bit version [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v8.0 Beta Build 3305 Released
Wednesday, March 18 2015, 5:00 pm - 521 weeks ago
Redesigned takes lanes with sub-tracks [New Feature]
Redesigned envelope drawing: you can now select which envelope to show per track, with multiple envelopes per track available via sub-tracks [New Feature]
Beat Doctor lets you split tracks based on audio transients [New Feature]
Multiple envelope shapes available (slow start, slow end, bezier) - click near envelope node to change the node shape [New Feature]
Built-in Step Sequencer - create a step sequencer track and visually program the track MIDI patterns [New Feature]
n-Track PD mudular effect/instrument: based on PureData visual audio programming language, n-Track PD allows loading presets made with PureData to quickly creatae effects and instruments [New Feature]
Redesigned track properties box [New Feature]
Record a new track from any channel in the song [New Feature]
Support for REX files [New Feature]
Support for Flac audio files on 64 bit version on Windows [New Feature]
Piano Roll MIDI step recording [New Feature]
Fade in-out part widget (quickly fade a part without using envelopes) [New Feature]
The Beta version accepts v7.x registration codes. The final v8.0 will require v8.x registration codes.

n-Track Studio 7.1.2 Build 3277 Released
Tuesday, November 4 2014, 4:00 pm - 540 weeks ago
Fixed opening Piano Roll windows sometimes would change the zoom level in the timeline view [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash closing a song with certain kinds of VST3 instruments [Bug Fix]
Fixed plugins properties boxes sometimes closing when playback was stopped or when parts were dragged [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.1.2 Build 3276 Released
Wednesday, September 17 2014, 4:00 pm - 547 weeks ago
Fixed error loading songs saved with very old versions of n-Track [Bug Fix]
Fixed graphical glitches with some VST plugins that resize their windows [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.1.2 Build 3275 Released
Thursday, September 4 2014, 9:00 am - 549 weeks ago
Fixed crash when Arial font is not installed on system (Mac) [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.1 and n-Track for Mac 2.2 Released
Wednesday, April 23 2014, 6:00 pm - 568 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v7.0.3 to v7.1:
Redesigned Piano Roll window, you can now edit multiple MIDI tracks in a single Piano Roll [New Feature]
Support for OMF and AAF interchange files: import and export AAF, import OMF files [New Feature]
n-Track Drums step sequencer now has up to 24 tracks [New Feature]
New n-Track Sampler soundfont player with built-in General MIDI sound bank [New Feature]
Sync with Video window now available in Mac version [Ported Feature]
Various improvements and bug fixes [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.1 and n-Track for Mac 2.2 Beta Build 3244 Released
Wednesday, April 16 2014, 5:00 pm - 569 weeks ago
Fixed crash selecting a MIDI track with both piano-roll and track properties box open [Bug Fix]
Minor changes to piano-roll window [Improvement]
Fixed context menu not appearing in n-Track ParametricEQ plug-in [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.1 and n-Track for Mac 2.2 Beta Build 3243 Released
Friday, April 11 2014, 5:00 pm - 569 weeks ago
Fixed 3D spectrum button missing from track EQ window [Bug Fix]
Fixed noise bursts when unmuting tracks that have crossfaded parts [Bug Fix]
Exporting AAF files now works with stereo audio tracks [Improvement]
Channel output can now be set to tracks and aux channels [New Feature]

n-Track Studio 7.1 and n-Track for Mac 2.2 Beta Build 3242 Released
Wednesday, April 9 2014, 5:00 pm - 570 weeks ago
Fixed crash when using two instances of n-Track Drums [Bug Fix]
Fixed Silence selection command not working on Mac [Bug Fix]
Tooltips when mouse hover on envelope node added on Mac version [Ported feature]

n-Track Studio 7.1 and n-Track for Mac 2.2 Beta Build 3240 Released
Monday, April 7 2014, 4:00 pm - 570 weeks ago
Fixed crash editing volume envelopes [Bug Fix]
Reduced Mac version download size [Improvement]

n-Track Studio 7.1 and n-Track for Mac 2.2 Beta Build 3239 Released
Friday, April 4 2014, 4:00 pm - 570 weeks ago
Minor bugs fixed in Piano Roll and n-Track Sampler [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 2.2 Beta Build 3234 Released
Monday, March 17 2014, 11:00 am - 573 weeks ago
Fixed MIDI input from external devices not working (Mac) [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.1 and n-Track for Mac 2.2 Beta Build 3233 Released
Friday, March 14 2014, 5:00 pm - 573 weeks ago
Sync with video window now available in Mac version [Ported Feature]
Fixed crash in n-Track Drums in 32 bit version [Bug Fix]
n-Track Sampler allows loading custom sound banks [Enhancement]

n-Track Studio 7.1 and n-Track for Mac 2.2 Beta Build 3232 Released
Wednesday, March 5 2014, 6:00 pm - 575 weeks ago
PianoRoll: fixed problems with copy and paste [Bug Fix]
PianoRoll: fixed flickering on Windows [Bug Fix]
PianoRoll: fixed note properties box not making changes [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.1 and n-Track for Mac 2.2 Beta Build 3230 Released
Friday, February 28 2014, 11:00 am - 576 weeks ago
Redesigned Piano Roll window, you can now edit multiple MIDI tracks in a single Piano Roll [New Feature]
Support for OMF and AAF interchange files: import and export AAF, import OMF files [New Feature]
n-Track Drums step sequencer now has up to 24 tracks [New Feature]
New n-Track Sampler built-in General MIDI instrument (Windows) [New Feature]
Various n-Track Drums improvements and bug fixes [Bug Fix]
Fixed recording in mono format not working (Mac) [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crashes with Kontakt plugin [Bug Fix]
Fixed incompatibility with Melodyne used via ReWire [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Build 3119 Released
Monday, February 3 2014, 6:00 pm - 579 weeks ago
Fixed saving in mp3 format a song with sampling frequency of 88200 hz and above resulted in the mp3 having an altered speed [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare case dragging parts with a spectrum analyzer/EQ box open [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash opening more than one 3D spectrum boxes (Mac) [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Build 3118 Released
Sunday, December 22 2013, 6:00 pm - 585 weeks ago
Fixed rare case in which tracks with take lanes had portions of the track muted [Bug Fix]
Fixed sidechain not working in nEfx Compressor plugin [Bug Fix]
Fixed 64 bit version of n-Track not automatically loading via nBridge a 32 bit plugin on a song saved with the 32 bit version [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash toggling take lanes sections [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Build 3117 Released
Monday, December 16 2013, 6:00 pm - 586 weeks ago
Fixed n-Track Drums window graphical glitches on Windows XP [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare case in which audio would become muted when using the n-Track Compressor plugin [Bug Fix]
Fixed Voice Activated recording sometimes hold time may sometimes be too short resulting speeded up recording [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Build 3112 Released
Wednesday, December 18 2013, 6:00 pm - 586 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic playback problems on tracks with 'stereo independent' pan mode [Bug Fix]
Fixed cloning a track with 'stereo independent' pan mode would result in the cloned track panned hard left [Bug Fix]
Fixed incompatibility with certain karaoke MIDI files [Bug Fix]
Option to import MIDI files with SMTPE offset when the file has that information [New feature]
Fixed 'Remove part' command in timeline popup menu not working [Bug Fix]
Fixed sometimes defective plugin crashing in nBridge crashed n-Track too [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 Build 3111 Released
Friday, December 13 2013, 8:00 am - 587 weeks ago
Fixed dragging MIDI part from n-Track Drums step sequencer to the main n-Track timeline not working [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Build 3110 Released
Thursday, November 21 2013, 6:00 pm - 590 weeks ago
Fixed sometimes drawing volume envelopes n-Track would become unresponsive for a few seconds [Bug Fix]
Fixed no sound Drumagog VST plugin on mono tracks [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Build 3109 Released
Wednesday, November 20 2013, 6:00 pm - 590 weeks ago
Fixed incompatibilities with AU plugins on Mac OSX 10.9 [Bug Fix]
AU plugins properties box now automatically resizes when requested by plugin [Improvement]
Fixed n-Track Drums kits saved on Mac version couldn't be loaded in Windows version [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Build 3108 Released
Sunday, November 17 2013, 10:00 am - 590 weeks ago
Fixed crash closing effects browser window [Bug Fix]
Punch-in toolbar is now a floating window

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Released
Wednesday, November 6 2013, 4:00 pm - 592 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v7.0.2 to v7.0.3:
Support for multiple pan-laws. Default pan law is now "equal-power" [New Feature]
Option to pan stereo tracks independently (i.e. route right channel to left channel etc.) [New Feature]
On-screen MIDI keyboard [New Feature]
Metronome now uses built-in synth instead of using n-Track Drums, avoids adding unwanted instrument channels in the mixer [New Feature]
Button to delete a track in the bottom left corner of the left track bar [New Feature]
Audio input configuration (which audio input goes to which track) is now restored when reloading a song [New Feature]
New command "Create and arm a new track for each input" in rec-arm popup menu [New Feature]
Fixed exported MIDI files sometimes not readable by other sequencers [Bug Fix]
Fixed changing BPM setting during playback would result in playback position to jump far from the current position [Bug Fix]
Fixed inconsistencies in Piano Roll when editing a MIDI part that has been trimmed [New Feature]
Punch-in recording panel (Mac) [Ported Feature]
Level activated recording (Mac) [Ported Feature]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 Beta Build 3103 Released
Thursday, October 31 2013, 4:00 pm - 593 weeks ago
Fixed Voice/Level activating recording not working correctly when using multichannel audio input or when Live button was pressed[Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 Beta and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Beta Build 3102 Released
Wednesday, October 30 2013, 4:00 pm - 593 weeks ago
Fixed problems added in build 3098 with n-Track Graphic EQ, Tempo Delay and Multiband Compressor [Bug Fix] Fixed changing BPM setting during playback would result in playback position to jump far from the current position [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 Beta and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Beta Build 3098 Released
Friday, October 25 2013, 10:00 am - 594 weeks ago
Fixed exported MIDI files sometimes not readable by other sequencers [Bug Fix]
Fixed tempo information ignored when importing MIDI files with tempo information on track 1 instead of 0 [Bug Fix]
Fixed changing sampling frequency in Settings and answering Yes when n-Track asks to convert s. frequency of audio files would result in tracks playing at wrong speed until the song was closed and reopened [Bug Fix]
Fixed ReWire not working in latest 7.0.3 builds [Bug Fix]
Fixed right click -> Lock part command not working for MIDI parts [Bug Fix]
Metronome allows changing click sounds and volume [New Feature]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 Beta and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Beta Build 3097 Released
Thursday, October 10 2013, 2:00 pm - 596 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash loading projects when metronome was active [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 Beta and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Beta Build 3096 Released
Friday, October 4 2013, 2:00 pm - 597 weeks ago
Fixed crash when muting an instrument plugin channel with multiple outputs [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 Beta and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Beta Build 3095 Released
Tuesday, October 1 2013, 5:00 pm - 597 weeks ago
Fixed audio glitches when looping a section of the song and changing the loop interval during playback [Bug Fix]
Fixed inconsistent mixer layout [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 Beta and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Beta Build 3094 Released
Monday, September 30 2013, 5:00 pm - 597 weeks ago
If Piano Roll is editing a MIDI part that has been trimmed, the excluded portion is dimmed [New Feature]
Fixed inconsistencies in Piano Roll when editing a MIDI part that has been trimmed [New Feature]
Increased responsivity of on-screen MIDI keyboard [New Feature]
Button to delete a track in the bottom left corner of the left track bar [New Feature]
Fixed bridged plugins disconnecting when converting an audio file to mp3 [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 Beta and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Beta Build 3092 Released
Wednesday, September 4 2013, 12:00 pm - 601 weeks ago
New command "Create and arm a new track for each input" in rec-arm popup menu [New Feature]
Fixed inconsistencies in Piano Roll time axis when editing multiple MIDI parts in a MIDI track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 Beta and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Beta Build 3090 Released
Friday, August 30 2013, 5:00 pm - 601 weeks ago
Fixed recording to new track not working when no track is armed [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash in nEfx Reverb when using "64 bit mixing" option [Bug Fix]
Fixed problem with vertical scroll-bar in pianoroll window [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0.3 Beta and n-Track for Mac 2.1.3 Beta Released
Wednesday, August 21 2013, 4:30 pm - 603 weeks ago
Support for multiple pan-laws. Default pan law is now "equal-power" [New Feature]
Option to pan stereo tracks independently (i.e. route right channel to left channel etc.) [New Feature]
Audio input configuration (which audio input goes to which track) is now restored when reloading a song [New Feature]
Screen MIDI keyboard window [New Feature]
Metronome now uses built-in synth instead of using n-Track Drums, avoids adding unwanted instrument channels in the mixer [New Feature]
Fixed sync problems when switching n-Track Drums patterns via MIDI events [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash when loading a song file with one or more plugins not currently installed on Mac 64 bit version [Bug fix]
Fixed parameter sliders not working for nEfx effects [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 build 3052 Released
Thursday, August 8 2013, 9:30 am - 605 weeks ago
Fixed incompatibility with Scarlett Reverb plug-in [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash when adding n-Track Drums on a track channel instead of on an instrument channel [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 build 3051 Released
Friday, July 26 2013, 1:30 pm - 607 weeks ago
Fixed channel EQ not working on instrument channels [Bug Fix]
Fixed glitches with DirectX plugins parameters automation [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 build 3050 Released
Monday, July 22 2013, 8:30 am - 607 weeks ago
Fixed editing notes in Piano Roll would sometimes result in MIDI playback starting unexpectedly [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 build 3047 Released
Wednesday, July 3 2013, 5:30 pm - 610 weeks ago
Fixed selecting 9th entry from recent song files list would load the incorrect file [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash switching between MIDI tracks using the track +/- buttons in the Pianoroll toolbar [Bug Fix]
Fixed nBridge not working with VST instruments [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic crash when using Waves and Melda VST3 plugins [Bug Fix]
Fixed dragging time cursor handle to the left of the song origin would cause unexpected results [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash when using nBridge [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v2.1 Released
Friday, June 28 2013, 4:30 pm - 610 weeks ago
n-Track Drums is now included in n-Track for Mac
Fixed compatibility issues with specific VST 2.x and 3.x plugins [Bug Fix]
Fixed nBridge not working with VST instruments [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v2.1 Beta build 3070 Released
Monday, June 24 2013, 5:30 pm - 611 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash when using nBridge with plugins that accept MIDI input [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v2.1 Beta build 3050 Released
Thursday, June 6 2013, 9:30 pm - 614 weeks ago
n-Track Drums is now include in n-Track for Mac

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 build 3045 Released
Thursday, June 6 2013, 9:30 pm - 614 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash opening n-Track Drums

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 build 3044 Released
Wednesday, June 5 2013, 2:30 pm - 614 weeks ago
Fixed rare audio glitches with nVocal plugin [Bug Fix]
Fixed sometimes mixing down to multiple audio files (when using multiple outputs) results in one of the files with corrupt audio [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 build 3043 Released
Friday, May 17 2013, 5:30 pm - 616 weeks ago
Fixed docking/undocking windows sometimes may cause crash in 32 bit version [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash in n-Track Strings module [Bug Fix]
Fixed mixdown would never stop when the mixdown box was opened with the loop button was active [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 build 3041 Released
Saturday, May 11 2013, 5:30 pm - 617 weeks ago
Fixed intermittent audio when freezing a mono track with the 'expand track to stereo' option set [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash receiving uncommon MIDI messages [Bug Fix]
Fixed glitches in 3D spectrum window [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 build 3040 Released
Monday, May 6 2013, 5:30 pm - 618 weeks ago
Fixed ringing in n-Track Multitap Delay on mono tracks [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 build 3038 Released
Friday, May 3 2013, 5:30 pm - 618 weeks ago
Fixed plugins latency compensation not working on aux channels with tracks with VST plugins [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash opening track EQ window with Sonogram option active [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 build 3034 Released
Tuesday, April 30 2013, 5:30 pm - 619 weeks ago
Fixed unchecking the 'compensate plugins latency' option didn't really disable latency compensation [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare cases where 32 bit VST plugins with iLok copy protection would not be appear in the plugins list [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed 32 bit plugins windows becoming white after switching back from another application [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 Released
Wednesday, April 24 2013, 2:30 pm - 620 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v7.0.1 to v7.0.2:
3D frequency spectrum view: watch the frequency spectrum in the 3D space, rotate it and see frequency waves coming towards you as you play. Requires Mac OSX or Windows Vista or later with Direct11 [New Feature]
Sonogram view: watch how the frequency spectrum changes over time [New Feature]
Decreased CPU usage when using multichannel instrument plugins [New Feature]
Improved instrument Tuner, new button to open it on the lower toolbar [New Feature]
New nEfx Phaser effect [New Feature]
Support for the Leap Controller: start/stop playback and recording and to navigate the 3D spectrum view [New Feature]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 Beta build 3030
Wednesday, April 17 2013, 5:30 pm - 621 weeks ago
Initial support for the Leap Controller [New Feature]
Hand gestures control playback, recording, stop, rewind
Hand movement controls the 3D spectrum view

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 Beta build 3024
Monday, March 25 2013, 5:30 pm - 624 weeks ago
Full screen option for 3D spectrum [New Feature]
Fixed incorrect tracks output assignement when loading songs with group channels saved with versions older than v5.0 [Bug Fix]
Fixed song speed slider not showing reverse speed range [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 Beta build 3022
Wednesday, March 13 2013, 5:30 pm - 626 weeks ago
3D frequency spectrum visualization in channel EQ window (Mac) [New Feature]
Sonogram in channel EQ window (Mac) [New Feature]
Tuner button on lower toolbar to activate the chromatic tuner on the first available live input channel (Mac) [New Feature]
Fixed n-Track on Windows sometimes freezing when importing packed song files (sgw) saved with n-Track for Mac [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 Beta build 3020
Friday, March 1 2013, 4:30 pm - 627 weeks ago
Fixed crash loading n-Track builtin DirectX plugins [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 Beta build 3019
Monday, February 25 2013, 4:30 pm - 628 weeks ago
Fixed program occasionally crashing when dragging right edge of a waveform during playback [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 Beta build 3018
Friday, February 22 2013, 6:30 pm - 628 weeks ago
Alternative frequency scales ('Mel' and 'Bark') for frequency spectrum, sonogram and 3D views [New Feature]
3D button in channel EQ window hidden on Windows XP (requires Vista or later) [New Feature]
Option to lock or unlock 3D visualization options on multiple instances of the channel EQ window [New Feature]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 Beta build 3017
Wednesday, February 20 2013, 4:30 pm - 629 weeks ago
3D frequency spectrum visualization in channel EQ window (available on Windows Vista and later) [New Feature]
Sonogram in channel EQ window [New Feature]
Tuner button on lower toolbar to activate the chromatic tuner on the first available live input channel [New Feature]
Mouse wheel applies to controls behind the mouse pointer, without having to click them [Improvement]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 Beta build 3016
Friday, February 15 2013, 4:30 pm - 629 weeks ago
Fixed VST plugins placed on Master channel would have no effect on the audio signal [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.2 Beta build 3014 and n-Track for Mac 2.0.7 Beta
Wednesday, February 6 2013, 11:30 am - 631 weeks ago
Decreased CPU usage when using multichannel instrument plugins [Improvement]
Solo on aux channels now mutes the 'direct' tracks signal, lets you hear only the signal coming through the aux (in previous versions the soloing an aux would only mute other aux channels) [Improvement]
New nEfx Phaser effect plugin [New Feature]
Fixed problems with automation of DirectX plugins [Bug Fix]
Fixed first time loop playback is selected in the Pianoroll window the playback would not loop [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 build 3012
Friday, January 25 2013, 2:30 pm - 632 weeks ago
Fixed clicking noise when multithreaded processing option was active and multiple tracks had a send to an aux channel [Bug Fix]
Fixed after cloning a track rec arm button on cloned track is applied to original track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 build 3011
Friday, January 11 2013, 4:30 pm - 634 weeks ago
Fixed crash when editing in View -> Tempo window [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 build 3010
Friday, December 14 2012, 4:30 pm - 638 weeks ago
Fixed looping section of the song sometimes resulted in noise [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare case where loop would get stuck in an incorrect portion of song [Bug Fix]
Fixed sometimes performing a selection on the Piano Roll time axis would result in the program freezing [Bug Fix]
Fixes sometimes MIDI tracks not playing when looping [Bug Fix]
Fixed when adding MIDI notes after the current end of a track the new notes would play until playback was rewinded [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare case where the Compressor plugin would corrupt the audio signal on stereo tracks after prolonged periods of silence [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 build 3009
Friday, December 7 2012, 4:30 pm - 639 weeks ago
Fixed bridged plugins having erratic behavior when 64 bit mixing option was selected [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 Released
Friday, November 23 2012, 9:30 am - 642 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v7.0.0 to v7.0.1:
Overall improvements in performance, lower CPU usage, improved reliability when using small buffering / low latency [Performace]
Support for markers embedded in audio files:
- When importing an audio file with markers info n-Track asks if you want to load the markers as song markers [New Feature]
- Mixdown optionally saves song markers in mixdown .wav or .aif audio file [New Feature]
- Command to create audio file marker appears when right clicking on audio file when selection is empty (when selection is non-empty you can create a region) [New Feature]
Read/write audio file regions works on .aif files [New Feature]
Russian translation [Localization]
Optional graphics rendering using Direct2D for some user interface elements [New feature]
Surround panner module no longer requires to activate .Net support [Improvement]
Fixed unable to add more than 16 bridged plugins [Bug Fix]
Effects parameter automation works when plugins are bridged [Improvement]
Fixed rare crash recording a track then switching format from mono to stereo and recording a new track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 Beta 2 build 2998 Released
Thursday, November 8 2012, 11:30 am - 644 weeks ago
Fixed rare case where live input channels wouldn't be audible or show severe clicking/dropouts [Bug Fix]
Fixed drop-down list to select file extension didn't appear in Save As/Mixdown file requesters (Mac) [Bug Fix]
When importing an audio file with markers info n-Track asks if you want to load the markers as song markers [New Feature]
Mixdown optionally saves song markers in mixdown .wav or .aif audio file [New Feature]
Command to create audio file marker appears when right clicking on audio file when selection is empty (when selection is non-empty you can create a region) [New Feature]
Read/write audio file regions works on .aif files [New Feature]
Fixed rare crash when creating an audio track with playback or live processing active [Bug Fix] Smoother movement of spectrum analyzer window with "Interpolate spectrum" option [Improvement]
Fixed small audio glitches/drop-outs occurring when looping the current selection on songs with 20+ tracks [Improvement]

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 Beta 2 build 2994 Released
Monday, October 29 2012, 6:30 pm - 645 weeks ago
Fixed song name in program title bar and in recent files list sometimes getting corrupted text [Bug Fix]

n-Track Tuner for Android
Wednesday, October 24 2012, 3:30 pm - 646 weeks ago
n-Track Tuner is now available for Android devices. Download our new app on Google Play on your Android phone or tablet.

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 Beta 2 build 2993 Released
Saturday, October 13 2012, 9:30 am - 647 weeks ago
Russian translation [Localization]
Optional graphics rendering using Direct2D for some user interface elements [New feature]

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 Beta 2 build 2993 Released
Saturday, October 13 2012, 9:30 am - 647 weeks ago
Russian translation [Localization]

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 Beta 2 build 2988 Released
Friday, October 5 2012, 9:30 am - 649 weeks ago
Fixed crash on program startup on Windows XP [Bug Fix]
Smoother movement of spectrum analyzer window with "Interpolate spectrum" option [Improvement]
Fixed loop marker/lines sometimes getting stuck in same position even when turning off loop [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 Beta 2 build 2988 Released
Thursday, September 27 2012, 7:00 pm - 650 weeks ago
Fixed small audio glitches/drop-outs occurring when looping the current selection on songs with 20+ tracks [Improvement]

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 Beta 2 build 2987 Released
Thursday, September 27 2012, 7:00 pm - 650 weeks ago
Fixed small audio glitches/drop-outs occurring when looping the current selection on songs with 20+ tracks [Improvement]

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 Beta build 2986 Released
Friday, September 7 2012, 4:00 pm - 652 weeks ago
Fixed unable to add more than 16 bridged plugins [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0.1 Beta build 2985 Released
Tuesday, September 4 2012, 7:00 pm - 653 weeks ago
Overall improvements in performance, lower CPU usage, improved reliability when using small buffering / low latency [Performace]
Effects parameter automation works when plugins are bridged [Improvement]
Surround panner module no longer requires to activate .Net support [Improvement]

n-Track for Mac version 2.0.6 Beta build 2982 Released
Saturday, September 1 2012, 8:00 pm - 653 weeks ago
Overall improvements in performance, lower CPU usage, improved reliability when using small buffering / low latency [Performace]
Effects parameter automation works when plugins are bridged [Improvement]
Fixed sometimes automating AU plugins parameters caused a crash when closing the song [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio build 2981 Released
Wednesday, August 1 2012, 6:00 pm - 658 weeks ago
Fixed 'Error loading resources dll' message when loading 32 bit plugins in 64 bit version of n-Track when the 32 bit version was not installed on the computer [Bug Fix]
Fixed incompatibilities with some VST3 instrument plugins [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio build 2979 Released
Monday, July 30 2012, 7:00 pm - 658 weeks ago
Fixed bypass button not working on bridged plugin properties box [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare cases of VST 2.x plugins not working when briged [Bug Fix]
Fixed errors reported when selecting multiple audio files in the Track -> Import audio track box (Mac) [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 1.8 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch Released
Friday, July 27 2012, 6:00 pm - 658 weeks ago
Support for multichannel external audio devices on the iPad: record 4 or more tracks simultaneously from pro-audio devices [New Feature]
Set recording resolution to 16, 24 or 32 bits [New Feature]
Customize sampling frequency up to 192 Khz [New Feature]
Customize buffering/latency. Allows monitoring input with near-unhearable latency [New Feature]
Available now on the App Store

n-Track Studio build 2978 Released
Wednesday, July 25 2012, 6:00 pm - 659 weeks ago
Fixed sometimes Zoom All command had "jumpy" behavior [Bug Fix]
Fixed undoing edit on individual sample of a stereo wave file would sometimes invert the original left and right channels [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 2.0.5 build 2976 Released
Sunday, July 22 2012, 6:00 pm - 659 weeks ago
Improved compatibility with Mac OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion [Compatibility]
Fixed rare crash loading songs saved with the Windows version [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 7.0 build 2964 Released
Wednesday, July 18 2012, 7:00 pm - 660 weeks ago
Fixed importing mp3 files sometimes resulted in half-speed tracks [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 2.0.5 build 2973 Released
Tuesday, July 17 2012, 6:00 pm - 660 weeks ago
Fixed volume/pan envelopes visible only at the beginning of tracks [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 2.0.5 build 2960 Released
Friday, July 13 2012, 6:00 pm - 660 weeks ago
Support for Surround mixing in Mac EX version [Ported Feature]
Fixed crash adding 32 bit VST instrument from the 64 bit version [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 2.0 build 2957 Released
Wednesday, July 11 2012, 8:00 pm - 661 weeks ago
Improved compatibility with Mac OSX 10.8 [Compatibility]
Initial support for Macs with Retina display (sliders and mute button have double resolution) [Compatibility]
Fixed rare crash opening Piano-roll window [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 2.0 build 2953 Released
Friday, June 29 2012, 7:00 pm - 662 weeks ago
Fixed some settings windows have layout problems [Bug Fix]
Fixed level ruler in level meter windows moving erratically when dragged with mouse [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 7.0 and n-Track for Mac 2.0 build 2952 Released
Monday, June 25 2012, 7:00 pm - 663 weeks ago
"Record all inputs to new tracks" and "Disable recording from all audio inputs" commands in the popup menu to arm tracks and enable/disable input channels [Improvement]
Fixed resizing recording meter window sometimes made lower buttons disappear [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash import MIDI files with SysEx messages when no physical MIDI output device is available (Mac) [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 and n-Track for Mac 2.0 build 2951 Released
Wednesday, June 20 2012, 7:00 pm - 664 weeks ago
Fixed erratic behavior of "Select between markers" command (Ctrl+Click on the time axis between two markers) [Bug Fix]
Fixes crash when a cycle in the signal routing is inadvertently formed by deleting a channel [Bug Fix]
Fixed unchecking "Show midi tracks" in timeline channel selection menu would hide audio tracks sent to group channels [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 and n-Track for Mac 2.0 build 2949 Released
Friday, June 15 2012, 12:00 pm - 665 weeks ago
Fixed program freezing when loading songs saved with version 1.1.6 for Mac that used nEfx plugins [Bug Fix]
Fixed Audio devices -> Advanced -> Offset recordings parameter having no audible effect [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 and n-Track for Mac 2.0 build 2946 Released
Wednesday, June 13 2012, 8:00 pm - 665 weeks ago
Fixed crash when using parameter automation with n-Track Compressor plugin [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic crash when using nEfx plugins on 64 bit Mac version [Bug Fix]
Fixed error cloning a track in 64 bit version when the track had a 32 bit bridged plugin [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 and n-Track for Mac 2.0 build 2945 Released
Friday, June 8 2012, 11:00 am - 666 weeks ago
Fixed Clone Track command would always clone the 1st track of the song when multiple tracks were selected [Bug Fix]
Fixed sometimes double clicking on time axis didn't start the playback [Bug Fix]
Popup ballon shows where a new instrument or effect has been placed on the mixer [New Feature]
Fixed sometimes changing the configuration of Surround channels with Live button active would result in a crash [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 and n-Track for Mac 2.0 Released
Friday, June 1 2012, 4:00 pm - 666 weeks ago
64 bit version can now load 32 bit native plugins (VST, VST3, AU and DirectX) via the 32 to 64 bit bridge [New Feature]
Option to 'sandbox' plugins to run them in a separate process. If a plugin crashes n-Track doesn't crash [New Feature]
n-Track Drums v2 - improved user interface, effects, new library [New Feature]
Seamless looping of time selection (i.e. fixed small gap in audio playback when the song reaches the end of the loop interval) [New Feature]
Cursor/selection/loop markers in the time axis [New Feature]
Timeline can now show master, aux, group and instrument channels, avoid to edit envelopes on top of unrelated tracks [New Feature]
Improved compatibility with VST3 plugins [New Feature]
Improved compatibility with Melodyne, Jamstix, Waves and other VST2.x plugins [New Feature]
Quicker, smaller installer, doesn't require to uninstall before reinstalling [New Feature]
nEfx Tube distortion plugin [New Feature]
nEfx Compressor with side-chain input [New Feature]
Many bugs fixed

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2942 Released
Thursday, May 31 2012, 8:00 pm - 667 weeks ago
Fixed crash when loading song files that used a bridged DirectX plugin [Bug Fix]
Fixed graphic glitches in Tempo window [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2941 Released
Wednesday, May 30 2012, 5:00 pm - 667 weeks ago
Fixed sometimes program going below windows of other programs [Bug Fix]
Fixed effects list box appearing cut when resizing mixer to a small height [Bug Fix]
Fixed incorrect position of loop bars in Tempo window [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2939 Released
Tuesday, May 29 2012, 6:00 pm - 667 weeks ago
Fixed rare case in which the playback cursor would never appear [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2938 Released
Monday, May 28 2012, 6:00 pm - 667 weeks ago
Fixed small graphic glitches when scrolling track waveforms with the mousewheel or scrollbar [Bug Fix]
Mixer pan tooltip shows dB value for L and R channels [Bug Fix]
Pan envelope tooltip show dB values for each channel and number value corresponding to mixer setting [Bug Fix]
Categorization for instrument plugins menu, helps when you have an high number of instruments installed [Improvement]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2937 Released
Friday, May 25 2012, 6:00 pm - 667 weeks ago
Fixed dragging selection sometimes didn't update the selection markers [Bug Fix]
Fixed selection markers no longer update after loading a song [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash when deleting tracks (Mac) [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2936 Released
Monday, May 21 2012, 7:00 pm - 668 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash closing Piano Roll window [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash dragging waveforms right edge [Bug Fix]
Fixed mouse click on message balloon sometimes not working [Bug Fix]
Fixed wrong name in stereo Asio input device [Bug Fix]
Fixed when using an MME driver in mono and switching to Asio no track will be recorded until you set the input format to stereo or stereo to 2 mono tracks [Bug Fix]
Fixed Plugin Browser search box text invisible on Windows XP [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2935 Released
Friday, May 18 2012, 5:00 pm - 668 weeks ago
Fixed loop button sometimes having no effect [Bug Fix]
Fixed GDI resources leaking when resizing main program window [Bug Fix]
Splash screen (Mac) [New feature]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2934 Released
Monday, May 14 2012, 6:00 pm - 669 weeks ago
Fixed crash on Windows XP when opening track EQ window [Bug Fix]
Fixed double clicking on mixer EQ knob and entering volume with keyboard always reset to 0 dB [Bug Fix]
Fixed graphical glitches in volume sliders [Bug Fix]
Fixed dragging to select waveforms no longer made the highlight box appear [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2933 Released
Friday, May 11 2012, 6:00 pm - 669 weeks ago
MIDI notes velocities can now be dragged individually in the Piano-roll lower pane [Improvement]
Fixed waveforms would not immedialely updated when dragging the mouse on the Navigator window [Bug Fix] New splash screen [Graphic improvement]

n-Track Diapason for Android Released
Friday, May 11 2012, 5:00 pm - 669 weeks ago
We've just released our first Android app, n-Track Diapason.
n-Track Tuner and Studio apps (available now for iOS) will come soon to Android too.
Remember to leave a good rating for the app!
Check n-Track Diapason out at:

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2931 Released
Wednesday, May 9 2012, 4:00 pm - 670 weeks ago
Fixed loss of sync on tracks with high number of parts and that use the track transpose [Bug Fix]
Redesigned toolbar buttons [Graphic improvement]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2929 Released
Friday, May 4 2012, 6:00 pm - 670 weeks ago
Sensitivity of volume slider increases as mouse goes away from cursor [New Feature]
Button in mixer title bar to switch between horizontal and vertical layout [New Feature]
Fixed Normalize command having no effect (Mac) [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2928 Released
Wednesday, May 2 2012, 7:00 pm - 671 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash selecting a channel output [Bug Fix]
Fixed incorrect background on horizontal mixer stripes now have (mixer -> layout -> Horizontal master and aux option) [Bug Fix]
Mixer layout improvements [Improvement]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2925 Released
Friday, April 27 2012, 8:00 pm - 671 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash loading songs files in 64 bit version [Bug Fix]
Fixed EQ 'AlwaysOn' effects not appearing correctly [Bug Fix]
New pan slider, sensitivity increases when moving the mouse away vertically [Improvement]
Fixed incompatibility with iZotope Iris plugin [Bug Fix]
Fixed selecting presets not working on some VST3 plugins [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2923 Released
Monday, April 23 2012, 7:00 pm - 672 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash when manipulating multiple takes in the same track [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash when using Melodyne plugin and chaning buffer size settings [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2922 Released
Friday, April 20 2012, 5:00 pm - 672 weeks ago
Fixed problems using VST3 plugins via nBridge [Bug Fix]
Fixed problems using instrument plugins via nBridge [Bug Fix]
Fixed VST3 plugin would have erratic behavior n-Track modifying the buffering settings after loading the plugin [Bug Fix]
Fixed installing version 7 would make n-Track plugins stop working on n-Track 6 installed on the same computer [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2921 Released
Thursday, April 19 2012, 5:00 pm - 673 weeks ago
When saving a song that has one or more missing plugin the plugin(s) are no longer removed from the saved song [New Feature]
Improvement in VST3 compatibilty (MeldaProduction and Waves) [Improvement]
Improvements in bridge reliability [Bug Fix]
Fixed keyboard shortcuts not working correctly when playback cursor changes page often [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2920 Released
Friday, April 13 2012, 8:00 pm - 673 weeks ago
Fixed sometimes closing bridged plugin causes program freezing for 5 seconds [Bug Fix]
Fixed sometimes adding envelope node results in node at -0.1 dB instead of 0 dB [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2919 Released
Friday, April 6 2012, 5:00 pm - 674 weeks ago
When adding new volume envelope node the node is placed at the current point in the envelope (may still need some refining) [Improvement]

n-Track for Mac v2.0 Beta Build 2918 Released
Friday, April 6 2012, 5:00 pm - 674 weeks ago
64 bit version can now load 32 bit native plugins (VST, VST3 and AU) via the 32 to 64 bit bridge [New Feature]
Option to 'sandbox' plugins to run them in a separate process. If a plugin crashes n-Track doesn't crash [New Feature]
Seamless looping of time selection (i.e. fixed small gap in audio playback when the song reaches the end of the loop interval) [New Feature]
Cursor/selection/loop markers in the time axis [New Feature]
Timeline can now show master, aux, group and instrument channels, avoid to edit envelopes on top of unrelated tracks [New Feature]
Improved compatibility with VST3 plugins [New Feature]
Improved compatibility with Melodyne, Jamstix, Waves and other VST2.x plugins [New Feature]
Quicker, smaller installer, doesn't require to uninstall before reinstalling [New Feature]
nEfx Tube distortion plugin [New Feature]
nEfx Compressor with side-chain input [New Feature]
Many bugs fixed
The Beta version accepts v1.x (n-Track for Windows 6.x) registration codes. The final v2.0 will require v2.x (n-Track for Windows v7.x) registration codes.

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2916 Released
Friday, March 30 2012, 6:00 pm - 675 weeks ago
Fixed certain VST3 plugins not working correctly when bridged [Bug Fix]
64 bit version by default scans 32 and 64 bit VST 2.x and VST 3.x folder [Improvement]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2914 Released
Thursday, March 29 2012, 9:00 am - 676 weeks ago
Fixed VST3 plugins not working in 32 to 64 bit bridge [Bug Fix]
Fixed VST plugins not working in bridge when VST folders where not configured in 32 bit version of n-Track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2912 Released
Tuesday, March 27 2012, 9:00 am - 676 weeks ago
Fixed n-Track Drums not working in 64 bit version [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic crash related to level meters in left timeline track bar [Bug Fix]
Add effect popup menu now organizes plug-ins in categories. Useful when tens or hundreds of plugins are installed [New Feature]

n-Track Studio v7.0 Beta Build 2910 Released
Friday, March 23 2012, 5:00 pm - 676 weeks ago
64 bit version can now load 32 bit native plugins (VST, VST3 and DirectX) via the 32 to 64 bit bridge [New Feature]
Option to 'sandbox' plugins to run them in a separate process. If a plugin crashes n-Track doesn't crash [New Feature]
n-Track Drums v2 - improved user interface, effects, new library [New Feature]
Seamless looping of time selection (i.e. fixed small gap in audio playback when the song reaches the end of the loop interval) [New Feature]
Cursor/selection/loop markers in the time axis [New Feature]
Timeline can now show master, aux, group and instrument channels, avoid to edit envelopes on top of unrelated tracks [New Feature]
Improved compatibility with VST3 plugins [New Feature]
Improved compatibility with Melodyne, Jamstix, Waves and other VST2.x plugins [New Feature]
Quicker, smaller installer, doesn't require to uninstall before reinstalling [New Feature]
nEfx Tube distortion plugin [New Feature]
nEfx Compressor with side-chain input [New Feature]
Many bugs fixed
The Beta version accepts v6.x registration codes. The final v7.0 will require v7.x registration codes.

n-Track for Mac v1.1.6 Build 2871 Released
Monday, January 9 2012, 4:50 pm - 687 weeks ago
Fixed recording MIDI on a track with multiple parts sometimes giving unexpected results [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash during program startup [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.2 Build 2870 Released
Monday, January 9 2012, 5:00 pm - 687 weeks ago
Fixed recording MIDI on a track with multiple parts sometimes giving unexpected results [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v1.1.6 Build 2869 Released
Sunday, January 1 2012, 1:50 pm - 688 weeks ago
Fixed when working on the Pianoroll window sometimes the copy, cut and paste commands are applied to timeline window instead [Bug Fix]
Fixed contextual menu in Pianoroll window appearing in incorrect position [Bug Fix]
All popup windows remain on top of main window, and disappear when a different application is selected [Improvement]
Happy New Year!

n-Track for Mac v1.1.5 Build 2863 Released
Wednesday, December 21 2011, 11:50 am - 690 weeks ago
Fixed freezing when scanning Waves VST plugins [Bug Fix]
Increased repsonsiveness of Plugins Browser when handling more than 100 installed plugins [Improvement]
Fixed rare crash when moving windows [Bug Fix]
Options to increase to +/-90 dB and up to 80 khz the frequency scale of the EQ/spectrum window [Improvement]

n-Track for Mac v1.1.4 Build 2862 Released
Monday, December 19 2011, 4:19 pm - 690 weeks ago
Fixed crash when changing or saving presets on some AU plugins [Bug Fix]
Fixed inconsistencies with the Edit -> Volume drawing menu [Bug Fix]
Ctrl+Click now opens contextual menus according to the Mac user interface standard [Improvement]

n-Track for Mac v1.1.4 Build 2859 Released
Thursday, December 15 2011, 8:19 pm - 691 weeks ago
New version of the User Guide [Improvement]
PianoRoll window stays floating on top of other windows [Improvement]
Fixed knob angular/up-down mode not remembered when restarting the program [Bug Fix]
Fixed inconsistencies in synching using MTC and MIDI time clock [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash when sending MIDI SysEx messages longer than 128 bytes [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash closing pianoroll or tempo window [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash on startup [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v1.1.3 Build 2858 Released
Monday, December 5 2011, 10:30 pm - 692 weeks ago
Improved compatibility with Mac OSX 10.5 Leopard [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio Build 2853 Released
Wednesday, November 23 2011, 7:30 pm - 694 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash after installing a newer version [Bug Fix]
Fixed graphics glitches resizing plugins properties box bigger than the default size [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic crash when recording a new take over an existing track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.2 Build 2851 Released
Wednesday, October 19 2011, 7:00 pm - 699 weeks ago
Fixed when a track has multiple takes the track (and song) length was computed based on the current take length instead of the length of the longest take [Bug Fix]
Fixed sometimes when starting recording overdubbing existing track the part of the track to the right of the current position would temporarily disappear [Bug Fix]
Fixed selecting Undo command while recording was in progress may cause unexpected results [Bug Fix]
Fixed when recording over an existing track waveform glitched when clicking on the track while recording. At the end of the recording over an existing track the new take is now set to be the active take fragment [Bug Fix]
Fixed Navigator showing minimized tracks bigger than normal tracks [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash when opening n-Track Multitap Delay properties box in generic (parameter/value) mode [Bug Fix]
Fixed layout inconsistencies of controls in plugins generic (parameter/value) properties box [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v1.1.2 Build 2850 Released
Saturday, November 19 2011, 6:30 pm - 694 weeks ago
Effects and instruments windows no longer hidden when you click on the timeline or other windows [Improvement]

n-Track for Mac v1.1.2 Build 2845 Released
Wednesday, November 9 2011, 2:30 pm - 696 weeks ago
Fixed when looping a song with MIDI tracks sent to instrument plug-ins, the MIDI tracks would only play on the 1st cycle of the loop [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v1.1.2 Build 2844 Released
Monday, November 7 2011, 10:30 pm - 696 weeks ago
Fixed when a track has multiple takes the track (and song) length was computed based on the current take length instead of the length of the longest take [Bug Fix]
Fixed sometimes when starting recording overdubbing existing track the part of the track to the right of the current position would temporarily disappear [Bug Fix]
Fixed selecting Undo command while recording was in progress may cause unexpected results [Bug Fix]
Fixed when recording over an existing track waveform glitched when clicking on the track while recording. At the end of the recording over an existing track the new take is now set to be the active take fragment [Bug Fix]
Fixed take lanes sometimes not showing [Bug Fix]
Fixed Navigator showing minimized tracks bigger than normal tracks [Bug Fix]
Fixed layout inconsistencies of controls in plugins generic (parameter/value) properties box [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v1.1.1 Build 2835 Released
Wednesday, October 26 2011, 6:30 pm - 698 weeks ago
Fixed incompatibilities with some AU plugins [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash restarting the program after altering the layout of windows [Bug Fix]
Fixed problems dragging MIDI parts from plugins such as EZDrummer when the song bpm was different from the default 120 bpm [Bug Fix]
Fixed clipping distortion in nVocal plugin when using the Presence module with high input signal [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.2 Build 2834 Released
Wednesday, October 26 2011, 6:00 pm - 698 weeks ago
Fixed importing MIDI parts from n-Track Drums and EZDrummer resulted in wrong part size when song Bpm setting was different from the default (120 bpm) [Bug Fix]
Fixed when changing song tempo imported MIDI parts length would remain fixed instead of changing according to new tempo [Bug Fix]
Fixed changing tempo or bpm settings in the transport controls didn't allow undoing change [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.2 Build 2833 Released
Saturday, October 22 2011, 4:00 pm - 698 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash when restarting n-Track with a specific layout of windows [Bug Fix]
Fixed clipping distortion when using the Presence module in nVocal plugin when input signal was above 0 dB [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.2 Build 2832 Released
Friday, October 7 2011, 4:00 pm - 700 weeks ago
Fixed dragging effects between tracks/channels would always copy/move the first effect [Bug Fix]
Fixed closing the 'Mixer strip selection' window with the X title button would make the window reappear when restarting n-Track [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v1.1 Build 2831 Released
Friday, September 16 2011, 4:00 pm - 703 weeks ago
Fixed Mac version not being able to load song files saved with n-Track for Windows 4.x or earlier [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash related to specific combinations in the layout of windows. [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.2 Build 2830 Released
Friday, September 9 2011, 5:00 pm - 704 weeks ago
Fixed problem re-loading songs with tracks with legacy DirectX plug-ins (e.g. Blueline) applied on stereo tracks [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.2 Build 2829 Released
Friday, September 9 2011, 5:00 pm - 704 weeks ago
Fixed inconsistent window caption options of playback vumeters, effects list box and effects browser windows [Bug Fix]
Fixed timeline flashing at end of song playback with auto-zoom and timeline following cursor options enabled [Bug Fix]
Fixed incorrect layout when opening two track EQ windows [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.2 Build 2827 Released
Monday, September 5 2011, 6:00 pm - 705 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash related to specific combinations in the layout of windows. [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v1.1 Build 2820 Released
Friday, September 2 2011, 6:30 pm - 705 weeks ago
Reverb, Compressor, Echo, Chorus+Flanger, Pitch Shift and Tremolo plugins [New Feature]
Tool-tips texts for buttons and user interface elements [New Feature]
Loop and metronome on/off buttons moved to transport toolbar [Improvement]
Grid on/off and settings moved to upper left corner of timeline window for easier access [Improvement]
Cmd+Click on top of waveforms to move the position of playback cursor [New Feature]
Triangle on top of playback cursor top allows dragging the playback position [New Feature]
Improvement in how timeline and piano-roll grid is displayed, dynamically reduces the number of grid lines shown when zooming out [New Feature]
Effects list box on mixer strips shows vertical scrollbar when effects don't fit into the list box [New Feature]

n-Track Studio v6.1.2 Build 2816 Released
Monday, August 22 2011, 9:30 am - 707 weeks ago
Fixed freeze when opening Surround configuration clicking on the surround configuration link button [Bug Fix]
Fixed pianoroll position not following the cursor when 'Auto-scroll' is active [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v1.0.2 Build 2813 Released
Wednesday, July 27 2011, 6:30 pm - 711 weeks ago
Shift + click deselects parts that are already selected [Improvement]
Fixed rare crash related to specific disposition of windows [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.2 Build 2812 Released
Monday, July 25 2011, 6:30 pm - 711 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash related to specific disposition of windows [Bug Fix]
Fixed navigator requiring a mouse click before the mouse wheel would work for zooming in/out [Improvement]

n-Track Studio v6.1.2 Build 2811 Released
Friday, July 22 2011, 3:30 pm - 711 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v6.1.1 to v6.1.2:
Drag and drop in effects list box allows to drag effects between channels (copy or move depending on wether Alt is pressed) [New Feature]
Improvements in how windows are docked/undocked [Improvement]
New initial window layout with transport toolbar at the bottom of screen [Improvement]
Support for ReWire in 64 bit Windows version [New Feature]
Improvements in VST plugins generic (parameter/value) editor [Improvement]
Increased compatibility with multichannel soundcards with high number of input channels (>16) [Bug Fix]
Shift+Spacebar to reverse playback, Shift Left/Right cursor to change playback speed [New Feature]
Portuguese translation [New Feature]
Fixed inconsistent drawing of waveforms during recording at high zoom levels [Bug Fix]
Support for hi-dpi/large fonts settings with Windows Vista and 7 [New Feature]
Timestamp in npk file, fixes problem where .wav file date is set in the future because of problems with the system clock or time zone issues [New Feature]
No longer asks to delete .wav files from disk when deleting a track and the track was imported and not been recorded or created in that session [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.2 Beta Build 2810 Released
Friday, July 22 2011, 9:30 am - 712 weeks ago
Fixed crash when selecting an Asio audio driver with more than 32 input or output channels [Bug Fix]
Fixed glitches in docked windows layout [Bug Fix]
Fixed flickering of whole screen occurring whenever a piano roll window was open [Bug Fix]
Fixed Output to new group channel option not appearing in a group channel's output menu [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v1.0.1 Build 2808 Released
Thursday, July 21 2011, 6:00 pm - 712 weeks ago
Fixed rare problem opening some multichannel audio devices [Bug Fix]
Fixed glitches in docked windows layout [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v1.0.1 Build 2807 Released
Wednesday, July 20 2011, 7:30 pm - 712 weeks ago
Fixed crashes with some multichannel audio devices [Bug Fix]
Fixed sometimes not recording from all available channels of multichannel audio devices [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash when adding additional audio devices using the + button on level meter windows (now disabled, multiple devices are supported via OSX aggregate audio device feature) [Bug Fix]
Fixed Output to new group channel option not appearing in a group channel's output menu [Bug Fix]

n-Track v6.1.2 Beta Build 2806 Released
Monday, July 18 2011, 7:30 pm - 712 weeks ago
Fixed program freezing when playback in reverse direction reached song start [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare case where waveforms for certain .aif files were displayed incorrectly [Bug Fix]
Alt+Right/Left cursor keyboard shortcut to increase/decrease song speed/scrub [New Feature]
Minor windows layout/docking bugs fixes [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v1.0.1 Build 2805 Released
Monday, July 18 2011, 7:30 pm - 712 weeks ago
Fixed program freezing when playback in reverse direction reached song start [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare case where waveforms for certain .aif files were displayed incorrectly [Bug Fix]
Alt+Right/Left cursor keyboard shortcut to increase/decrease song speed/scrub [New Feature]
Minor windows layout/docking bugs fixes [Bug Fix]

n-Track v6.1.2 Beta Build 2801 Released
Wednesday, July 13 2011, 6:30 pm - 713 weeks ago
Fixed rare crashes docking and undocking windows [Bug Fix]
Alt+Spacebar shortcut to reverse playback direction [New Feature]

n-Track for Mac v1.0.1 Build 2800 Released
Wednesday, July 13 2011, 6:30 pm - 713 weeks ago
Improved stability in docking and undocking of windows [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash when first starting the program and the default system default audio device is multichannel [Bug Fix]
Alt+Spacebar shortcut to reverse playback direction [New Feature]

n-Track v6.1.2 Beta Build 2796 Released
Sunday, July 3 2011, 9:30 pm - 714 weeks ago
Fixed when dragging MIDI track from n-Track Drums or EZDrummer the song's tempo would always reset to 120 bpm [Bug Fix]

n-Track v6.1.2 Beta Build 2795 Released
Thursday, June 30 2011, 4:30 pm - 715 weeks ago
Made dockable windows restore their previous size when re-docked [Improvement]
Fixed program sometimes crashing when being closed when Navigator window was open [Bug Fix]
Fixed timeline sometimes incorrectly displaying window caption bar [Bug Fix]
Fixed rec vumeter showing scrollbar when closed and reopened when not docked [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v1.0 Build 2794 Released
Thursday, June 30 2011, 7:00 pm - 715 weeks ago
Improvements how windows are docked and undocked [Improvement]
Fixed nVocal effect not appearing on OSX 10.5 [Bug Fix]

n-Track v6.1.2 Beta Build 2791 Released
Monday, June 27 2011, 5:26 pm - 715 weeks ago
Improvements in how windows are docked/undocked [Improvement]
Improvements in how windows closed and reopened restore their previous position and layout [Improvement]
Fixed transport toolbar graphic glitches when relaunching program with Transport in main toolbar and main window program NOT maximized [Bug Fix]
New default colors for window titles [Improvement]

n-Track v6.1.2 Beta Build 2785 Released
Wednesday, June 22 2011, 5:00 pm - 716 weeks ago
Fixed white border around VST plugins windows [Bug Fix]
Minor graphic improvements in plugins 'parameter/value' editor [Bug Fix]
Fixes to docking and undocking windows [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v1.0 Build 2784 Released
Monday, June 20 2011, 7:00 pm - 716 weeks ago
Fixed rare case where n-Track nVocal plugin would produce noise or output not matching the selected preset / parameters [Bug Fix]
Fixed clicking on a track's minimize button when another track is selected minimized selected track, not track where you clicked on [Bug Fix]
Fixed track minimize button not correctly highlighting when tracks are minimized [Bug Fix]

n-Track v6.1.2 Beta Build 2782 Released
Monday, June 20 2011, 5:00 pm - 716 weeks ago
Fixed rare case where n-Track nVocal plugin would produce noise or output not matching the selected preset / parameters [Bug Fix]
Fixed clicking on a track's minimize button when another track is selected minimized selected track, not track where you clicked on [Bug Fix]
Fixed track minimize button not correctly highlighting when tracks are minimized [Bug Fix]
Toolbar popup menu item to toggle transport toolbar in main toolbar or not [Improvement]
Fixed when reloading program transport toolbar appearing white, invisible or not the exact position where it was when the program was last closed [Bug Fix]

n-Track v6.1.2 Beta Build 2781 Released
Thursday, June 16 2011, 8:00 pm - 717 weeks ago
New initial window layout with transport toolbar at the bottom of screen
Improvements in VST plugins generic editor
Fixed crash loading DirectX plugins

n-Track for Mac 1.0.0 Build 2779 Released
Wednesday, June 15 2011, 7:00 pm - 717 weeks ago
Fixed last selected menu item remaining highlighted after closing any popup dialog box [Bug Fix]
Fixed compatibility problems with OS X 10.7 Lion
Support for new OS X 10.7 Lion full-screen mode

n-Track for Mac 1.0.0 Build 2774 Released
Wednesday, June 8 2011, 7:00 pm - 718 weeks ago
First official release of n-Track for Mac
Summary of the main features
- Supports VST, VST3, AU effects and instruments
- Supports 32 bit and 64 bit Rewire devices
- Includes the n-Track Graphic EQ, n-Track Multiband Compressor, n-Track Tempo Delay, nVocal, n-Track Multitap Delay and n-Track Strings plug-ins, track EQ with Spectrum Analyzer and guitar tuner
- Available in both 32 bit and 64 bit formats (both versions are automatically installed)
- Mp3, m4a, ogg, wav and aiff file import and export
- You can exchange songs and tracks with the Windows and iOS versions of n-Track
- The same registration codes work for both the Windows and Mac versions, purchase once and register it on all of your computers
- n-Track is currently the only cross-platform multitrack recording software that works with Windows, Mac and iOS devices

n-Track for Mac 1.0.0 Build 2773 Released
Tuesday, June 7 2011, 10:00 pm - 718 weeks ago
Fixed scan of VST plugins hanging when iZotope Ozone 4 was installed [Bug Fix]
Fixed some AU plugins incorrectly showing generic properties window instead of plugin's own. [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 1.0.0 Beta Build 2771 Released
Tuesday, June 7 2011, 10:00 pm - 718 weeks ago
Fixed VST 2.x plugins not correctly refreshing properties window [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash when reopening a docked window. [Bug Fix]
Fixed a crash when opening the grid dialog, closing it and opening it again. [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 1.0.0 Beta Build 2769 Released
Monday, June 6 2011, 7:00 pm - 718 weeks ago
Fixed editing history and plugins browser windows not having window captions when docked [Bug Fix]
Fixed closing program with red X upper left button sometimes causing program to crash or infinite loop of "Save song?" prompt [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.1 build 2693
Monday, June 6 2011, 5:00 pm - 718 weeks ago
Fixed setting a track to use the Surround panner, or using the Add Channel -> Import from Audio CD command caused a crash on 64 bit version [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.9.9 Beta Build 2768 Released
Friday, June 3 2011, 5:00 pm - 718 weeks ago
Fullscreen mode [Ported Feature]
Fixed multiple creation of name boxes for a track when double clicking on its namebar, causing the program to freeze [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.9.9 Beta Build 2763 Released
Monday, May 30 2011, 5:00 pm - 719 weeks ago
Fixed rare case where recording a track into a blank song, then saving the song to a new .sng file resulted in song unable to find the recorded track wave file [Bug Fix]
Fixed when moving a window to 2nd monitor, closing and reopening the window would incorrectly reappear on the 1st monitor [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.9.8 Beta Build 2754 Released
Wednesday, May 25 2011, 7:00 pm - 720 weeks ago
Launch external wave editor to edit track .wav files [Ported Feature]
Fixed problems restoring position when closing and reopening docked windows [Bug Fix]
Function to recover audio data from corrupted wavefiles [Ported Feature]

n-Track Beta Build 2743 Released
Wednesday, May 18 2011, 7:00 pm - 721 weeks ago
New timeline scrollbars look on Windows [New Feature]
Automation of paramaters on generic plugins editor [New Feature]
Windows: Timeline vertical scrollbar with zoom handles [New Feature]

n-Track for Mac 0.9.5 Beta Build 2739 Released
Monday, May 16 2011, 7:00 pm - 721 weeks ago
Timeline vertical scrollbar with zoom handles [New Feature]
Improved docking of multiple windows per docked row/column [Improvement]
Scrollbar in VST/AU generic properties window when number of effects parameters doesn't fit into a single box [New Feature]

n-Track for Mac 0.9.4 Beta Build 2738 Released
Tuesday, May 10 2011, 10:00 am - 722 weeks ago
Support for ReWire in Mac version, 32 and 64 bit [Ported Feature]
Faster docking, undocking of windows [Improvement]
Transport toolbar can now be docked at the bottom of the screen using all available screen width [New Feature]

n-Track Beta Build 2735 Released
Wednesday, May 4 2011, 6:00 pm - 723 weeks ago
Support for ReWire in 64 bit Windows version [New Feature]

n-Track Beta Build 2734 Released
Monday, May 2 2011, 7:00 pm - 723 weeks ago
Option to show 'generic' parameter/value user interface for VST and AU plugins, even if they have their native interface [New Feature]
Mac: Fixed incorrect record date in broadcast Wavefile information on recorded .wav files [Bug Fix]

n-Track Beta Build 2731 Released
Friday, April 29 2011, 5:00 pm - 723 weeks ago
Mac: Fixed after Close Song playback cursor disappeared [Bug Fix]
Mac: Various glitches/crashes related to docking/undocking windows [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed closing and reopening transport window caused crash [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed closing EQ/spectrum window caused crash [Bug Fix]
Windows: Fixed 'Mute tracks when being overdubbed' option couldn't be unchecked [Bug Fix]

n-Track Beta Build 2729 Released
Wednesday, April 27 2011, 6:00 pm - 724 weeks ago
Fixed graphic glitches/flashing when opening AU and VST plug-in windows [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed AU plugins and instruments not appearing on Effects Browser window [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed time offset bar flickering during program startup [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed graphic glitches closing the program [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.9.0 Beta Build 2728 Released
Wednesday, April 20 2011, 7:00 pm - 725 weeks ago
Skin loading and saving, importing and exporting [Ported feature]
Font selection in skin box [Ported feature]
Track color selection in timeline popup menu [Ported feature]
Crossfade settings box [Ported feature]
Button to close window when docked [Ported feature]
Fixed entering text in offset, length and indent fields in track properties box often didnt have effect [Bug Fix]
Fixed when two parts are overlapped and crossfaded the crossfade envelope would have graphical glitches [Bug Fix]
Fixed Splice with no selected track having no effect instead of being applied to all tracks [Bug Fix]
Fixed Live button sometimes appearing off when the Live input processing was instead active [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash selecting Mixer from track popup menu [Bug Fix]

n-Track Build 2727 Released
Friday, April 15 2011, 2:00 pm - 726 weeks ago
Minimize/restore track option in track popup menu [Enhancement]

n-Track for Mac Build 2726 Released
Wednesday, April 13 2011, 7:00 pm - 726 weeks ago
Fixed monitor live input button in track left bar sometimes not appearing [Bug Fix]
Fixed sometimes program freezing when restarting audio devices [Bug Fix]

n-Track Build 2725 Released
Monday, April 11 2011, 7:00 pm - 726 weeks ago
Fixed sometimes changing sampling frequency in Preferences box wasn't applied until the program was restarted [Bug Fix]
Mac: fixed cursor often not correctly updating to reflect the area where the mouse moved [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.8.1 Build 2722 Released
Thursday, April 7 2011, 7:00 pm - 727 weeks ago
Fixed closing and reopening docked windows resulted in slightly altered window size [Bug Fix]
Correct default size of mixer windows [Bug Fix]
Fixed closing a docked window and then reopening it sometimes resulted in the window being undocked [Bug Fix]

n-Track 6.1.2 Beta and n-Track for Mac 0.8.0 Build 2721 Released
Wednesday, April 6 2011, 7:00 pm - 727 weeks ago
Fixed recording vumeter window not appearing [Bug Fix]

n-Track 6.1.2 Beta and n-Track for Mac 0.8.0 Build 2719 Released
Monday, April 4 2011, 7:00 pm - 727 weeks ago
Portuguese translation [New Feature]
Fixed inconsistent drawing of waveforms during recording at high zoom levels [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare cases where freezing a wave track and copying the .sng file might result in the frozen or bounced .wav file to be deleted and missing on the original .sng file [Bug Fix]
Fixed when loading a song with a frozen track with a missing .wav file, the un-froze button would no longer work [Bug Fix]
Recent files list (song and audio) now only shows the file name, not the full path [Improvement]
Mac: Fixed incorrect initial position of Navigator window [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.8.0 Build 2718 Released
Thursday, March 31 2011, 9:00 pm - 728 weeks ago
New single-window layout, with dockable windows [New Feature]
Import and export to m4a audio format (lossy or lossless) [New Feature]

n-Track Studio v6.1.2 Beta build 2715 Released
Monday, March 28 2011, 7:00 pm - 728 weeks ago
Drag and drop in effects list box allows to drag effects between channels (copy or move depending on wether Alt is pressed) [New Feature]
Support for hi-dpi/large fonts settings with Windows Vista and 7 [New Feature]
Fixed main tempo and bpm controls cut off when using Large fonts Windows setting [Bug Fix]
Fixed visual glitches with waveforms during recording to new take [Bug Fix]
Fixed pressing enter in track properties box didn't apply settings until mouse was clicked elsewhere [Bug Fix]
Fixed inadvertently clicking of song speed slider would move the speed to 0.99 [Bug Fix]
Warning box when playback or mixdown started with song speed different than 1.0 [Improvement]
Fixed when changing current sampling frequency the length of MIDI parts would be altered (requiring to manually readjust the length) [Bug Fix]
Timestamp in npk file, fixes problem where .wav file date is set in the future because of problems with the system clock or time zone issues [New Feature]
No longer asks to delete .wav files from disk when deleting a track and the track was imported and not been recorded or created in that session [Bug Fix]
Fixed when dropping multiple .wav files from a folder depending sometimes all the files would end up overlapped on the same track [Bug Fix]
Fixed when changing sampling frequency in the Preferences box the speed of .wav files would not be automatically be adjusted until the song was reloaded, even if the "Resampled" sign correctly appeared [Bug Fix]
Fixed sometimes pressing Del key with multiple parts from multiple tracks selected, n-Track would prompt to delete all of a track parts instead of only the selected part [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.7.7 Build 2711 Released
Wednesday, March 23 2011, 6:00 pm - 729 weeks ago
Fixed invisible text in 'Delete .wav files' listbox and 'Settings/Skin' listbox [Bug Fix]
Other minor bug fixes [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.7.6 Build 2709 Released
Monday, March 21 2011, 11:00 am - 729 weeks ago
Fixed on 64 bit version sometimes closing song with a VST plugin window open would cause a crash [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crashes related to graphics drawing [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.7.6 Build 2708 Released
Wednesday, March 16 2011, 5:00 pm - 730 weeks ago
Timestamp in npk file, fixes problem where .wav file date is set in the future because of problems with the system clock or time zone issues [Improvement]
No longer asks to delete .wav files from disk when deleting a track and the track was imported and not been recorded or created in that session [Improvement]
Fixed when dropping multiple .wav files from a folder depending sometimes all the files would end up overlapped on the same track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch Released
Friday, March 11 2011, 6:00 pm - 730 weeks ago
The first pure DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) to be available for Windows, Mac and iOS devices
The iOS version has the core functions such as multitrack recording and mixing, and can export
recordings in mixed down wave or even in multitrack .sng format so that you can load the multitrack projects with the PC (Windows and Mac) version of n-Track.
Available now on the App Store

n-Track for Mac 0.7.3 Build 2706 Released
Wednesday, March 9 2011, 6:00 pm - 731 weeks ago
nVocal plugin [Ported Feature]
Fixed rec vumeter and Live didn't restart after changing sampling freq. in Preferencex box [Bug Fix]
Fixed 'Audio driver didn't accept sampling frequency' error appearing sometimes after changing sampling freq. [Bug Fix]
Fixed main menu disappeared when opening a packed song file (sgw) [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.7.3 Build 2705 Released
Monday, March 7 2011, 5:00 pm - 731 weeks ago
Del (or Fn+Backspace) key delete selected parts/tracks [Ported Feature]
Fixed choppy playback at very low buffer sizes when having EQ+Spectrum analyzer window open [Bug Fix]
Fixed waveforms while recording at high zoom levels appears corrupt [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.1 build 2692
Monday, March 7 2011, 5:00 pm - 731 weeks ago
Fixed when changing sampling frequency in the Preferences box the speed of .wav files would not be automatically be adjusted until the song was reloaded, even if the "Resampled" sign correctly appeared [Bug Fix]
Fixed sometimes pressing Del key with multiple parts from multiple tracks selected, n-Track would prompt to delete all of a track parts instead of only the selected part [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.1 build 2691
Friday, March 4 2011, 4:00 pm - 731 weeks ago
Fixed choppy playback at low buffering settings when EQ/Spectrum window is open [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.7.2 Build 2704 Released
Monday, February 21 2011, 3:30 pm - 733 weeks ago
Fixed program freezing during mixdown with certain buffering settings [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.7.2 Build 2702 Released
Tuesday, February 15 2011, 6:00 pm - 734 weeks ago
Fixed Piano Roll graphics becoming corrupt after a few minutes of editing [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.1 build 2690
Tuesday, February 15 2011, 6:00 pm - 734 weeks ago
Fixed Piano Roll graphics becoming corrupt after a few minutes of editing [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v0.7.2 Build 2701 Released
Thursday, February 10 2011, 11:30 pm - 735 weeks ago
Fixed Command+0 (Clear selection) / Command+1 (Import audio file) shortcuts not working [Bug Fix]
Fixed Command+solo/mute buttons to toggle mute/solo of all tracks not working [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac v0.7.1 Build 2688 Released
Wednesday, February 2 2011, 7:00 pm - 736 weeks ago
Fixed dragging from Efx browser not working on 64 bit Mac version [Bug Fix]
Fixed Add Effect -> Customize box not showing Favorite Effects box on 64 bit Mac version [Bug Fix]
Draggin effects between channels now results in copying the effect when Alt/Option is held and otherwise moving the effect [Improvement]

n-Track for Mac v0.7.1 Build 2687 Released
Thursday, January 27 2011, 9:00 am - 737 weeks ago
Drag and drop from/to effect list box allows to clone effects to other channels [New Feature]
Fixed crash on Mac 64 bit when opening the Add Effect/Customize... box [Bug Fix]
Fixed auto-zoom of timeline window when 'View all song' toolbar button is active [Bug Fix]
Fixed right clicking on audio waveform and selecting Properties command opened just "Track properties" and not also the lower "Part properties" pane [Bug Fix]
Selection of drawing of Velocity/Controllers/Pitch bend in the lower Piano Roll pane [Ported Feature]

n-Track Studio v6.1.1 Build 2686 Released
Thursday, January 27 2011, 9:00 am - 737 weeks ago
Fixed installation problem of 64 bit version on Windows Vista/7 resulting in 'Error opening skin file' error message [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.1 and n-Track for Mac 0.7.0 Build 2685 Released
Friday, January 21 2011, 4:00 pm - 737 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v6.1 to v6.1.1:
More flexible import/export of MIDI tracks (support for MIDI type 0 files) [New Feature]
Pianoroll graphical and usability improvements [New Feature]
The Guitar Tuner (EQ window -> right click and select Tuner from popup menu) is now more accurate [Improvement]
Mac version now fully supports AU plugins (32 and 64 bit, multichannel, automation) [New Feature]
Metronome, Big Time, EQ presets implemented on Mac [New Feature]
Fixed extra empty tracks created when dragging parts [Improvement]
Fixed changing song sampling frequency sporadically not working (resulting in playback at incorrect speed) with Asio drivers of EMU and Line6 USB devices [Bug Fix]

n-Track Beta Build 2683 Released
Wednesday, January 19 2011, 6:00 pm - 738 weeks ago
The velocity of MIDI notes generated clicking on the pianoroll vertical piano changes based on where the note was clicked [New Feature]
Pianoroll vertical piano highlights piano key as note events are dragged [New Feature]
Pianoroll bottom velocity pane follows note events as they are being dragged [New Feature]
Mac: Fixed crash when opening effects browser from popup effects list [Bug Fix]
When a Mixer window size is changed from popup menu all current Mixer windows are updated [Bug Fix]

n-Track Beta Build 2681 Released
Monday, January 17 2011, 9:00 pm - 738 weeks ago
Fixed program freezing when trying to resize empty MIDI parts [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic MIDI timing accuracy problem with VST3 and AU instrument plugins [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed crash when changing mixer window layout properties (size, orientation) [Bug Fix]
Mac: fixed when plugin have names with more than one word only the initial word appeared in the channel effects list box [Bug Fix]
Mac: Adding blank MIDI track automatically adds default instrument MIDI synth [New Feature]

n-Track for Mac 0.6.5 Beta Build 2679 Released
Saturday, January 15 2011, 10:00 am - 738 weeks ago
Mac: Fixed crash entering time offset with incorrect format in most time boxes [Bug Fix]
Mac: EQ Presets toolbar and PianoRoll velocity draw toolbar (line, continuos) [Ported Feature]
Mac: metronome settings window [Ported Feature]
Mac: Big Time window [Ported Feature]
Metronome automatically activated the 1st time metronome window is opened [Improvement]

n-Track Beta Build 2678 Released
Wednesday, January 12 2011, 6:00 pm - 739 weeks ago
Fixed 'Edit/Cut and move left' command working only when invoked by Ctrl+Shift+X shortcut. [Bug Fix]
Fixed when manually entering volume values for EQ and volume envelope nodes sometimes the value would be off by +/- 0.1 dB. [Bug Fix]
Mac: more efficient and accurate handling of AU plugins parameters automation. [Improvement]

n-Track Beta Build 2677 Released
Tuesday, January 11 2011, 6:00 pm - 739 weeks ago
Fixed track arm popup menu showing left and right channel options when audio input device is set to mono [Bug Fix]
Mac: fixed crash when setting audio input to mono format. [Bug Fix]
Minor updates to the user guide

n-Track Beta Build 2676 Released
Wednesday, January 5 2011, 7:00 pm - 740 weeks ago
Fixed crash or hang when using some instrument plugins (e.g. n-Track Strings or mdaPiano) with more than one track sending MIDI notes to the same instrument instance [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare case of n-Track Strings synth sometimes emitting a short burst of noise [Bug Fix]
Mac: Support for automation of parameters for AU plugins [New Feature]

n-Track Beta Build 2675 Released
Monday, January 3 2011, 6:00 pm - 740 weeks ago
Rounded Corners spectrum analyzer display option [New Feature]
Fixed excessive CPU usage when moving mouse over EQ/Spectrum analyzer window [Bug Fix]
Mac: fixed sporadic error opening initializing audio devices [Bug Fix]
Mac: fixed installer not working correctly on OSX 10.5 Leopard [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed sporadic 'error saving registry key' error. [Bug Fix]

n-Track Beta Build 2674 Released
Wednesday, December 29 2010, 6:00 pm - 741 weeks ago
Mac: Fixed impossible to select more than 1 MIDI input or output device on 64 bit version [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed crash with certain AU plugins on 64 bit version [Bug Fix]
Mac: New single file installer for both 32 and 64 bit versions
Fixed right clicking on MIDI part to open RianoRoll would sometimes open incorrect MIDI part [Bug Fix]

n-Track Beta Build 2673 Released
Monday, December 27 2010, 4:00 pm - 741 weeks ago
Fixed pasting parts copied from multiple tracks the parts ended up overlapped in a single track Fixed graphic glitches of pianoroll window when left pane is set to show note names or numbers [Bug Fix]
Windows: Semi transparent selection box, fixed graphic glitches when dragging to select tracks or dragging selection + scrolling [New Feature]
Skinnable color for timeline and Piano Roll selection boxes [New Feature]
Fixed when the 'use different color for each track' option is active color switch happened every other track instead of every track [Bug Fix]
Windows: Fixed color selection button in the track properties box having no effect [Bug Fix]
Fixed changing a track's color right clicking on the track didn't immediately refresh the track wavefrorm with the new color [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.6.2 Beta Build 2672 Released
Friday, December 24 2010, 9:00 am - 742 weeks ago
Mac: Factory and user presets for AU plugins [New Feature]
Mac: Parameter automation recording and playback works with VST plugins [Ported Feature]

n-Track Tuner for iPhone, iPad and iPod Released
Thursday, December 23 2010, 12:00 pm - 742 weeks ago
Bring the power of n-Track spectrum analyzer, level meter and guitar-bass tuner wherever you go
Download the free App from iTunes App Store

n-Track Studio Beta Build 2671 Released
Monday, December 20 2010, 7:00 pm - 742 weeks ago
Fixed last selected preset when reloading DirectX plugins altered when new presets have been saved since the plugin was last closed [Bug Fix]
Fixed setting mono track to stereo sometimes wouldn't make DirectX plugins that require a stereo channel work (e.g. CloneEnsemble) [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio Beta Build 2670 Released
Thursday, December 16 2010, 9:00 am - 743 weeks ago
Fixed crash right clicking on timeline axis [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.6.1 Beta Build 2669 Released
Wednesday, December 15 2010, 6:00 pm - 743 weeks ago
Mac: save and load presets buttons in VST plugins box [Ported Feature]
Mac: plugin CPU usage indicator for VST and AU plugins [Ported Feature]
Mac: fixed plugin Preamp and Post gain controls having no effect on AU plugins [Bug Fix]

n-Track 6.1.1 and n-Track for Mac 0.6.1 Beta Build 2668 Released
Monday, December 13 2010, 6:00 pm - 743 weeks ago
Mac: Support for Multichannel AU instrument synths [New Feature]
Mac: Fixed AU instruments not correctly re-loaded from .sng file [Bug Fix]
Fixed MIDI Events List window incorrectly placing new MIDI events [Bug Fix]
MIDI Events List window is now resizable [New Feature]
Mac: Fixed PianoRoll windows not closed when song is closed [Bug Fix]
Mac: uses less CPU to display spectrum analyzer/tuner [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.6.0 Build 2666 Released
Saturday, November 27 2010, 11:00 am - 745 weeks ago
Mac: Fixed AU plugins always showing generic parameters UI in 32 bit version [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed crash when starting playback with numerous non-Apple AU plugins [Bug Fix]
Spectrum analyzer/EQ window enhancements [New Feature]
Fixed spectrum analyzer sometimes showing inaccurate spectrum every once in a few seconds [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 6.1.1 Beta and n-Track for Mac 0.6.0 Build 2665 Released
Friday, November 26 2010, 11:00 am - 746 weeks ago
Mac: Initial support for AU plugins [New Feature]
Windows: more robust file association setup, should fix the problem of double click on a .sng file makes Windows try to reinstall n-Track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 6.1 Build 2655 Released
Friday, November 19 2010, 5:00 pm - 746 weeks ago
Update texts in non-english languages [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio Build 2653 Released
Monday, November 8 2010, 6:40 pm - 748 weeks ago
Mac: Fixed 'Add channel/Import .wav file' didn't accept mp3 and other formats [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed some mp3 encoding presets resulting in error message. [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed File/Mixdown file requester selecting incorrect extension [Bug Fix]
Windows: Fixed pianoroll vertical piano graphic glitches [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1 Build 2652 Released
Monday, November 8 2010, 11:00 am - 748 weeks ago
Fixed pressing Delete key in Song Comments box deletes currently selected track(s) (i.e. keyboard shortcut is now disabled when editing text) [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.5.2 Build 2651 Released
Saturday, November 6 2010, 6:00 pm - 748 weeks ago
Fixed crash in 64 bit version during program launch [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac 0.5.2 Build 2649 Released
Friday, November 5 2010, 5:00 pm - 748 weeks ago
Fixed incompatibility with certain versions of Lame mp3 encoder [Bug Fix]
Fixed pianoroll vertical piano graphic glitches [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1 Build 2648 Released
Wednesday, November 3 2010, 2:00 pm - 749 weeks ago
Fixed selecting '24 bit' or '32 bit float' instead of ' = soundcard format' as the recorded file format in the Recording Format box resulted in corrupted recordings [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash when closing mixer strip on left of timeline window with the EQ window open, using the strip selection buttons in the lower left corner [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio Build 2647 Released
Friday, October 29 2010, 5:00 pm - 749 weeks ago
Vertical Piano graphic enhancements, keys distribution more similar to real keyboard [New Feature]
MIDI import options box shows MIDI file type [New Feature]
Option to import MIDI file (type 0 or type 1) into a single MIDI track [New Feature]

n-Track Studio v6.1 Build 2643 Released
Thursday, October 28 2010, 5:00 pm - 750 weeks ago
Fixed compatility problems with Windows 2000 [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio Build 2646 Released
Monday, October 25 2010, 5:00 pm - 750 weeks ago
Curved signal connections in Signal Path window [New Feature]
Fixed Signal path window graphic glitches [Bug Fix]
Fixed selecting tracks clicking on parts in timeline resulted in mixer erroneously showing two selected tracks [Bug Fix]
Mac: fixed sporadic sync offset problems between existing and recorded tracks [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1.1 Beta and n-Track for Mac 0.5.1 Build 2645 Released
Friday, October 22 2010, 2:00 pm - 751 weeks ago
Export MIDI tracks to MIDI type 0 file [New Feature]
Fixed erroneous track length when importing type 0 MIDI files [Bug Fix]
Windows: Fixed crash after "Error selecting disc recorded" error occurs in Burn to CD window [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.5.0 Beta Build 2644 Released
Monday, October 18 2010, 6:40 pm - 751 weeks ago
Fixed freezing when stopping and restarting audio enging with Live on (e.g. pressing Apply on Buffering Settings box) [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.5.0 Beta Build 2643 Released
Friday, October 15 2010, 4:40 pm - 751 weeks ago
.wav file last modified and creation date in delete .wav files box [Ported feature]
Higher priorities for audio processing threads should reduce likelyhood of audio glitches when using low buffering [Ported feature]

n-Track Studio v6.1 Build 2642 Released
Thursday, October 14 2010, 6:50 pm - 752 weeks ago
Fixed incorrect level meter and live input processing with Asio drivers on a 24 bit soundcard and setting the recorded file format to 16 or 32 bits [Bug Fix]
Fixed MIDI parts always used tempo corresponding to the start of the song instead of the tempo corresponding to their position in the song [Bug Fix]
Fixed track Surround settings box not appearing when right clicking on surround panner in track mixer stripe [Bug Fix]
Fixed timeline grid color depended on wether last part that was drawn was selected or not [Bug Fix]
Fixed select track active take doesn't update waveform display [Bug Fix]
Mac: fixed toolbar buttons getting messed up after opening pianoroll window, then closing and reloading n-Track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1 Build 2640 Released
Tuesday, October 12 2010, 11:00 am - 752 weeks ago
Fixed changing the name of a Group channel didn't update the output label for tracks output to the group [Bug Fix]
Fixed problem with Stereo/Mono and 16-24-32 bit radio buttons in Recording Settings box [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1 Build 2639 Released
Monday, October 11 2010, 10:40 am - 752 weeks ago
Fixed level meters sometimes flashing intermittently [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1 Build 2638 Released
Thursday, October 7 2010, 3:22 pm - 753 weeks ago
Context menu for vertical sliders to enable/disable double clicking to center slider [Bug Fix]
Fixed Settings/Zoom commands having no effect [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio v6.1 Released
Monday, October 4 2010, 11:22 am - 753 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v6.0.9 to v6.1:
n-Track Strings plugin [New Feature]
Source code in sync between Windows and Mac versions
Redesigned Preferences box [New Feature]
Decreased resource usage related to level meter windows [New Feature]
Redesigned icons for .sng, .sgw and .npk files

n-Track Studio Build 2636 Released (Windows+Mac)
Saturday, October 2 2010, 8:00 pm - 753 weeks ago
Fixed empty text in ParametricEQ plugin right click context menu [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed crash adding track send clicking on + button on track mixer strip, then moving mouse away from mixer window [Bug Fix]
Windows: Fixed guitar tuner text layout [Bug Fix]
Windows: Fixed crash on Windows XP when manually entering volume value [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio Build 2635 Released (Windows+Mac)
Sunday, September 26 2010, 10:00 am - 754 weeks ago
Fixed icorrect values when entering volume value for MIDI tracks [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed rec assign but ton on recording meter not showing popup menu [Bug Fix]
Mac: Safer (bigger) audio buffering in default configuration [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed effects browser glitches on OSX Leopard 10.5.x [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.5.0 Beta Build 2634 Released
Friday, September 24 2010, 11:00 am - 755 weeks ago
Fixed incorrect initial windows layout on Mac OSX Leopard [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash closing the program on Mac OSX Leopard [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio Build 2633 Released (Windows+Mac)
Tuesday, September 21 2010, 8:00 am - 755 weeks ago
Effects browser skinnable background and text color [New Feature]
Mac: Fixed crash when manually entering value for volume or pan [Bug Fix]
Mac: Fixed incorrect application name in main menu on Leopard 10.5.x [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio Build 2632 Released (Windows+Mac)
Saturday, September 18 2010, 7:00 pm - 755 weeks ago
Mac: Plugin settings box (Add Effect -> Customize) [Ported Feature]
Mac: Fixed tempo evolution window toolbar improper button states [Bug Fix]
Fixed track not receiving live input is "Expand to stereo" was set for the track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio Build 2631 Released (Windows+Mac)
Wednesday, September 15 2010, 8:00 pm - 756 weeks ago
Fixed piano roll and tempo evolution window time cursor not appearing correctly [Bug Fix]
Mac: fixed tempo evolution window draw tempo with straight line, line not appearing [Bug Fix]
Windows: Fixed piano roll context menu showing garbled characters [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.4.8 Beta Build 2630 Released
Tuesday, September 14 2010, 11:00 am - 756 weeks ago
Effects Browser window [Ported Feature]

n-Track Studio Build 2629 Released (Windows+Mac)
Friday, September 10 2010, 6:00 pm - 756 weeks ago
Fixed crash at end of recording and 'Generate waveforms during recording' option was disabled [Bug Fix]
Fixed live input processing mute when using Asio drivers and 24 bit unpacked format [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare case where zooming excessively into the timeline Y axis makes it impossible to return to regular zoom levels [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio Build 2628 Released (Windows+Mac)
Thursday, September 9 2010, 7:00 pm - 757 weeks ago
Skinnable Timeline and PianoRoll temporal selection colors and transparency [New Feature]
Double click centers horizontal and vertical sliders [New Feature]
Fixed aux channel level meter remaining stuck when the aux channel no longer receives any sends [Bug Fix]
Mac: Snap selection to 0 [Ported Feature]

n-Track Studio Build 2627 Released (Windows)
Tuesday, September 7 2010, 9:00 am - 757 weeks ago
Fixed Snap to 0 not snapping the end of the selection [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio Build 2626 Released (Windows+Mac)
Friday, September 3 2010, 7:00 pm - 757 weeks ago
Fixed noise or incorrect send volume behavior when assigning to a Master channel a track or group channel send [Bug Fix]
Mac: clip regions shown in time axis during playback [Ported Feature]

n-Track Studio Build 2625 Released (Windows+Mac)
Wednesday, September 1 2010, 5:00 pm - 758 weeks ago
Mac: 'Click here to start recording' popup message [Ported Feature]
'Click here to start recording' now goes aways as soon as recording is started [Bug Fix]
Windows: redesigned icon .npk files

n-Track Studio Build 2624 Released (Windows+Mac)
Monday, August 30 2010, 4:00 pm - 758 weeks ago
Mac: sng and sgw file type association / finder icons [Ported Feature]
Mac: fixed some keyboard shortcuts not working in non-english languages [Bug Fix]
Windows: redesigned icon for .sng and .sgw files

n-Track for Mac version 0.4.7 Beta Build 2623 Released
Sunday, August 29 2010, 3:00 pm - 758 weeks ago
Spanish, German, French, Italian and Dutch translations [Ported Feature]

n-Track for Mac version 0.4.6 Beta Build 2622 Released
Monday, August 23 2010, 6:00 pm - 759 weeks ago
Drag and drop of audio files from folders into n-Track timeline [Ported Feature]
Part locked sign (anchor) no longer appears when part is being recorded [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio Build 2621 Released (Windows+Mac)
Friday, August 20 2010, 4:30 pm - 759 weeks ago
Fixed program freezing when enabling an extra I/O output channel with Live input processing active [Bug Fix]
Mac: Left and right, up-down cursors keyboard shortcuts [Ported Feature]

n-Track Studio Build 2620 Released (Windows+Mac)
Wednesday, August 18 2010, 6:00 pm - 760 weeks ago
Fixed input record vumeter -> enable/disable popup menu having empty text [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash on XP when dragging and dropping an effect to a track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Build 2619 Released (Windows)
Tuesday, August 17 2010, 10:00 am - 760 weeks ago
Fixed installation problems [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash when applying "Split stereo track" command to a MIDI track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio 6.1.0 Beta (Windows) and 0.4.5 Beta (Mac) Released
Monday, August 16 2010, 5:00 pm - 760 weeks ago
Source code in sync between Windows and Mac versions
Windows: n-Track Strings plugin [New Feature]
Windows: redesigned Preferences box [New Feature]
Windows: decreased resource usage related to level meter windows [New Feature]
Mac: Icons to select settings category in Settings/Preferences box [New Feature]
Mac: Fixed rare noise burst in n-Track Strings [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.4.4 Beta Build 2615 Released
Wednesday, August 11 2010, 7:00 pm - 761 weeks ago
Fixed VST3.x plugins window not appearing correctly [Bug Fix]
Fixed Delete Send command having no effect [Bug Fix]
Fixed channel send output label remains when deleting send [Bug Fix]
Asyncronous writing of peak files during recording (decreased chance of drop-outs during recording) [New Feature]

n-Track for Mac version 0.4.3 Beta Build 2613 Released
Sunday, August 1 2010, 8:00 pm - 762 weeks ago
Fixed Lock track offset didn't display anchor icon [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic crash when opening the File->Mixdown box [Bug Fix]
Fixed entering trial period extension registration codes didn't work [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.4.3 Beta Build 2612 Released
Saturday, July 31 2010, 12:00 pm - 762 weeks ago
Online help in PDF format [Ported Feature]
Progress bar appears in n-Track dock windows to show progress for long operations [Ported Feature]
Play and Rec icons in dock [Ported Feature]
Plugin UI opens when adding instrument [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash when closing a song with two instances of the same VST plugin [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.4.2 Beta Build 2611 Released
Sunday, July 25 2010, 5:00 pm - 763 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash when closing program with Live processing active [Bug Fix]
Removed menu commands not functional in Mac version [Bug Fix]
Button to open Audio MIDI Setup in Audio devices box [New Feature]

n-Track for Mac version 0.4.2 Beta Build 2609 Released
Saturday, July 24 2010, 8:00 pm - 763 weeks ago
n-Track Strings new synth plugin [New Feature]

n-Track for Mac version 0.4.1 Beta Build 2608 Released
Friday, July 23 2010, 6:00 pm - 763 weeks ago
Delete Wavefiles window [Ported Feature]
Fixed problem reading .aif files exported from Garageband [Bug Fix]
Smoother display of waveforms while recording when using write buffering [Bug Fix]
Fixed big memory leak during playback [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.4.0 Beta Build 2607 Released
Wednesday, July 21 2010, 9:00 am - 764 weeks ago
Editing History window [Ported Feature]
Fixed Undo after recording leaving overdubbed tracks with incorrect takes configuration [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.4.0 Beta Build 2606 Released
Monday, July 19 2010, 5:00 pm - 764 weeks ago
Fixed drop-outs during recording when "Show waveforms while recording" option was active [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.4.0 Beta Build 2605 Released
Saturday, July 17 2010, 12:00 pm - 764 weeks ago
Support for multiple and multichannel devices [Ported Feature]
Drop-down list (Rec vumeter -> hammer button) to change the format of recorded .wav files independently from the format used for soundcard I/O [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Build 2604 Released (Windows)
Monday, July 12 2010, 10:00 am - 765 weeks ago
Sync with video Windows hides window title and controls bar in full-screen mode [New Feature]
Fixed when "New tracks have sends to all auxs" option is active loading a saved songs resets the tracks mixer sends settings [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.5 Beta Build 2603 Released
Tuesday, June 29 2010, 7:00 pm - 767 weeks ago
Waveforms graphics shadows [Ported Feature]
Fixed incorrect waveform color when Waveforms/Gradient option was on [Ported Feature]
Select file extension in File/Save and File/Mixdown file requesters to select output file format (wav, mp3 etc.) [Ported Feature]
mp3 decoding works on Mac 64 bit [Bug Fix]
Fixed eq bands / tuner graphics [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.5 Beta Build 2602 Released
Monday, June 28 2010, 7:00 pm - 767 weeks ago
Mp3 encoding with Lame encoder [Ported Feature]
Mp3 import and convert to .wav file [Ported Feature]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.5 Beta Build 2601 Released
Friday, June 25 2010, 9:00 pm - 767 weeks ago
Selection of which volume envelopes in timeline popup menu [Ported Feature]
Scrubbing by dragging mouse in area below timeline upper axis [Ported Feature]
Mouse cursor changes near envelope nodes [Ported Feature]
Fixed timeline window flashing during startup [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.4 Beta Build 2600 Released
Thursday, June 24 2010, 9:00 pm - 768 weeks ago
Editing of single sample by dragging samples on waveform [Ported feature]
Fixed 'samples' time axis format showing incorrect numbers [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Build 2599 Released (Windows)
Wednesday, June 23 2010, 4:00 pm - 768 weeks ago
Draw centerline Settings/Waveforms option [New Feature]
Auto-quality Settings/Waveforms options [New Feature]
Fixed when opening Piano Roll window on a MIDI part and another Rianoroll window was open the new Piano Roll window tab was not always made foreground [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.4 Beta Build 2597 Released
Monday, June 21 2010, 8:00 pm - 768 weeks ago
Improved handling of mouse cursor when mouse goes over timeline widgets [Bug Fix]
Volume envelopes now work correctly but are still fixed to volume (no way to select pan or send envelopes) [Bug Fix]
Vst plugin scan now avoids re-scanning plugins that failed to load at previous scan [Enhancement]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.4 Beta Build 2596 Released
Saturday, June 19 2010, 9:00 pm - 768 weeks ago
Timeline toolbar [Ported Feature]
Volume envelopes [Ported Feature]
Selection of track / part color [Ported Feature]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.4 Beta Build 2595 Released
Friday, June 18 2010, 10:30 pm - 768 weeks ago
Tempo Delay plugin [Ported Feature]
Track properties box [Ported Feature]
Box to manually edit volume settings auto closes when clicking away [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.3 Beta Build 2594 Released
Thursday, June 17 2010, 9:30 pm - 769 weeks ago
Multiband Compressor plugin [Ported Feature]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.2 Beta Build 2593 Released
Wednesday, June 16 2010, 11:30 pm - 769 weeks ago
Manual editing of volume and pan settings by clicking and entering number with keyboard [Ported Feature]
Fixed installer not opening correctly when downloaded with Safari [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.2 Beta Build 2589 Released
Monday, June 14 2010, 7:00 pm - 769 weeks ago
MIDI Events list window [Ported Feature]
MIDI properties box double clicking on MIDI event in piano roll window [Ported Feature]
Fixed crash opening MIDI event properties from Piano roll window in MIDI tracks with multiple MIDI parts [Bug Fix]
Fix for song SysEx banks ("View/System exclusive banks box") not restored when reloading song [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Build 2588 Released (Windows)
Monday, June 14 2010, 3:00 pm - 769 weeks ago
Fixed Graphic EQ 100% CPU utilization while adjusting the frequency response with the mouse [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash opening MIDI event properties from Piano roll window in MIDI tracks with multiple MIDI parts [Bug Fix]
Fix for song SysEx banks ("View/System exclusive banks box") not restored when reloading song [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.2 Beta Build 2587 Released
Friday, June 11 2010, 8:00 pm - 769 weeks ago
Menu Keyboard shortcuts [New Feature]
Fancy folder that opens when clicking on the dmg download file [New Feature]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.2 Beta Build 2586 Released
Thursday, June 10 2010, 8:00 pm - 770 weeks ago
n-Track Graphic EQ plugin [New Feature]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.1 Beta Build 2585 Released
Tuesday, June 8 2010, 9:00 pm - 770 weeks ago
Fixed missing Multitap Delay in 32 bit version [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.1 Beta Build 2584 Released
Saturday, June 5 2010, 9:00 pm - 770 weeks ago
Add new instrument channel popup menu works
Fixed missing presets on Multitap Delay effect in 64 bit version [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.1 Beta Build 2583 Released
Saturday, June 5 2010, 9:00 pm - 770 weeks ago
n-Track Multitap Delay plugin in 64 bit version
Recent .wav files and recent songs menu lists are now functional

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Build 2582 Released (Windows)
Thursday, June 3 2010, 8:00 pm - 771 weeks ago
Fixed rare audio output corruption caused by n-Track Drums pattern change [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.1 Beta Build 2581 Released
Monday, May 31 2010, 8:00 pm - 771 weeks ago
Lower CPU usage related [Improvement]
Fixed recording and playback level meter windows never reappear when relaunching n-Track [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash clicking on .. button in effects list box [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.1 Beta Build 2580 Released
Sunday, May 30 2010, 7:00 pm - 771 weeks ago
Fixed peak files stopped being created after 1 second from beginning of recording [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.0 Beta Build 2579 Released
Friday, May 28 2010, 7:00 pm - 771 weeks ago
Added n-Track Multitap Delay plugin (currently 32 bit only)
Fixed X appearing on waveform when starting recording [Bug Fix]
Smoother waveform display while recording [Bug Fix]

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.0 Beta Build 2578 Released
Wednesday, May 26 2010, 7:00 pm - 772 weeks ago
Fixed misaligned level meters scale [Bug Fix]
Fixed sporadic crash when saving song [Bug Fix]
Fixed compatility with OS X 10.5 Leopard

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.0 Beta Build 2577 Released
Sunday, May 23 2010, 7:00 pm - 772 weeks ago
Timeline left vertical bar

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.0 Beta Build 2576 Released
Sunday, May 23 2010, 4:00 pm - 772 weeks ago
64 bit version (separate download)

n-Track for Mac version 0.3.0 Beta Build 2575 Released!
Saturday, May 22 2010, 9:00 pm - 772 weeks ago
Initial n-Track for Mac Beta version

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Build 2574 Released
Wednesday, May 12 2010, 5:00 pm - 774 weeks ago
Fixed rare problem with VST plug-ins scan failing [Bug Fix]
Fixed moving mouse over mixer effects list box the tooltip that appears gets in the way of clicking on an effect [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Build 2573 Released
Tuesday, April 20 2010, 10:00 am - 777 weeks ago
Fixed bank switching in Mackie Control preset [Bug Fix]
Fixed play button in MIDI control surface didn't work when Live button was pressed [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash opening Surround panner

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Build 2571 Released
Monday, April 12 2010, 4:00 pm - 778 weeks ago
Minor fixes to BCF2000 and Mackie Control presets [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Build 2570 Released
Sunday, April 11 2010, 6:00 pm - 778 weeks ago
Support (with ready made preset) for Mackie Control hardware control surface [New Feature]
Improved support for BCF2000 hardware control surface, now uses BCF Preset 1 [New Feature]
Fixed when Mute or Solo buttons are pressed level-meters muted tracks in left timelime vertical track bar are not reset [Bug Fix]
Setup executable has correct right click -> Properties version/build info [Bug Fix]
x64 configuration files different than 32 bit ones to avoid conflict in VST folder settings [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Build 2568 Released
Wednesday, March 31 2010, 3:00 pm - 780 weeks ago
Fixed last module in any nVocal configuration having no audible effect, unless output mode was set to "AllLeft" or "AllRight"

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Build 2567 Released
Tuesday, March 30 2010, 10:00 pm - 780 weeks ago
Fixed missing translated strings

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Build 2564 Released
Wednesday, March 24 2010, 10:00 pm - 781 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v6.0.8 to v6.0.9:
New nVocal plugin [New Feature]
Support (with ready made preset) for Behringer BCF2000 hardware control surface [New Feature]
Support for Waves v7 VST and VST3 plugins [New Feature]
Fixed part not updating when holding Shift and selecting [Bug Fix]
Support for MMC transport commands in Settings/MIDI Control box [New Feature]
Improved disk write buffering during recording, enabled by default in Settings/Buffering box [New Feature]
Many bug fixes (see previous builds below)

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Beta Build 2561 Released
Wednesday, March 24 2010, 7:00 pm - 781 weeks ago
Fixed applying Normalize command to a .wav file with sampling frequency different from the current results in wave file playing at wrong speed [Bug Fix]
Double click in efx browser adds effect to current track/channel [Bug Fix]
Fixed nVocal crashing when enable Settings/64 bit processing option [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Beta Build 2560 Released
Monday, March 22 2010, 9:30 pm - 781 weeks ago
MIDI faders preset for Behringer BCF2000 hardware control surface [New Feature]
Support for MMC transport commands in Settings/MIDI Control box [New Feature]
Fixed rare noise burst caused by n-Track Drums [Bug Fix]
Fixed timeline mixer stripe showing incorrect clipped level in master level meter when deselecting all tracks [Bug Fix]
Fixed selecting track with left and right keyboard arrows doesn't scroll timeline vertically [Bug Fix]
Fixed mp3 conversion box sometimes opening behing mixdown box (mixdown box now closes before opening mp3 conversion box) [Bug Fix]
Fixed shortcuts working while editing text in MIDI faders box [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Beta Build 2559 Released
Friday, March 19 2010, 9:20 pm - 781 weeks ago
Fixed jump in lower range movement of motorized volume faders (external MIDI control surfaces) [Bug Fix]
Fixed rare crash in 64 bit version of n-Track Drums [Bug Fix]
Fixed when nVocal window is open mouse wheel no longer worked to zoom Timeline [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Beta Build 2558 Released
Friday, March 19 2010, 9:20 pm - 781 weeks ago
Improved disk write buffering during recording, enabled by default in Settings/Buffering box

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Beta Build 2556 Released
Thursday, March 11 2010, 8:00 am - 783 weeks ago
Fixed missing nVocal buttons [Bug Fix]
Language localization fixes [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.9 Beta Build 2554 Released
Tuesday, March 9 2010, 1:00 pm - 783 weeks ago
New nVocal plugin [New Feature]
Support for Waves v7 VST and VST3 plugins [New Feature]
Fixed part not updating when holding Shift and selecting [Bug Fix]
When part is pasted it is unselected and un-grouped from parts with which the copied part was grouped [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash on Windows XP when "Disable icons in menus" Preferences/Appearance option is activated [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Build 2553 Released
Tuesday, February 16 2010, 1:00 pm - 786 weeks ago
Fixed crash on Mixdown in trial mode when multiple outputs are selected [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Build 2551 Released
Monday, February 15 2010, 10:00 am - 786 weeks ago
Dutch translation [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Build 2548 Released
Wednesday, January 20 2010, 1:00 pm - 790 weeks ago
Changes from v6.0.7 to v6.0.8 recap:
Spanish, German, French and Italian translations [New Feature]
Save as template: saves song removing all tracks parts [New Feature]
Envelopes editing improvements:
Shift+Click add new envelope node [New Feature]
Apply Envelope Edit to all selected tracks option, now disabled by default to avoid inadvertedly editing envelopes of other tracks [New Feature]
Vol/pan envelope name continues to appear when zooming in/moving right past the beginning of the song [New Feature]
Envelopes Settings box opens from Envelopes popup menu [New Feature]
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Desktop and Start Menu shortcuts sometimes triggering a reinstall of the program [Bug Fix]
Fixed Piano-roll not scrolling correctly when set to auto-scroll to follow playback cursor [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash closing Effects Browser on Windows 2000 [Bug Fix]
Fixed Effects -> Customize box not saving settings [Bug Fix]
Fixed renaming of plugins categories not working [Bug Fix]
Fixed incorrect progress indication when mixing down to mp3 [Bug Fix]
Fixed Tempo evolution window "draw tempo with line" not working, tempo list not updating after edits [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash when pasting an audio part into a MIDI track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Beta Build 2546 Released
Tuesday, January 19 2010, 10:00 pm - 790 weeks ago
Fixed "Envelope/Add node here" timeline popup menu having no effect [Bug Fix]
Fixed missing "Draw aux send/pan" options in volume envelopes toolbar popup menu [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Beta Build 2545 Released
Monday, January 18 2010, 5:00 pm - 790 weeks ago
Save as template: saves song removing all tracks parts [New Feature]
Fixed Piano-roll not scrolling correctly when set to auto-scroll to follow playback cursor [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash closing Effects Browser on Windows 2000

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Beta Build 2544 Released
Friday, January 15 2010, 3:00 pm - 790 weeks ago
German translation

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Beta Build 2542 Released
Wednesday, January 13 2010, 9:00 pm - 791 weeks ago
Spanish translation

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Beta Build 2541 Released
Monday, January 11 2010, 9:00 pm - 791 weeks ago
Fixed Effects -> Customize box not saving settings [Bug Fix]
Fixed renaming of plugins categories not working [Bug Fix]
Fixed incorrect progress indication when mixing down to mp3 [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Beta Build 2540 Released
Wednesday, January 6 2010, 6:00 pm - 792 weeks ago
Fixed Tempo evolution window "draw tempo with line" not working, tempo list not updating after edits [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Beta Build 2536 Released
Saturday, December 26 2009, 11:40 am - 793 weeks ago
Fixed delete of .wav or .npk file sometimes failed because the .npk file was being created while the delete was attempted [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash when pasting an audio part into a MIDI track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Beta Build 2535 Released
Thursday, December 24 2009, 6:40 pm - 794 weeks ago
Fixed missing mouse cursor when in part-dragging mode [Bug Fix]
Fixed Desktop and Start Menu shortcuts sometimes triggering a reinstall of the program [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Beta Build 2533 Released
Monday, December 21 2009, 5:00 pm - 794 weeks ago
French translation [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Beta Build 2532 Released
Wednesday, December 16 2009, 5:00 pm - 795 weeks ago
Fixed dragging and dropping effect from Effects Browser into a MIDI track added invisible effect [Bug Fix]
Fixed vu-meters untranslated strings [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.8 Beta Build 2531 Released
Monday, December 14 2009, 11:00 am - 795 weeks ago
Italian translation. More languages will follow soon [New Feature]
Vol/pan envelope name continues to appear when zooming in/moving right past the beginning of the song [New Feature]
Apply Envelope Edit to all selected tracks option, now disabled by default to avoid inadvertedly editing envelopes of other tracks [New Feature]
Envelopes Settings box opens from Envelopes popup menu [New Feature]
Shift+Click add new envelope node [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.7 Build 2530 Released
Saturday, November 28 2009, 6:00 pm - 797 weeks ago
Fixed crash when moving effects up/down in Effects list box after filling available Undo levels [Bug Fix]
Fixed incorrect selection of plug-ins in pop-up Effects list box [Bug Fix]
Fixed weird look of n-Track logo in built-in DirectX plugins [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.7 Build 2529 Released
Wednesday, November 25 2009, 3:00 pm - 798 weeks ago
Effect browser by default opens Favorites->Effects node
Smaller Effects Browser window fonts
Fixed sporadic crash closing Effects Browser window [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.7 Build 2528 Released
Sunday, November 22 2009, 3:00 pm - 798 weeks ago
Changes from v6.0.6 to v6.0.7 recap:
Effects Browser window, allows to drag and drop effects to tracks or effects box [New Feature]
Taskbar on Windows 7 shows Play and Rec icon indicators and progress indicator for long actions (mixdown, wave editing etc.) [New Feature]
Delete key deletes parts or tracks currently selected [New Feature]
Redesigned Effects List window buttons, "..." and "+" overlay buttons in mixer effects list to open Effects List box and Effects Browser [New Feature]
Sticky control in window caption for Effects Browser and Effects List box, when 'not sticky' window is closed when mouse is clicked away [New Feature]
New Fonts customization box [New Feature]
Fonts settings are now saved in the Skin settings [New Feature]
Fixed effects opened behind the mixer window [Bug Fix]
More flexible routing for group channels: a group channel's output can go to a lower order group, e.g. Group 3 can output to Group 2 [New Feature]

Changes from 6.0.7 Beta Build 2525 to v6.0.7 Build 2528:
Fixed 64 bit version not being able to load songs saved with n-Track v4.x or earlier [Bug Fix]
Fixed dragging and dropping effect from Effects Browser may end up in wrong track if timeline window was partially covered [Bug Fix]
Effects Browser tooltips [Bug Fix]
Add New Send + button on mixer [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.7 Beta Build 2527 Released
Thursday, November 19 2009, 4:40 pm - 799 weeks ago
Fixed effects browser not refreshing correctly when docked, then closed and reopened [Bug Fix]
Fixed selected take lanes segments track information not saved into song file [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.7 Beta Build 2526 Released
Wednesday, November 18 2009, 3:00 pm - 799 weeks ago
Fixed track Take mode (show, hide, merge) not correctly restored after saving and reloading song [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash when clicking on "Set VST Folders" button in Preferences/Paths box [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.7 Beta Build 2525 Released
Monday, November 16 2009, 9:00 am - 799 weeks ago
Setting in Preferences/Options to automatically add sends to current aux channels (old versions aux send behavior) [New Feature]
Fixed main Close (X) button sometimes not working after opening and closing Effects Browser window [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.7 Beta Build 2524 Released
Sunday, November 15 2009, 9:00 am - 799 weeks ago
Sticky control in window caption for Effects Browser and Effects List box, when 'not sticky' window is closed when mouse is clicked away [New Feature]
Redesigned window caption buttons [New Feature]
Redesigned effects list box [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.7 Beta Build 2523 Released
Tuesday, November 10 2009, 5:00 pm - 800 weeks ago
Effects Browser window, allows to drag and drop effects to tracks or effects box [New Feature]
Taskbar on Windows 7 shows Play and Rec icon indicators and progress indicator for long actions (mixdown, wave editing etc.) [New Feature]
Delete key deletes parts or tracks currently selected [New Feature]
Effects list box is now resizable and remembers last size [New Feature]
New Fonts customization box [New Feature]
Fonts settings are now saved in the Skin settings [New Feature]
Fixed effects opened behind the mixer window [Bug Fix]
More flexible routing for group channels: a group channel's output can go to a lower order group, e.g. Group 3 can output to Group 2 [New Feature]
Fixed exchanging tracks may result in program freezing when playback is started if one track is being sent to the other [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 2522 Released
Thursday, October 29 2009, 10:00 am - 802 weeks ago
Fixed looping noise with VST 2.x plugins on mono tracks [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 2520 Released
Friday, October 16 2009, 5:00 pm - 803 weeks ago
Updated online help / PDF manual [Update]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 2519 Released
Tuesday, October 13 2009, 10:00 pm - 804 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash when sending a track to a VST 2.x sidechain [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 2518 Released
Monday, October 12 2009, 12:00 pm - 804 weeks ago
Fixed mono sidechain not working with VST 2.x plug-ins [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 2517 Released
Saturday, October 10 2009, 9:00 pm - 804 weeks ago
Fixed crash after unchecking "Preferences/Appearance/Show Icons in Menus" option [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 2516 Released
Monday, October 5 2009, 11:00 am - 805 weeks ago
Fixed noise when using Sidechain input with certain VST 2.x plugin [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 2515 Released
Saturday, October 3 2009, 2:00 pm - 805 weeks ago
Fixed voice level activate recording not working correctly [Bug Fix]
Fixed 64 bit version freezing on first launch after installation when loading Demo song [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 2514 Released
Friday, October 2 2009, 9:00 pm - 805 weeks ago
Fixed crash when using "Takes/Expand takes to separate tracks" popup menu command [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 2513 Released
Monday, September 28 2009, 9:30 pm - 806 weeks ago
Fixed crash caused by deleting aux channels on some specific song configurations [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 2512 Released
Monday, September 21 2009, 5:30 pm - 807 weeks ago
Dragging the right handle of a looped part with Shift key pressed adjusts the length of the part whose handle is being moved, not of other parts in the loop [Bug Fix]
"Import tracks from .sng" requester only shows .sng files, not .wav or other file types [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 2511 Released
Saturday, September 19 2009, 9:30 am - 807 weeks ago
Fixed feedback loop with mono VST plugins [Bug Fix]
Fixed entering Trim volume setting with keyboard on Track Properties box didn't update part volume during playback [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 2510 Released
Wednesday, September 16 2009, 9:00 pm - 808 weeks ago
Support for VST3 plugins [New Feature]
Sidechain routing with VST and VST3 plugins [New Feature]
Song/track speed control shows "x1.0" sign only when speed is exactly 1.0, no rounding, otherwise shows x0.99 or x1.01, in yellow text [New Feature]
Undo works on envelope fade for Effect Parameter envelope [New Feature]
Due to popular deman added back crosshair icon to drag parts in toolbar [New-old Feature]
Box to set effect parameter envelope node works using effect parameter units (i.e. dB, ms etc.) for VST3 plugins [New Feature]
Import tracks from .sng file box to select which tracks to import / option to import only track settings, not parts [New Feature]
Track EQ remembers which preset has been selected for each track [New Feature]
Fixed Insert box start and length being ignored, insert was performed using the current timeline selection [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 Beta Build 2509 Released
Monday, September 14 2009, 7:00 pm - 808 weeks ago
Fixed "Don't import parts, only track settings" in "Add channel/Import tracks from .sng file" box option not excluding parts on alternate takes [Bug fix]
Fixed surround panner not appearing on 64 bit version [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 Beta Build 2508 Released
Monday, September 14 2009, 10:00 am - 808 weeks ago
Fixed "Don't import parts, only track settings" in "Add channel/Import tracks from .sng file" box option not excluding parts on alternate takes [Bug fix]
Fixed surround panner not appearing on 64 bit version [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 Beta Build 2507 Released
Saturday, September 12 2009, 7:00 pm - 808 weeks ago
Import tracks from .sng file box to select which tracks to import / option to import only track settings, not parts [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 Beta Build 2506 Released
Thursday, September 10 2009, 9:00 pm - 809 weeks ago
Track EQ remembers which preset has been selected for each track [New Feature]
Zoom buttons in Piano Roll window continue zooming when hold pressed [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 Beta Build 2505 Released
Wednesday, September 9 2009, 8:00 am - 809 weeks ago
Sidechain routing with VST and VST3 plugins [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 Beta Build 2504 Released
Saturday, August 29 2009, 5:00 pm - 810 weeks ago
Improved compatibility with FabFilter VST3 plugins [Compatibility]
Fixed when VST3 plugin is missing plugin name is not shown in effects list box [Bug Fix]
When 64 bit processing is enabled and a VST3 plugin only supports 32 bit processing n-Track automatically converts to 32 bits and then back to 64 [Bug Fix]
When a plugin fails to be initialized for audio processing its name appears in red in the effect list box [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 Beta Build 2503 Released
Thursday, August 27 2009, 9:00 pm - 811 weeks ago
Fixed mouse cursor not changing when moving mouse near a volume envelope [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 Beta Build 2502 Released
Tuesday, August 25 2009, 1:00 pm - 811 weeks ago
Fixed crash with MIDI playback through n-Track Drums [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 Beta Build 2501 Released
Sunday, August 23 2009, 3:20 pm - 811 weeks ago
Box to set effect parameter envelope node works using effect parameter units (i.e. dB, ms etc.) for VST3 plugins [New Feature]
Fixed Insert box start and length being ignored, insert was performed using the current timeline selection [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 Beta Build 2500 Released
Saturday, August 22 2009, 10:20 pm - 811 weeks ago
Fixed song speed indicator showing 0.99 even when speed was set to exactly 1.0 [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 Beta Build 2499 Released
Thursday, August 20 2009, 6:20 pm - 812 weeks ago
Fixed crash when loading VST instruments [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 Beta Build 2498 Released
Tuesday, August 18 2009, 1:20 pm - 812 weeks ago
Fixed crash when moving VST3 controls for which an automation envelope didn't yet exist [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.6 Beta Build 2497 Released
Monday, August 17 2009, 8:20 pm - 812 weeks ago
Support for VST3 plugins [New Feature]
Song/track speed control shows "x1.0" sign only when speed is exactly 1.0, no rounding, otherwise shows x0.99 or x1.01, in yellow text [New Feature]
Undo works on envelope fade for Effect Parameter envelope [New Feature]
Due to popular deman added back crosshair icon to drag parts in toolbar [New-old Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Build 2496 Released
Monday, August 10 2009, 10:20 am - 813 weeks ago
Fixed "Edit/Song information" command reporting "error accessing wave file" when song contained one or more MIDI tracks [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Build 2495 Released
Friday, July 31 2009, 1:20 pm - 815 weeks ago
Fixed blank tempo bpm text in the right pane of View/Tempo window [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Build 2494 Released
Monday, July 27 2009, 6:20 pm - 815 weeks ago
Fixed normalize command not working when part is muted [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Build 2493 Released
Sunday, July 26 2009, 4:20 pm - 815 weeks ago
Fixed small mixdown and freeze file length inconsistencies [Bug Fix]
Fixed Edit/Trim command not working properly on imported MIDI tracks [Bug Fix]
Fixed crash when a .cda file (i.e. an audio CD track) is selected in import audio file requester and "No" is answered to "Enable .Net features" prompt [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Build 2492 Released
Saturday, July 25 2009, 6:40 pm - 815 weeks ago
Fixed when dragging part from plugin (e.g. EZDrummer) or Windows folder the part would sometimes appear not right under the cursor but shifted sideways (the shift occurred when the mouse was dragged quickly). [Bug Fix]
Fixed when dragging part into a new track, the part wouldn't then move to any existing track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Build 2491 Released
Tuesday, July 21 2009, 9:20 pm - 816 weeks ago
When a new send is added to a channel the default send volume is now 0 dB instead of -Inf [Bug Fix]
Fixed freezing multichannel instrument plugin channels resulting in erroneous output when "Multithreaded mixing" option is active [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Build 2490 Released
Sunday, July 19 2009, 11:20 am - 816 weeks ago
Summary of changes from v6.0.4 to v6.0.5:
More flexible routing: channels can have an arbitrary number of sends to any other channel [New Feature]
Output channel label with popup menu in each mixer stripe [New Feature]
Level Meter Ruler to set a custom reference RMS level [New Feature]
Zoom toolbar buttons keep on zooming when button is held pressed [New Feature]
More graceful handling of missing plugins in songs being loaded [New Feature]
Pan mixer settings editable via keyboard [New Feature]
Fixed dragging part and releasing mouse outside of timeline window leaves timeline scrolling until mouse is clicked again [Bug Fix]
Tooltips for Volume and EQ that show the current setting (e.g. +4.2 dB) [New Feature]
Signal Path window enhancements

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Beta Build 2487 Released
Friday, July 17 2009, 6:00 pm - 816 weeks ago
Fixed channel send not working if any of preceding send level was -Inf or bypassed [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Beta Build 2486 Released
Wednesday, July 15 2009, 5:00 pm - 817 weeks ago
Fixed signal path window zoom [Bug Fix]
Fixed signal path not appearing correctly when after loading a song instead of creating it from scratch [Bug Fix]
Fixed incorrect mixer layout when option is selected to disable channel vumeters [Bug Fix]
Fixed error saving/loading configuration when vumeters are removed from timeline sidebar [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Beta Build 2485 Released
Sunday, July 12 2009, 8:31 am - 817 weeks ago
Fixed mixing not utilizing one of the available CPUs when 'multithreaded processing' option is active [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Beta Build 2484 Released
Friday, July 10 2009, 5:00 pm - 817 weeks ago
Fixed dragging part and releasing mouse outside of timeline window leaves timeline scrolling until mouse is clicked again [Bug Fix]
Offset part left and right handles vertically to make less likely interference with volume envelopes [Bug Fix]
Musical base note and tempo information appears in wave file description text (in track properties box and in "import wave file" box) [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Beta Build 2483 Released
Wednesday, July 8 2009, 9:00 am - 818 weeks ago
Editable pan text on horizontal mixer stripes [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Beta Build 2482 Released
Saturday, July 4 2009, 5:40 pm - 818 weeks ago
More graceful handling of missing plugins in songs being loaded [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Beta Build 2481 Released
Friday, July 3 2009, 6:00 pm - 818 weeks ago
Ctrl+2 / Ctrl+3 shortcuts to add blank audio / MIDI tracks [New Feature]
Fixed signal path not remembering position of manually dragged nodes [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Beta Build 2480 Released
Monday, June 29 2009, 6:00 pm - 819 weeks ago
Editable send pan label on channel mixer stripe [New Feature]
Signal Path windows highlights selected channel [Bug Fix]
Signal Path channels layout [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Beta Build 2479 Released
Thursday, June 25 2009, 11:00 am - 820 weeks ago
Fixed horizontal mixer stripes controls layout

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Beta Build 2478 Released
Monday, June 22 2009, 10:00 pm - 820 weeks ago
Fixed crash when mixer is set to show horizontal stripes (horizontal layout still messed up, currently only the vertical layout appears correctly)

n-Track Studio version 6.0.5 Beta Build 2477 Released
Sunday, June 21 2009, 9:00 pm - 820 weeks ago
More flexible routing: channels can have an arbitrary number of sends to any other channel [New Feature]
Output channel label with popup menu in each mixer stripe [New Feature]
Level Meter Ruler to set a custom reference RMS level [New Feature]
Zoom toolbar buttons keep on zooming when button is held pressed [New Feature]
Fixed freezing transposed MIDI track resulting in transpose being applied twice [Bug Fix]
Fixed mouse dragging of Navigator zoom rectangle not perfectly aligned to mouse position [Bug Fix]
Fixed "Place part at cursor" command collapsing parts at same offset when multiple parts are selected [Bug Fix]
Splash screen goes away after a few seconds to avoid error messages being hidden below splash screen [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.4 Build 2475 Released
Friday, April 17 2009, 1:00 pm - 830 weeks ago
New n-Track Multitap Delay effect [New Feature]
Drag multiple parts accross tracks [New Feature]
Auto scrolling when dragging parts [New Feature]
Demo Song automatically opens when launching the program for the 1st time
Grouping of track parts [New Feature]
Song Start/Stop markers allow to define the points at which song playback will start and end [New Feature]
Looped parts are parts of a single group so that they are dragged together [New Feature]
Reveal in folder and insert into song options in Mixdown dialog box [New Feature]
Option to not mute existing tracks when overdubbing (in popup menu that appears clicking on a track rec arm button) [New Feature]
"Place Part at Cursor" command in timeline popup menu [New Feature]
EQ boost/cut setting can be entered with keyboard after double click on EQ knobs in channel mixer [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.4 Beta Build 2474 Released
Thursday, April 16 2009, 8:00 pm - 830 weeks ago
Fixed multichannel instruments channels not appearing correctly in mixer window [Bug Fix]
Fixed part dragging inconsistencies [Bug Fix]
Fixed MIDI parts dragged from n-Track Drums or EZDrummer initially always going into new track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.4 Beta Build 2473 Released
Monday, April 13 2009, 11:00 am - 830 weeks ago
"Place Part at Cursor" command in timeline popup menu [New Feature]
Fixed program can't find wave files when moving songs with multiple takes to different folders [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.4 Beta Build 2472 Released
Sunday, April 12 2009, 5:00 pm - 830 weeks ago
Song Start/Stop markers allow to define the points at which song playback will start and end [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.4 Beta Build 2471 Released
Friday, April 10 2009, 6:00 pm - 830 weeks ago
Fixed Compressor plugin in EQ box redrawing problem [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.4 Beta Build 2469 Released
Monday, April 6 2009, 4:00 pm - 831 weeks ago
Auto scrolling when dragging parts [New Feature]
Fixed Loop button in toolbar not being checked when Loop was active [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.4 Beta Build 2468 Released
Sunday, April 5 2009, 4:00 pm - 831 weeks ago
Fixed part selection not working when clicking on parts in a track with multiple takes [Bug Fix]
Fixed drag and drop of multichannel MIDI file in n-Track window importing only 1st track [Bug Fix]
Fixed drag and drop of .flac files into n-Track window [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.4 Beta Build 2467 Released
Tuesday, March 31 2009, 4:30 pm - 832 weeks ago
Fixed Live button gets turned off when starting recording [Bug Fix]
Fixed glitches dragging parts accross tracks

n-Track Studio version 6.0.4 Beta Build 2466 Released
Monday, March 30 2009, 9:00 pm - 832 weeks ago
Demo Song automatically opens when launching the program for the 1st time

n-Track Studio version 6.0.4 Beta Build 2464 Released
Saturday, March 28 2009, 6:00 pm - 832 weeks ago
Fixed glitches dragging multiple parts accross tracks [Bug Fix]
Fixed knob right click popup menu appearing on wrong monitor when using 2 monitors [Bug Fix]
Fixed dragging right handle of track part past the length of the part would change length of following part on the same track [Bug Fix]
Option to not mute existing tracks when overdubbing (in popup menu that appears clicking on a track rec arm button) [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.4 Beta Build 2463 Released
Friday, March 27 2009, 8:00 am - 833 weeks ago
Fixed mixer EQ button not working [Bug Fix]
Drag multiple parts accross tracks [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.4 Beta Build 2462 Released
Thursday, March 26 2009, 2:30 pm - 833 weeks ago
New n-Track Multitap Delay effect [New Feature]
Grouping of track parts [New Feature]
Looped parts are parts of a single group so that they are dragged together [New Feature]
Reveal in folder and insert into song options in Mixdown dialog box [New Feature]
Double click on EQ knobs in channel mixer to enter with keyboard EQ boost/cut setting [New Feature]
Fixed knobs sometimes moving when mouse is clicked without moving the cursor [Bug Fix]
Fixed program not remembering correctly last position and size of EQ window [Bug Fix]
Performance optimization of plugins latency compensation computation at beginning of playback [Bug Fix]
Tabbing between controls with keyboard works in enter selection and track properties boxes [Bug Fix]
Fixed opening piano roll on a MIDI track with no part selected created a new blank track [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Build 2461 Released
Thursday, February 26 2009, 11:00 am - 837 weeks ago
Fixed crash selecting MIDI notes in PianoRoll window clicking on a piano key [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Build 2460 Released
Friday, February 20 2009, 4:00 pm - 837 weeks ago
Fixed Bounce to single wave file command appearing on MIDI tracks popup menu [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Build 2459 Released
Thursday, February 19 2009, 5:20 pm - 838 weeks ago
Fixed crash loading .sng files with audio parts in MIDI tracks [Bug Fix]
Fixed error saving to .sgw when song contains one ore more MIDI tracks [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Build 2457 Released
Tuesday, February 17 2009, 2:00 pm - 838 weeks ago
Fixed Piano Roll editing of ghosted MIDI parts [Bug Fix]
Fixed Normalize creating empty files when file was in 32 bit float or 64 bit float format [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Build 2455 Released
Sunday, February 15 2009, 6:15 pm - 838 weeks ago
Fixed problem with Mixdown file selection box [Bug Fix]
Fixed Save As file selection box File Type drop-down box not changing the type of the saved file unless the extension was typed manually [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Build 2453 Released
Saturday, February 14 2009, 8:40 pm - 838 weeks ago
Fixed Normalize command creating 32 bit wave files with format tag as 16 bits (resulting in white noise) [Bug Fix]
Fixed "Instrument" sign appearing on effects list box even when plugin was not a synth but accepted MIDI input for controlling effect parameters via MIDI [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Build 2451 Released
Thursday, February 12 2009, 12:00 pm - 839 weeks ago
Fixed crash when dragging or importing empty MIDI file (e.g. dragging empty pattern from n-Track Drums) [Bug Fix]
"Live" button is now more visible when "On" [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Build 2450 Released
Monday, February 9 2009, 8:00 pm - 839 weeks ago
Fixed program crashing when selecting View/Toolbars/../Customize menu command [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Build 2449 Released
Sunday, February 8 2009, 12:00 pm - 839 weeks ago
Changes from v6.0.2 to v6.0.3 recap:
MIDI tracks now have parts similar to audio tracks [New Feature]
When dragging a .wav or .mid file into n-Track (from a folder or from a VSTi plugin such as n-Track Drums or EZDrummer) the program shows where the parts will end up when dropped [New Feature]
Trial period can now be extended obtaining trial registration codes from website [New Feature]
Compatibility fix for EZDrummer VSTi [Compatibility]
Compatibility fix for Melodyne VST plugin [Compatibility]
Ghost copies of MIDI parts allow editing the part once and have the edit reflected on all ghosted parts [New Feature]
Transpose up/down control, supports increments of 1/100 of a semitone [New Feature]
MIDI part transpose [New Feature]
Matrix Editing [New Feature]
Preferences/MIDI option to save Track settings (volume, pan etc.) as MIDI events in exported Midi file [New Feature]
No longer asks to use MIDI file tempo map when dragging and dropping .mid file [Bug Fix]
Faster loading of .sng files that have lots of MIDI parts [Performance]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Beta Build 2448 Released
Saturday, February 7 2009, 5:00 pm - 839 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash when using more than 34 tracks and one or more aux channels [Bug Fix]
MIDI parts dragged from EZDrummer or n-Track Drums align to grid [New Feature]
Fixed toolbars mixed up when installing over n-Track 6.0.2 [Bug Fix]
List of keyboard shortcuts in user guide[Manual]
Max bpm range changed from 500 to 999 [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Beta Build 2446 Released
Thursday, February 5 2009, 8:00 pm - 840 weeks ago
Fixed crash on some systems when opening the File menu [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Beta Build 2443 Released
Tuesday, February 3 2009, 8:00 pm - 840 weeks ago
When mixing down to a sampling frequency different from the song default one, dither if selected is not applied during mixdown but only during the subsequent sampling frequency conversion. [Bug Fix]
and the intermediate mixdown file has same bit depth as the current mixing depth (32 or 64 bits) [New Feature]
Fixed weird "ghost" icon in File menu [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Beta Build 2441 Released
Sunday, February 1 2009, 4:29 pm - 840 weeks ago
Compatibility fix for EZDrummer VSTi [Compatibility]
Fixed crash clicking on EQ button on track mixer stripe when EQ box was already open, program would then crash when playback was started [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Beta Build 2440 Released
Saturday, January 31 2009, 4:55 pm - 840 weeks ago
Ghost copies of MIDI parts allow editing the part once and have the edit reflected on all ghosted parts [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Beta Build 2439 Released
Tuesday, January 27 2009, 7:40 pm - 841 weeks ago
Transpose up/down control, supports increments of 1/100 of a semitone [New Feature]
MIDI part transpose [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Beta Build 2437 Released
Saturday, January 24 2009, 9:23 pm - 841 weeks ago
Preferences/MIDI option to save Track settings in exported Midi file [New Feature]
When dragging a .wav or .mid file into n-Track (from a folder or from a VSTi plugin such as n-Track Drums or EZDrummer) the program shows where the parts will end up when dropped [New Feature]
Drag and drop a file into n-Track now immediately shows via the mouse cursor if the file type can be accepted or not [New Feature]
No longer asks to use MIDI file tempo map when dragging and dropping .mid file [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Beta Build 2436 Released
Tuesday, January 20 2009, 5:36 pm - 842 weeks ago
Popup notification message when Scroll-Lock is active and trying to drag selection on timeline axis [Net Feature]
Fixed unreadable default effects list text color [Bug Fix]
Fixed Working Folder setting being reset when reinstalling the program and selecting to keep existing settings [Bug Fix]
Compatibility fix for Melodyne VST plugin [Compatibility]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Beta Build 2435 Released
Tuesday, January 20 2009, 11:36 am - 842 weeks ago
Fixed improper looping of MIDI parts if tempo is different from default 120 bpm [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.3 Beta Build 2433 Released
Sunday, January 18 2009, 4:00 pm - 842 weeks ago
MIDI tracks now have parts similar to audio tracks [New Feature]
Matrix Editing [New Feature]
Trial period can now be extended obtaining trial registration codes from website [New Feature]
Fixed aux channels > 1 not being processed if aux channel 1 send was at -Inf [Bug Fix]
Fixed program sometimes unable to find .wav files of tracks imported with the "Import tracks from .sng file" command [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Build 2431 Released
Thursday, December 18 2008, 4:00 pm - 847 weeks ago
Fixed Mixdown during Playback sometimes creating empty output file [Bug Fix]
Fixed drag handles not appearing on MIDI tracks [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Build 2428 Released
Saturday, December 13 2008, 12:00 pm - 847 weeks ago
Fixed problems saving to files in folders whose names contained dots

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Build 2427 Released
Thursday, December 11 2008, 3:53 pm - 848 weeks ago
Fixed crash selecting "Expand takes to separate Tracks" during playback [Bug Fix]
Option to check if new version is released every day, week etc., instead of each time program is started

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Build 2426 Released
Tuesday, December 9 2008, 8:00 pm - 848 weeks ago
Option to not overdub track to new take when (to disable take lanes) [New Feature]
Looping wave file part with indent > 0 (i.e. that starts past the beginning of the wave file) now creates loop elements with same indent [New Feature]
Fixed crash dragging part handles [Bug Fix]
Better behavior of dragging part handles when using takes lanes [Bug Fix]
Consolidate Takes into single Take command [New Feature]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Build 2424 Released
Saturday, December 6 2008, 5:00 pm - 848 weeks ago
Changes from v6.0.1 recap:
Take management with lanes [New Feature]
Manual multiple takes recording (press Rec button to immediately start a new take) [New Feature]
Editing History window [New Feature]
Recording to an existing track creates a new take [New Feature]
Mute part control on waveform and in part properties box [New Feature]
Part comments button in part properties box [New Feature]
Mute selected tracks shortcut (Q) [New Feature]
Select All Menu command [New Feature]
Clear selection Menu command + Ctrl+0 Shortcut [New Feature]
Option to play all of a track takes simultaneously [New Feature]
Cycle take lane mode (L) [New Feature]
"Mute All Output" command no longer stops only MIDI output, audio device I/O is now stopped [New Feature]
Bounce adds Broadcase Wave File info so that bounced files can later be reimported at the same offset in the song at which they were originally created [New Feature]
Fixed Merge command sometimes giving errating results, now it is applied to all selected parts, new M -> Merge shortcut [Bug fix]
Fixed crash when loading EZDrummer VSTi with Live button off [Compatibility]
Fixed program sometimes freezing when changing skin in Settings/Skin box [Bug Fix]
Fixed EQ spectrum not working on a track after using the Edit/Undo command [Bug Fix]
EQ spectrum is now reset when playback stops [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2423 Released
Saturday, December 6 2008, 5:00 pm - 848 weeks ago
Fixed spurious 'L' characters appearing in Edit/Undo menu [Bug Fix]
Fixed audition part (small play button in waveform upper right corner) sometimes stopping before the part ending [Bug Fix]
Mute and preview waveform buttons work on take lanes segments [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2422 Released
Thursday, December 4 2008, 9:00 pm - 849 weeks ago
Option to draw line accross inactive take segments [New Feature]
Fixed track just recorded automatically armed for next recording [Bug Fix]
Fixed dragging right part handle of a track lane segment sometimes causing crash [Bug Fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2421 Released
Tuesday, December 2 2008, 9:00 pm - 849 weeks ago
Fixed freezing when undoing Normalize action using the Editing History window [Bug Fix]
Fixed program complaining that it can't find song wave files if the path of the .sng file and .wav files has changed since the song was last saved[Bug Fix]
Fixed waveform handles incorrectly painted on Windows XP

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2419 Released
Saturday, November 29 2008, 7:55 pm - 849 weeks ago
Fixed erratic behavior when looping a wave file by dragging the right handle when the wave file is not the first part in a track
Mute part icon on each waveform

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2418 Released
Thursday, November 27 2008, 7:25 pm - 850 weeks ago
Expand track takes to separate tracks
Waveforms drawing performance optimizations
Take number appears below .wav filename over waveform

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2416 Released
Tuesday, November 25 2008, 6:00 pm - 850 weeks ago
Fixed dragging part to new track not showing part on new track while dragging [Bug fix]
"Mute All Output" command no longer stops only MIDI output, audio device I/O is now stopped[New Feature]
Fixed Waveform not showing while recording [Bug fix]
Existing track that is being rerecorded is not played during recording [New feature]
Fixed tracks with mixed stereo and mono takes sometimes playing at half speed [Bug fix]
Fixed selected take segment sometimes not corresponding to which take is played [Bug fix]
Fixed takes lanes sometimes inverting take/lane order

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2415 Released
Saturday, November 22 2008, 8:40 pm - 850 weeks ago
Option to play all of a track takes simultaneously
Mute selected tracks shortcut (Q)
Cycle take lane mode (L)
Fixed crash when loading song at startup with some deleted wave files

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2414 Released
Thursday, November 20 2008, 8:40 pm - 851 weeks ago
Dragging of track lanes elements (still slow)
Bounce adds Broadcase Wave File info so that bounced files can later be reimported at the same offset in the song at which they were originally created

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2413 Released
Tuesday, November 18 2008, 6:00 pm - 851 weeks ago
Fixed Merge command sometimes giving errating results, now it is applied to all selected parts, new M -> Merge shortcut
Fixed Splice To Grid command giving erratic results when entire part to splice was selected (as opposed to selecting an interval by dragging a selection on top of the part)
Copy/Move part to new take
Ctrl+Shift+N shortcut to Clone current take for all selected tracks
Fixed undo history maximize going FullScreen
Fixed mixer window maximize improperly shrinking window
Select All Menu command
Clear selection Menu command + Ctrl+0 Shortcut
Keyboard Mixer mode switch (Ctrl+9)

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2412 Released
Saturday, November 15 2008, 8:20 pm - 851 weeks ago
Recording to an existing track creates a new take
Take lanes can be switched on/off per-track in timeline context menu
Ctrl+Mute/Solo toggles mute/solo on all channels of the same kind (track, master, group, aux)
Move to take, copy to take
Editing actions descriptions
Listbox per row separator, title header row
Fixed multiple undo loops doesn't let cancel delete wavefile box
Editing History window scrolling, separate column for edit time

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2411 Released
Wednesday, November 12 2008, 8:40 pm - 852 weeks ago
Editing History window
Fixed crash when loading EZDrummer VSTi with Live button off

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2410 Released
Tuesday, November 11 2008, 6:40 pm - 852 weeks ago
Basic take management with lanes functionality (work in progress)
Fixed program sometimes freezing when changing skin in Settings/Skin box
Customizable color overlay for muted part waveform

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2409 Released
Wednesday, November 5 2008, 7:38 pm - 853 weeks ago
Fixed mute part in a track also mutes subsequent parts
Ctrl+O -> File/Open keyboard shortcut

n-Track Studio version 6.0.2 Beta Build 2408 Released
Tuesday, November 4 2008, 7:00 pm - 853 weeks ago
Manual multiple takes recording (press Rec button to immediately start a new take)
Fixed EQ spectrum not working on a track after using the Edit/Undo command
EQ spectrum is now reset when playback stops
Fixed difficulties editing text controls for tempo and bpm on main toolbar during playback
Avoid setting VST plugins sample rate and block size if they haven't changed since last initialization
Per-part color setting
Part mute button in part properties box
Part comments button in part properties box
Fixed trim part volume control in part properties box not having effect until song is restarted

n-Track Studio version 6.0.1 Build 2407 Released
Tuesday, October 28 2008, 7:00 pm - 854 weeks ago
Fixed intermittend crash converting saving song to mp3 format
Fixed typing a filename with mp3 extension not working in File/Save As without selecting the mp3 extension in the "file type" drop-down box

n-Track Studio version 6.0.1 Build 2406 Released
Saturday, October 25 2008, 7:00 pm - 854 weeks ago
Fixed program freezing when editing tempo control in transport toolbar during playback on a song with one or more VSTis
Fixed crash clicking on EQ button on Track Mixer window when the selected Track EQ box was already open

n-Track Studio version 6.0.1 Beta Build 2405 Released
Wednesday, October 22 2008, 5:00 pm - 855 weeks ago
Fixed program not starting on Windows XP / wrong msvcrt.dll linking [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.1 Beta Build 2404 Released
Tuesday, October 21 2008, 5:00 pm - 855 weeks ago
Fixed main menu bar not working with screen reader software for users with impaired vision [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.1 Beta Build 2403 Released
Sunday, October 19 2008, 4:00 pm - 855 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crash when opening or closing n-Track Multiband Compressor plugin during playback [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0.1 Beta Build 2401 Released
Thursday, October 16 2008, 4:00 pm - 856 weeks ago
Normalize command now applies to all selected tracks
"Apply track effects/effect envelopes" command now applied to all selected tracks [New feature]
Mixdown truncates beginning of mixdown wavs accounting for plugins latency [New feature]
Mixdown file length is now sample accurate, no longer adds silence to the end of the song [New feature]
Mixdown dialog box setting to extend length of mixdown to account for effects tails [New feature]
Song position and speed vs realtime shown during mixdown [New feature]
Remove selected track envelope nodes now works on selected tracks, not just 1 or all tracks [New feature]
Song looping on/off setting saved into song [New feature]
Reloading a song brings back plugin and Piano Roll windows that where open when the song was saved [New feature]
HTML control in Check New Version window [New feature]
Fixed Energy XT and Crystal plugins using too much cpu time when their properties box was open [Bug fix]
Added VST refresh timer setting in Preferences/Paths box [Bug fix]
Cut, copy and paste now correctly include the current selection end sample in the copied/cut part [Bug fix]
Fixed mixdown file requester not accepting .ogg extension [Bug fix]
Speed/scrub controls can now be better controlled with mouse wheel [Bug fix]
Text editing of speed setting in wave file properties box and global song speed on main toolbar [Bug fix]
Fixed Normalize wave file level scan sometimes scanning beyond the selected time interval [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Build 2397 Released
Tuesday, September 30 2008, 9:00 am - 858 weeks ago
Fixed crash when Spectrum analyzer is set to show peaks and peaks decay mode is set to "Manual"
Fixed crashes reported via the crash reporting tool

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Build 2395 Released
Saturday, September 27 2008, 2:17 pm - 858 weeks ago
Fixed problems with Mp3 conversion dialog box
Fixed "Can't open regions Adtl chunk" error when deleting last regions from a .wav file
Fixed toolbars graphic glitches on Windows 2000

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Build 2394 Released
Tuesday, September 23 2008, 5:17 pm - 859 weeks ago
Fixed comments field in track properties box not allowing multiline text
Fixed recordings sometimes resulting in white noise with some 24 bit soundcards and when recording from the song beginning
Fixed n-Track Drums not remembering its state (drum kit, patterns etc.) when reloading a song

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Build 2392 Released
Saturday, September 20 2008, 2:40 pm - 859 weeks ago
Fixed freezing when adding Emu PowerFX hardware based VST plugin
Fixed Asio output pairs beyond first or second silent
Fixed program not recording a channel if the other "stereo to 2 mono" channel is set to "Don't record from this channel".
Newly recorded tracks not crossfaded
Fixed compatibility problem with Amplitube plugin on Windows Vista
Fixed graphic glitches when opening CDBurn window
Cleaner window layout during program startup

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Build 2381 Released
Saturday, September 6 2008, 12:00 pm - 861 weeks ago
Fixed adding Reason as Rewire plugin caused n-Track to stop responding
Fixed files generated by v6.0 caused crash when imported in version 5.x

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Build 2374 Released
Monday, September 1 2008, 9:00 pm - 862 weeks ago
Added continue button in About box, some users didn't realize that the box goes away just by clicking anywhere on it
Fixed crash with the n-Track DirectX plugins playback
Fixed layout problem in Preferences/Options box

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Build 2372 Released
Sunday, August 31 2008, 1:00 pm - 862 weeks ago
Fixed error overwriting DirectX plugins presets saved with n-Track 5.x on Windows Vista
Fixed X appearing insteead of wavefrom until clicking with mouse after applying Edit/Normalize command
Speedup in adding/removing tracks when using a multichannel soundcard and Live input processing on

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 3 Build 2371 Released
Friday, August 29 2008, 7:34 pm - 862 weeks ago
Fixed realtime crossfade applied to parts that are totally overlapped
Signal Path mouse wheel zoom

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 3 Build 2369 Released
Thursday, August 28 2008, 6:00 pm - 863 weeks ago
Fixed program remaining stuck in volume envelopes editing mode when switching to another program with Alt+Tab and then back to n-Track clicking on the taskbar icon
Skin changes

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 3 Build 2368 Released
Tuesday, August 26 2008, 9:13 am - 863 weeks ago
Fixed volume envelopes not working correctly when looping section of a song via the "Transport/Loop selection" menu command
Fixed cursor returning to normal arrow when 'place marker' button is pressed and mouse is moved out and back over the timeline axis

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 3 Build 2367 Released
Sunday, August 24 2008, 4:30 pm - 863 weeks ago
Fixed noise bursts when recording using Asio drivers and low buffering
Fixed toolbar Undo buttons always disabled
Fixed waveform drag crosshair widget appearing multiple times when dragging horizontal scrollbar
Fixed setup "error registering EQ" message

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 3 Build 2363 Released
Saturday, August 23 2008, 7:00 pm - 863 weeks ago
Fixed tracks showing incorrect waveforms during recording

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 3 Build 2362 Released
Friday, August 22 2008, 7:00 pm - 863 weeks ago
Cancel option in "Ready?" box that appears starting recording when "Ask for ready before recording" option is set
Fixed problem with recording devices channels "right" and "stereo" having "left" channel name
Fixed n-Track Drums not producing output when added with Live toolbar button off

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 2 Build 2360 Released
Thursday, August 21 2008, 5:00 pm - 864 weeks ago
View/Toolbars submenu to show or hide toolbars

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 2 Build 2359 Released
Wednesday, August 20 2008, 6:00 pm - 864 weeks ago
Speedup of most destructive wave editing operations (copy, cut, silence, insert etc.)
Speedup generation of npk files used for displaying waveforms

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 2 Build 2358 Released
Tuesday, August 19 2008, 8:27 pm - 864 weeks ago
Fixed volume envelopes not correctly latency-compensated when song has plugins with latency
Signal path window now correctly reflects all aux send/return routing combinations (Pre/post-fader, Pre-Post-inserts etc.)
Fixed "silence selection" command (Ctrl+ X icon on toolbar) freezing program if Control key is held pressed too long

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 2 Build 2355 Released
Saturday, August 16 2008, 8:27 pm - 864 weeks ago
Navigator window no longer requires .Net option to be active
Fixed program not saving effects plugins when reloading a saved song
Fixed problem opening n-Track DirectX plugins in v5 after v6.0 has been installed
Reopening the program brings back song configuration as it was when the program was closed

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 2 Build 2352 Released
Sunday, August 10 2008, 6:27 pm - 865 weeks ago
Mp3 conversion dialog box and 'Recover Raw Wavefile' no longer require .Net to be enabled
EQ box band boost/cut value can be clicked and edited with keyboard
EQ box updates current band just clicking (without moving) on a band 'dot' in the frequency response box

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2351 Released
Saturday, August 2 2008, 6:27 pm - 866 weeks ago
Fixed timeline Zoom Selection command giving unexpected results when vertical timeline scrollbar wasn't at the top of its range
Reduced clicking/jerkiness in looped playback of a portion of a song
Skinned time position and up/down control in transport toolbar

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2349 Released
Friday, August 1 2008, 6:27 pm - 866 weeks ago
Fixed crash when looping portion of a song
Fixed install error message of 64 bit version
More descriptive input and output channel names when using Asio drivers

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2348 Released
Tuesday, July 29 2008, 8:07 pm - 867 weeks ago
Fixed crash when importing tracks from audio CDs
Disabled automatically adding tracks to song when clicking the Live button when at least one track has been manually armed

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2346 Released
Friday, July 25 2008, 6:52 pm - 867 weeks ago
Fixed slow refresh of VST plugins properties boxes

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2345 Released
Friday, July 25 2008, 11:00 am - 868 weeks ago
Fixed 64 bit version setup error

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2343 Released
Wednesday, July 23 2008, 9:18 pm - 868 weeks ago
Fixed error saving DirectX plugins presets
Fixed need to be Administrator in Windows Vista to be able to change shared Vst plugins folder (made a per-user setting)

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2342 Released
Tuesday, July 22 2008, 9:49 pm - 868 weeks ago
Fixed "select left timeline bar" button settings not correctly saved
Fixed crash related to graphic drawing of transport toolbar when undocked from the main toolbar

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2341 Released
Monday, July 21 2008, 9:49 pm - 868 weeks ago
Automatic recording to new tracks is now disabled when one or more tracks are manually armed for recording, so that if you press record in a blank song the program records all input channels to new tracks, while if you arm one or more tracks of an existing song only the relative inputs are recorded
Fixed 'Enter registration codes' box missing from About box
Fixed crash clicking on about box when trial version is expired

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2338 Released
Thursday, July 17 2008, 7:10 pm - 869 weeks ago
"Monitor Live input" timeline left bar button
Rec button in timeline left bar lights when track is receiving live input and input is set to "Record to new track"

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2337 Released
Thursday, July 17 2008, 10:30 am - 869 weeks ago
Peformance optimizations

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2336 Released
Monday, July 14 2008, 8:53 pm - 869 weeks ago
Fixed sporadic crashes moving volume sliders during playback
Fixed crash enabling and disabling the Live button during playback

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2335 Released
Saturday, July 12 2008, 5:20 pm - 869 weeks ago
Fixed difficult movement of volume envelope not when node is at bottom of range (-Inf)
Fixed Signal Path can't be restored to regular size after window is maximized, added option to show title bar when window is maximized

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2330 Released
Friday, July 11 2008, 5:20 pm - 869 weeks ago
Signal Path tooltips
Fixed Signal Path can't be restored to regular size after window is maximized, added option to show title bar when window is maximized

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2325 Released
Saturday, July 5 2008, 6:20 pm - 870 weeks ago
Performance improvements
Fixed graphic issues, inverted transport button images

n-Track Studio version 6.0 Beta 1 Build 2322 Released
Friday, July 4 2008, 8:17 pm - 870 weeks ago
Realtime crossfade between parts overlapped in timeline, crossfade option in timeline popup menu[New feature]
RMS Level meters, with RMS+Peak option and support for K-System metering[New feature]
(Allow for more accurate metering of audio loudness and enables monitoring using Bob Katz K-System, with presets for K-12, K-14 and K-20)
Signal Path View window [New feature]
(Shows a realtime representation of the routing of audio signals in the audio engine, enables to intuitively alter signal routing parameters and connections)
Support for Wave64 file format [New feature]
(Support for wave files that have length beyond the 2 Gb limitation of regular .wav file, using either .wav or .w64 extensions)
The program no longer requires Microsft .NET to be installed and the 'Enable Microsoft .Net' setting in Preferences/Option can be disabled so that n-Track will not use .NET even if it is installed on the computer (a few UI features will be then disabled such as the Navigator window)[New feature]
Duplicate waveform dragging while holding down Windows key[New feature]
Per part volume knob in part properties box (that appears double clicking on waveform). Volume adjustment is visually to waveform[New feature]
Dragging a waveform beyond the end loops the wave file[New feature]
Angled edges of waveform frame, more angled when waveform end is open or looped[New feature]
Volume Envelopes: "Click adds node" toggle option to avoid inadvertedly adding envelope nodes. When "Click adds node" is disabled "Add node" must be selected from popup menu[New feature]
Volume Envelopes: when "Click adds node" is disabled mouse drags envelope segments
Volume Envelopes: set selected node to Maximum, Center, Minimum context menu commands[New Feature]
Volume Envelopes: text entering of selected node value[New Feature]
Fixed Mixdown dialog box asking twice if you want to overwrite destination file [Bug fix]
Fixed mixer stripe selection toolbar and mixer buttons not updating when skin is changed [Bug fix]
When skin doesn't contain a button in multiple-buttons image files (e.g. ntrck4.bmp) program reverts missing button to default button in default skin image file [New feature]
Color of track name text in left track bar customizable via Skin dialog box [New feature]
Mixer Sliders customization based on slider type: "Track_Audio", "Track_MIDI", "Master", "Aux", "Group", "Instrument", "ReWire", "Surround_Output" with "SendVolume" for send sliders (e.g. Slider0Track_AudioSendVolume.png, Slider0MasterDown.png, SliderHover0Track_MIDI.png, SliderDown0Instrument.png) [New feature]
Track EQ window Minimize-Maximize button in place of "Show All EQ Controls" popup menu command[New feature]
Removed odd 'Create also an [Mp3/Wma/Ogg] version in Mixdown dialog box and moved output format selection in Save As file selection dialog box[New feature]
Toolbar button to toggle the 'Song Comments' window[New feature]
"Open Containing Folder" option in audio file right click context menu[New feature]
Zoom Selection button now zooms all currently selected tracks, no longer only the 1st [New feature]
Wave file sizes are now expressed in Gb, Mb or Kb depending on size instead of always Kb[New feature]
Multiple external wave editors can be defined in the Settings/Prefrences/Paths dialog box[New feature]
Transport buttons (Play, Rec etc.) can now have custom width defined in Skin.xml [New feature]
Maximum wave file file size after which recorded tracks are split can now be customized in Preferences/Options box (it was previously fixed at 2 Gb) [New feature]
Improved program startup time [Optimization]
Fixed crash when importing MIDI files that have erroneos or corrupt information (e.g. some files exported by Hydrogen drum machine)[Bug fix]
Fixed 'Revert to last zoom' button having no action after 'Zoom All' command[Bug fix]
Fixed 'Voice-level activated recording' sometimes getting stuck always recording. Now it also disable 'auto-scroll timeline' (Ctrl+T). [Bug fix]
Fixed graphic redraw problem on Windows Vista of lower portion of CD Burn window. [Bug fix]
Fixed problem in CD Burn and Sampling Frequency Conversion window multiple-file file requester dialog box. [Bug fix]

n-Track Studio version 5.1.1 Build 2309 Released
Saturday, September 29 2007, 9:01 am - 910 weeks ago
Fixed tooltips not appearing over volume envelopes nodes
Fixed transport toolbar background not using skin colors when not docked in main toolbar

n-Track Studio version 5.1.1 Build 2308 Released
Friday, September 21 2007, 7:11 pm - 911 weeks ago
Fixed noise recording in 16 bit format when program is registered in 16 bit mode and using an Asio driver for a 24 bit soundcard
Tooltip that appears hovering over timeline axis now follows the cursor instead of being displayed in a fixed position
Option to customize size of volume envelopes nodes

n-Track Studio version 5.1.1 Build 2306 Released
Wednesday, September 19 2007, 4:41 pm - 912 weeks ago
Fixed Splice to Grid not splicing first and last grid points
Fixed bypass setting not being remembered for effects in EQ window (when effect settings were left at the default values)
Fixed destructive wave copy, cut and paste not adjusting offsets if wave file sampling frequency was different from the current Preferences sampling frequency
Fixed crash when starting recording if 'Buffer writing' option was enabled in the Settings/Buffering Settings dialog box
Fixed Midi to Wav wizard adding only 1 audio track even if MIDI tracks have been converted to multiple wave files

n-Track Studio version 5.1.1 Build 2304 Released
Wednesday, September 12 2007, 2:08 pm - 913 weeks ago
Enabling/disabling channels of multichannel audio devices in the popup menu that appears clicking on the channel name in the recording and playback meter windows
Splice to Grid command (Edit/Non destructive menu)
Fixed 'error saving Skin file' error 1st time program is run after installation (64 bit version)
Fixed crash clicking on + (Add Channel) button on recording and playback meter window

n-Track Studio version 5.1.0 Build 2303 Released
Thursday, August 30 2007, 1:08 pm - 915 weeks ago
Rename channel command in popup menu that appears clicking on the input or output channel name in recording/playback meter window
Filename of recorded wave files includes the name of the track (if recording to an existing track and the track name has been set)
Fixed incorrect range for MIDI tracks volume sliders

n-Track Studio version 5.1.0 Build 2300 Released
Monday, August 27 2007, 6:08 pm - 915 weeks ago
Fixed hidden buttons in Piano Roll window lower left toolbar

n-Track Studio version 5.1.0 Build 2299 Released
Thursday, August 23 2007, 6:08 pm - 916 weeks ago
Fixed Silence and Reverse selection commands being applied to 1st selected track instead of to all selected tracks
Fixed problem error message never going away when selecting an Asio driver together with a non-Asio driver in the Audio Devices settings box

n-Track Studio version 5.1.0 Build 2298 Released
Friday, August 17 2007, 8:49 pm - 916 weeks ago
Copy, cut and paste commands can now be applied to aribitrary selection of tracks, no longer to either 1 or all tracks
Clone portion of song to new song
'Remove all but current selection' command in track context menu
Lame mp3 encoder is now used instead of Bladeenc
Prompt to increase buffering if buffering is too small when using MME drivers (typically occurs when switching from Asio to MME drivers)
Support for 24 bit unpacked format with MME drivers
Fixed 'error opening input device' on Windows Vista when no input device exist or is connected
Fixed crash when recording in 16 bit format when using Asio drivers with a 24 bit audio device
Fixed dropout noise when stopping recording with EMU Asio drivers
Fixed auto-saving (enabled in the Preferences/Appearance dialog box) causing audio drop-outs
Fixed playback starting when MIDI Clock slave sync is enabled and incoming MIDI clock signal is not being received

n-Track Studio version 5.1.0 Beta Build 2297 Released
Friday, August 17 2007, 8:49 pm - 916 weeks ago
Fixed playback starting when MIDI Clock slave sync is enabled and incoming MIDI clock signal is not being received

n-Track Studio version 5.1.0 Beta Build 2295 Released
Wednesday, August 15 2007, 12:25 pm - 917 weeks ago
Fixed dropout noise when stopping recording with EMU Asio drivers

n-Track Studio version 5.1.0 Beta Build 2293 Released
Saturday, August 11 2007, 2:40 pm - 917 weeks ago
Prompt to increase buffering if buffering is too small when using MME drivers (typically occurs when switching from Asio to MME drivers)
Support for 24 bit unpacked format with MME drivers

n-Track Studio version 5.1.0 Beta Build 2290 Released
Tuesday, August 7 2007, 8:32 pm - 918 weeks ago
Lame mp3 encoder is now used instead of Bladeenc

n-Track Studio version 5.1.0 Beta Build 2288 Released
Tuesday, July 31 2007, 4:38 pm - 919 weeks ago
Copy, cut and paste commands can now be applied to aribitrary selection of tracks, no longer to either 1 or all tracks
Clone portion of song to new song
Fixed 'error opening input device' on Windows Vista when no input device exist or is connected

n-Track Studio version 5.0.9 Build 2286 Released
Friday, July 13 2007, 4:38 pm - 921 weeks ago
Fast switching of audio devices with popup button on playback and recording vumeter windows
Support for EDL file format for exchanging multitrack song files with other DAW programs, including Vegas, Samplitude and Reaper
Support for Aiff (.aif) audio files
Support for using more than 80 tracks
On-the-fly sampling frequency conversion when wave file has a sampling frequency different from the current audio devices sampling frequency set in the Preferences box
Mixer highlights selected track and keyboard cursor keys allow to navigate between tracks (left-right) and adjust track volumes (up-down)
Timeline highlights soloes tracks and shows muted tracks dimmed
MIDI activity icon in the system tray
Support for ogg-vorbis file format in the 64 bit version

n-Track Studio version 5.0.9 Beta Build 2284 Released
Sunday, July 8 2007, 9:28 pm - 922 weeks ago
Fixed group channels output not correcly appearing in channel properties box

n-Track Studio version 5.0.9 Beta Build 2283 Released
Thursday, July 5 2007, 8:41 pm - 923 weeks ago
Timeline highlights soloes tracks and shows muted tracks dimmed

n-Track Studio version 5.0.9 Beta Build 2282 Released
Wednesday, July 4 2007, 9:17 pm - 923 weeks ago
Mixer highlights tracks selected in the timeline, up/down arrows adjust volume of selected tracks

n-Track Studio version 5.0.9 Beta Build 2280 Released
Friday, June 15 2007, 7:39 pm - 925 weeks ago
On-the-fly sampling frequency conversion when wave file has a sampling frequency different from the current audio devices sampling frequency set in the Preferences box

n-Track Studio version 5.0.9 Beta Build 2278 Released
Thursday, June 7 2007, 9:02 pm - 927 weeks ago
Support for EDL file format for exchanging multitrack song files with other DAW programs
Support for ogg-vorbis file format in the 64 bit version

n-Track Studio version 5.0.9 Beta Build 2276 Released
Thursday, May 31 2007, 5:39 pm - 928 weeks ago
Fast switching of audio devices with popup button on playback and recording vumeter windows
Support for Aiff (.aif) audio files
MIDI activity icon in the system tray
Support for using more than 80 tracks

n-Track Studio version 5.0.8 Build 2267 Released
Saturday, April 21 2007, 5:39 pm - 933 weeks ago
Channel volumes can now be entered with the keyboard
Undo for volume, pan and aux send slider-knob movements
'Bounce from beginning' command to easily mixdown all tracks to single wave files for exporting to 3rd party multitrack editors preserving sync between tracks
Fixed freeze and bounce commands extending track with silence beyond the original track length
Fixed recorded waveforms sometimes appearing not in sync with the actual audio
Fixed Import from CD dialog box permanently ceasing to start import operation after import is halted once

n-Track Studio version 5.0.7 Build 2262 Released
Friday, April 6 2007, 7:40 pm - 935 weeks ago
Soft clipping option to alleviate clipping distortion
Option to substitute a parts wave file in the wave file rename/copy dialog box
Playback level meter now always displays above 0 dB level
'New instrument channel' option in popup menu to select MIDI track output
Fixed opening surround panner crash when Windows is set to use Large fonts
Fixed Edit/Insert command not moving volume/pan envelopes

n-Track Studio version 5.0.6 Build 2257 Released
Saturday, March 24 2007, 6:25 pm - 937 weeks ago
16 bit playback and recording can now be selected even when using a 24 bit only Asio driver

n-Track Studio version 5.0.6 Build 2252 Released
Saturday, March 17 2007, 12:00 pm - 938 weeks ago
Support for the new WaveRT audio driver standard introduced with Windows Vista. The new standard allows for more efficient playback and recording at very low latencies. WaveRT drivers are currently available for Vista for a small number of audio devices including many audio interfaces built into motherboards such as the Realtek ALC882M and C-Media 8738/8768
Fixed various small bugs

n-Track Studio version 5.0.6 Beta Build 2243 Released
Friday, March 9 2007, 12:00 pm - 940 weeks ago
Support for the new WaveRT audio driver standard introduced with Windows Vista. The new standard allows for more efficient playback and recording at very low latencies. WaveRT drivers are currently available for Vista for a small number of audio devices including many audio interfaces built into motherboards such as the Realtek ALC882M and C-Media 8738/8768

n-Track Studio version 5.0.5 Build 2242 Released
Thursday, March 8 2007, 12:40 pm - 940 weeks ago
Fixed popup mixer stripe no longer refreshing to show the selected track after a song is loaded
Fixed timeline not immediately showing lock sign after 'lock part' checkbox is switched in wave file properties dialog box

n-Track Studio version 5.0.5 Build 2235 Released
Sunday, February 25 2007, 12:40 pm - 941 weeks ago
Fixed mixer freezing when adding an aux channel when the 'Layout/Horizontal Master and Aux' mixer option is selected

n-Track Studio version 5.0.5 Build 2232 Released
Friday, February 23 2007, 5:50 pm - 941 weeks ago
Default folder for new recordings moved to 'My Documents/My n-Track Recordings'
Fixed inconsistent behavior of Working Directory setting in Preferences/Paths dialog box
Fixed crash when clicking on undo button after recording while the cursor was editing a track wave file name

n-Track Studio version 5.0.5 Build 2228 Released
Wednesday, February 21 2007, 5:50 pm - 942 weeks ago
Recorded wave files now contain 'Broadcast wave file' information so in case of manual re-importing they can be automatically inserted at the offset in the song at which they were recorded and they can be more easily imported in other programs

n-Track Studio version 5.0.4 Build 2216 Released
Thursday, February 8 2007, 10:05 pm - 944 weeks ago
Fixed various small bugs

n-Track Studio version 5.0.4 Build 2210 Released
Wednesday, January 31 2007, 10:05 pm - 945 weeks ago
Fixed program showing only two channels of multichannel Asio drivers
Fixed WDM drivers not working for recording in 24 bit mode

n-Track Studio version 5.0.4 Build 2208 Released
Monday, January 29 2007, 6:43 pm - 945 weeks ago
When an audio format that is not supported by the current soundcards is selected, besides reporting the error, the program now automatically searches for a supported audio format
Fixed problem dragging regions from wave files dialog box
Fixed cursor disappearing when dragging tracks vertically and when dragging wave files regions
Fixed sporadic crash on end of mp3 conversion
Faster drawing of audio tracks with very high count of wave files/parts

n-Track Studio version 5.0.3 Build 2205 Released
Friday, January 19 2007, 8:22 pm - 946 weeks ago
Fixed problem with multiple takes punch-in recording with takes beyond the 1st being placed at incorrect offset
Fixed installation problem on Windows Vista
Fixed sporadic crash stopping recording when using WDM audio drivers

n-Track Studio version 5.0.3 Build 2195 Released
Wednesday, January 10 2007, 12:00 pm - 948 weeks ago
Fixed WDM drivers not appearing in Audio Devices dialog box

n-Track Studio version 5.0.3 Build 2194 Released
Tuesday, January 9 2007, 6:48 pm - 948 weeks ago
Copy and paste of volume-pan envelopes
Fixed problems drawing effects parameters envelopes

n-Track Studio version 5.0.2 Build 2191 Released
Friday, December 15 2006, 6:15 pm - 951 weeks ago
Fixed crash right clicking on a wave file after having opened and closed wave file properties box
Fixed main toolbar bitmap not correctly skinnable
Crosshair to drag wave file now appears also when beginning of wave file is not visible
Checked buttons color now can be configured
Setup installs FreeAmp2 guitar multi-effect plugin from Fretted Synth Audio

n-Track Studio version 5.0.2 Build 2190 Released
Wednesday, December 13 2006, 5:00 pm - 952 weeks ago
Fixed glitches related to mouse editing of volume envelopes

n-Track Studio version 5.0.2 Build 2188 Released
Monday, December 11 2006, 7:12 pm - 952 weeks ago
Fixed certain settings on track properties box not being remembered if active track is toggled clicking on vertical track name button
Fixed rename box that appears hovering on vertical track name button having excessive height
Fixed piano roll tab title not updating when switching track with the toolbar track up-down control
Fixed wave file properties box closing when clicking on a different track

n-Track Studio version 5.0.2 Build 2187 Released
Friday, December 8 2006, 1:08 pm - 953 weeks ago
Fixed mouse drawing volume envelopes sometimes not adding new volume notes at high zoom levels
Fixed crash when switching between mono and stereo playback and recording

n-Track Studio version 5.0.2 Build 2185 Released
Tuesday, December 5 2006, 7:22 pm - 953 weeks ago
Fixed problem dragging Navigator window zoom box handles
Fixed mixdown with multiple audio outputs creating a single wave file even when option to create multiple wave files was selected
Fixed marker names not correctly appearing in timeline axis popup menu

n-Track Studio version 5.0.2 Build 2183 Released
Sunday, December 3 2006, 3:00 pm - 953 weeks ago
Fixed crash clicking on marker icon on time axis during playback
IPv6 address support in Tracks Net Transfer

n-Track Studio version 5.0.2 Build 2179 Released
Sunday, November 26 2006, 12:19 pm - 954 weeks ago
Fixed problem when selecting multiple recording audio devices opening the audio devices dialog box with the Settings-Audio devices menu command instead of the button in the Preferences dialog box

n-Track Studio version 5.0.2 Build 2176 Released
Saturday, November 25 2006, 9:00 am - 954 weeks ago
Recover wave file from Raw audio data dialog box
Fixed DirectX and VST plugins dialog boxes slightly cut on Windows Vista
Fixed erratic behavior when using Live input processing and mono input channels
Updated PDF User Guide

n-Track Studio version 5.0.1 Build 2174 Released
Saturday, November 18 2006, 12:40 pm - 955 weeks ago
Fixed wave file offset changing slightly when clicking on offset box in part properties box even without editing the offset
Fixed crash when program can't create an .npk file for a .wav file

n-Track Studio version 5.0.1 Build 2173 Released
Friday, November 17 2006, 5:55 pm - 955 weeks ago
Fixed whole screen redrawing when adding Parametric EQ to a channel
Fixed tracks automatically added when recording or pressing the Live button not being recorded even if armed

n-Track Studio version 5.0.1 Build 2171 Released
Thursday, November 16 2006, 2:25 pm - 956 weeks ago
Fixed plugins latency compensation problem with group channels
New html format for online help

n-Track Studio version 5.0.1 Build 2169 Released
Monday, November 13 2006, 11:21 am - 956 weeks ago
Improved volume envelopes editing
Import audio from .wma files
Support for encoding .wma version 9 files including nonlossy compression
Fixed timeline cursor sometimes not returning to regular arrow cursor
Fixed seemingly random crash related to incorrect layout of mixer stripes

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2164 Released
Tuesday, November 7 2006, 6:43 pm - 957 weeks ago
Fixed crash when setting MIDI track output to outputs other than the first
Fixed font low contrast default color in window tabs that appear when piano roll windows are opened

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2163 Released
Monday, October 30 2006, 12:30 pm - 958 weeks ago
Fixed main menu bar erroneously closing menus on Windows 2000 and 98
Fixed mouse editing on waveforms occasional erratic behavior

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2162 Released
Saturday, October 28 2006, 7:13 pm - 958 weeks ago
Fixed crash closing and re-opening n-Track Multiband Compressor, Graphic EQ and Tempo Delay plugins
Fixed freezing when dragging Navigator window cursor too far right
Fixed 'Save As' button in 'Import audio tracks from CD' dialog box having no effect

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2159 Released
Sunday, October 22 2006, 3:56 pm - 959 weeks ago
Fixed wave file properties dialog box 'offset', 'length' or 'indent' fields all actually referring to the 'offset' field
Fixed timeline right button+mouse dragging not selecting volume envelopes nodes

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2157 Released
Saturday, October 21 2006, 3:46 pm - 959 weeks ago
Fixed MIDI to wave wizard incorrectly asking to delete track resulted from conversion
Fixed 'Rename-Copy wave file' command giving 'file is in use by another program' error

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2155 Released
Wednesday, October 18 2006, 5:46 pm - 960 weeks ago
Fixed crash when clicking on zoom selection command and no track was selected in the timeline
Fixed problem with x64 version not being able to save skin settings on Windows Vista
Other minor bug fixes

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2151 Released
Friday, October 13 2006, 11:46 am - 961 weeks ago
Fixed crash when DSP button on toolbar was clicked and no track was selected in the timeline

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2149 Released
Tuesday, October 10 2006, 6:26 pm - 961 weeks ago
Fixed crash using 'split stereo to two mono tracks' command with no .wav file selected
Fixed handle to drag waveform single sample high zoom levels not appearing
Fixed box to edit pan setting not releasing control when mouse is clicked elsewhere

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2147 Released
Monday, October 9 2006, 5:00 pm - 961 weeks ago
Editable numeric pan setting in the mixer
Fixed n-Track Reverb boosting the signal's DC offset and sometimes overloading
Fixed main window not remembering in which monitor it was maximized

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2143 Released
Wednesday, October 4 2006, 5:00 pm - 962 weeks ago
Fixed crash exporting skin in Settings-Skins dialog box caused by a dll not being correctly installed

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2142 Released
Tuesday, October 3 2006, 4:08 pm - 962 weeks ago
Added crash diagnostic dump. If a crash happens the program will ask the user if he-she wants to create a dump that can be sent to use and used to help find the cause of the problem.

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2141 Released
Tuesday, October 3 2006, 10:50 am - 962 weeks ago
Fixed crash after mixdown and crossfade commands complete when using multiple audio output channels

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2140 Released
Monday, October 2 2006, 12:00 pm - 962 weeks ago
Fixed crash selecting the Add Track-Import from CD menu command
Fixed MIDI devices not being closed when closing the program with MTC-MIDI clock slave on

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2139 Released
Thursday, September 28 2006, 5:00 pm - 963 weeks ago
Fixed automatic sampling frequency conversion when importing .wav file always converting to a 16 bit wave file
Sampling frequency conversion now support converting to and from 64 bit wave files
Fixed startup splash screen hiding plug-in error message boxes

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2138 Released
Wednesday, September 27 2006, 5:00 pm - 963 weeks ago
Fixed crash when pressing record button while slaving to MTC sync

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2137 Released
Tuesday, September 26 2006, 7:00 pm - 963 weeks ago
Fixed track transpose control having no effect on MIDI tracks

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2136 Released
Sunday, September 24 2006, 6:00 pm - 963 weeks ago
Fixed random clicking at the end of audio tracks

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Build 2133 Released
Saturday, September 23 2006, 4:26 pm - 963 weeks ago
Fixed crash when closing mixer strip selecting the 'Show mixer strip in timeline' menu command
Fixed 'speed follows pitch' icon not appearing in track properties transpose mode button

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Beta Build 2132 Released
Friday, September 22 2006, 9:05 pm - 963 weeks ago
Fixed mixer strips aux send cut off when mixer is split into more than 1 row
Fixed double clicking on time axis during playback pauses playback

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Beta Build 2131 Released
Thursday, September 21 2006, 9:50 pm - 964 weeks ago
Fixed "Add new instrument channel" menu not listing installed instrument plugin-s
Fixed freezing on Windows 98 when moving mouse below main menu item
Fixed mixer strips sometimes having inconsistent heights

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Beta Build 2129 Released
Tuesday, September 19 2006, 7:50 pm - 964 weeks ago
Fixed bug added in build 2027 that caused a crash starting the program

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Beta Build 2127 Released
Monday, September 18 2006, 6:50 pm - 964 weeks ago
Import-export of skins to single skin file
Fixed timeline left bar not resizable

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Beta Build 2126 Released
Friday, September 15 2006, 9:00 pm - 964 weeks ago
Fixed errors using n-Track plugins from version 4.x when version 5.x is installed
New splash screen

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Beta Build 2125 Released
Thursday, September 14 2006, 6:30 pm - 965 weeks ago
Fixed toolbars not expanding to fit whole program window on dual-monitor systems
Fixed keyboard shortcuts for popup menus not working
Preferences-Appearance Option to disable tooltips that show the position in the time axis

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Beta 1 Build 2124 Released
Wednesday, September 13 2006, 5:52 pm - 965 weeks ago
Fixed plugin latency compensation bugs
Tab control to switch between timeline and Piano-roll windows
Fixed installation problem on Windows Vista RC1

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Beta 1 Build 2123 Released
Monday, September 4 2006, 6:30 pm - 966 weeks ago
Fixed incompatibility with Kjaerhus MPL-1 plugin
Movable main menu bar more consistent with UI skin settings

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Beta 1 Build 2122 Released
Friday, September 1 2006, 7:10 pm - 966 weeks ago
Faster refresh of timeline when song contains many waveforms
Small graphic details

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Beta 1 Build 2121 Released
Thursday, August 31 2006, 8:30 pm - 967 weeks ago
Fixed 'audio driver requested stop streaming' error when using the Pause button
Piano roll window appearance more consistent with skin settings

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Beta 1 Build 2118 Released
Tuesday, August 29 2006, 6:12 pm - 967 weeks ago
Fixed multiple outputs VSTis muted channels
Fixed error message boxes appearing when changing skin setting
Fixed unregistered sign in main window title not going away after having entered registration codes until the program was restarted

n-Track Studio version 5.0 Beta 1 Build 2116 Released
Monday, August 28 2006, 4:12 pm - 967 weeks ago
Scrub by dragging with the mouse in the scrub area below upper time axis
Speed and transpose controls for whole song, tracks and individual tracks .wav files
Change speed with or without changing pitch
Reverse playback of song and .wav files
Allow directly specifing of musical key (instead of transpose +/-) of Acidized loop .wav files
Support for skinning user interface. Skins dialog box lets easily change program appearance, including colors and graphic files used to draw the interface
Waveforms can now be zoomed beyond 1 sample/1 pixel level
Sample by sample manual editing at high zoom levels
Mono-stereo-left-right-expand to stereo channel mixer button
Dockable channel properties window instead of modal popup dialog box
Button on waveform to audition single .wav file
Button on waveform to drag .wav file without having to switch into the 'drag wave files' mouse mode (Ctrl key)
CD Burning: Fixed error selecting 2nd CD-R drive when multiple CD-R drivers are present
Fixed open .wav file dialog box doing nothing when too many files were selected

v5.x can be installed on the same system as v4.x and both versions should coexist without interference
The beta version accepts version 4.x registration codes, the final v5.x version will not
Users who registered or upgrade on or after 6/29/06 will received v5.x reg. codes when v5.x final will be released

Free Upgrade to Version 5.x
Tuesday, July 4 2006, 4:35 pm - 975 weeks ago
Version 5.0 will be released soon. Purchase n-Track Studio 4.x now and upgrade to version 5.0 (and all later 5.x versions) for free!
Registered users of pre 4.x versions can also upgrade to version 4.x and automatically receive free upgrades to all 5.x versions when they will be released

n-Track Studio version 4.2.1 Build 2098 Released
Monday, April 24 2006, 4:35 pm - 985 weeks ago
Fixed crashing during program initialization on some computers

n-Track Studio version 4.2.1 Beta Build 2097 Released
Saturday, April 22 2006, 1:15 pm - 985 weeks ago
Fixed problem with Freeze command and DirectX plugins latency compensation
Fixed waveforms not being shown for wavefiles that are located in read-only folders

n-Track Studio version 4.2.1 Beta Build 2096 Released
Thursday, April 20 2006, 5:20 pm - 986 weeks ago
Fixed last channel not created for instrument plugins with odd number of outputs
Fixed MIDI track properties box incorrectly opening when another properties box was already open
Fixed dragging and dropping MIDI pattern from n-Track Drums into n-Track's timeline importing into a blank song instead of existing song
Unused solo and mute leds in Midi control surfaces now reset to off when changing faders banks

n-Track Studio version 4.2.1 Beta Build 2095 Released
Wednesday, April 19 2006, 6:41 pm - 986 weeks ago
Support for VST 2.4 specification
Support 64 bit processing in VST plugins
64 bit processing in n-Track Tempo Delay, Graphic EQ and Multiband Compressor effects

n-Track Studio version 4.2.0 Build 2090 Released
Tuesday, April 11 2006, 3:41 pm - 987 weeks ago
Fixed +6 dB boost applied to aux returns
Fixed master volume applied twice to aux returns in "Pre effects pre master volume" return mode
Fixed Scan song for clipping sometimes reporting song level above 0 dB lower than real level

n-Track Studio version 4.2.0 Build 2089 Released
Monday, April 10 2006, 3:41 pm - 987 weeks ago
Fixed problem importing tracks from audio CDs when save-import file path contains dots
Fixed timeline left bar controls not updating correctly after Zoom Selection command
Fixed effects removed from master channel when using Normalize command when some output channels are disabled in the Select I-O devices dialog box
Fixed instrument channels impossible to remove after manually removing instrument plugin

n-Track Studio version 4.2.0 Build 2088 Released
Thursday, April 6 2006, 3:41 pm - 988 weeks ago
Fixed incorrect recorded wave files paths when song's folder contains dots
Fixed Metronome "Accent first beat" option having no effect on metronome MIDI output

n-Track Studio version 4.2.0 Beta Build 2087 Released
Wednesday, April 5 2006, 5:40 pm - 988 weeks ago
Tooltip with clip level when mouse cursor stops on red clip region on timeline time axis
Metronome default output is set to n-Track Drums VSTi

n-Track Studio version 4.2.0 Beta Build 2085 Released
Saturday, April 1 2006, 2:40 pm - 988 weeks ago
Fixed installation problem on Windows 2000-98-ME

n-Track Studio version 4.2.0 Beta Build 2084 Released
Friday, March 31 2006, 6:00 pm - 988 weeks ago
Fixed crash when recording with Asio drivers and with some input channel disabled in the Select I-O channels dialog box
Fixed problem with snap to zero always altering both ends of current selction even when one of the two ends was not being adjusted

n-Track Studio version 4.2.0 Beta Build 2083 Released
Thursday, March 30 2006, 5:33 pm - 989 weeks ago
Fixed problems with master channel mixer stripes not behaving correctly when output channels were disabled or enabled in Select I-O channels dialog box
Fixed sampling frequency conversion and time stretch commands not really stopping when Cancel was pressed
Fixed rare crash with Asio drivers when drivers requested a buffer size different from the current setting

n-Track Studio version 4.2.0 Beta Build 2082 Released
Thursday, March 30 2006, 8:54 am - 989 weeks ago
Fixed memory leak during playback-live input processing with multithreaded processing active
Option to enable-disable showing playback clipping on vumeter popup menu

n-Track Studio version 4.2.0 Beta Build 2081 Released
Wednesday, March 29 2006, 6:11 pm - 989 weeks ago
Timeline axis red marks corresponding to regions of the song where clipping occurs
"Scan song for clipping" Edit menu command

n-Track Studio version 4.2.0 Beta Build 2080 Released
Monday, March 27 2006, 5:00 pm - 989 weeks ago
Option to independently reset playback and recording clip indicators at start-stop of playback-recording (when clip mode is set to Max)
Option to reset all vumeters clip indicators at the same time (when clip mode is set to Max)
Fixed incorrect level on track level meters

n-Track Studio version 4.2.0 Beta Build 2079 Released
Saturday, March 25 2006, 7:45 pm - 989 weeks ago
Fixed recording vumeter showing wrong signal level in 24 bit mode
Fixed tracks not routed correctly when 1st output channel was disabled in the Select I-O channels dialog box

n-Track Studio version 4.2.0 Beta Build 2078 Released
Thursday, March 23 2006, 6:08 pm - 990 weeks ago
64 bit mixing option
n-Track DirectX plug-ins work in both 32 bit and 64 bit mode, VST plug-ins currently only process in 32 bit mode, when n-Track is set to use 64 bit mixing VST plugins make the program convert the channel signal from 64 bits to 32 bits, process, then convert back from 32 to 64 bits
n-Track Drums drum sampler instrument plugin
Enhancements to MIDI external hardware control surfaces configuration dialog box

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Build 2066 Released
Monday, March 20 2006, 4:30 pm - 990 weeks ago
Fixed problem drawing with mouse on tempo evolution window

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Build 2065 Released
Wednesday, March 8 2006, 6:00 pm - 992 weeks ago
Fixed problem recording from multichannel audio inputs
Fixed erratic behavior if autosave happened during recording

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Build 2064 Released
Tuesday, March 7 2006, 5:35 pm - 992 weeks ago
Fixed Time stretch command not correctly updating length of waveform box in timeline window
Fixed Normalize command not normalizing right channel when normalizing and converting from mono to stereo
Mute and Solo buttons for aux and master channels added when "Horizontal aux-master channels" mixer option is active
Fixed track rec-arm popup menu always saying "Don't record" when "Enable live input from the channel" option was unchecked
Fixed problem importing track from audio CD into a song that was had not yet been saved
Tracks remember what input device was selected for recording even after "dont record" is selected, allowing to arm and disarm tracks for recording without having to reselect the input channel
Fixed importing track from audio CD not starting from "Import wave file" dialog box

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Build 2062 Released
Thursday, March 2 2006, 6:00 pm - 993 weeks ago
Fixed problem with surround output and track volume envelopes

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Build 2061 Released
Thursday, March 2 2006, 9:53 am - 993 weeks ago
Non-beta version 4.1.6 released

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2059 Released
Tuesday, February 28 2006, 8:40 pm - 993 weeks ago
Fixed occasional crash with VST instruments with an odd number of outputs
MIDI Control dialog box now shows meaningful parameter descriptions for some "Action" selections

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2058 Released
Monday, February 27 2006, 6:22 pm - 993 weeks ago
Fixed inconsistent volumes appearing on mixer when changing the sliders volume ranges in the Preferences-Appearance box
"Incremental alternate" mode for MIDI fader control in Preferences-Settings-MIDI Control dialog box to support Yamaha 01X pan knobs

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2057 Released
Friday, February 24 2006, 5:10 pm - 993 weeks ago
Fixed metronome output drop-down box not working correctly when output set to multichannel instrument plug-in
Slight performance improvements with dual-core CPUs and small audio buffers

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2056 Released
Thursday, February 23 2006, 6:10 pm - 994 weeks ago
Fixed preview not working in Import wave file dialog box
Fixed snap to zero when dragging selection over wave file

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2055 Released
Wednesday, February 22 2006, 7:10 pm - 994 weeks ago
Fixed problem starting recording when slaving to MTC sync
Fixed audio tracks always appearing before MIDI tracks on track mixer window

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2054 Released
Tuesday, February 21 2006, 7:10 pm - 994 weeks ago
Fixed metronome output sent to VSTi even when metronome is disabled
Fixed net tracks transfer changing the name of existing tracks wave files if transferred tracks matched existing file names

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2053 Released
Friday, February 17 2006, 4:00 pm - 994 weeks ago
Metronome output device drop down menu allows adding new instrument

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2052 Released
Wednesday, February 15 2006, 9:34 pm - 995 weeks ago
Toolbar to select which channel to show on left mixer stripe moved into separate window
Fixed metronome erratic behavior when changing song playback offset clicking on the time axis during playback

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2051 Released
Monday, February 13 2006, 6:34 pm - 995 weeks ago
Fixed grid-quantize dialog box not remembering quantize size
Fixed VSTi metronome skipping first beat of the song

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2050 Released
Friday, February 10 2006, 6:34 pm - 995 weeks ago
Metronome output to VSTi-DXi plugins
Fixed setup freezing on Windows 98/ME

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2049 Released
Monday, February 6 2006, 6:34 pm - 996 weeks ago
Fixed problem with effects latency compensation on group channels

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2048 Released
Saturday, February 4 2006, 6:18 pm - 996 weeks ago
Fixed "Failed to register..." during installation on Windows 2000

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2046 Released
Wednesday, February 1 2006, 6:15 pm - 997 weeks ago
Fixed clicking on track with volume tool selected not switching selected track and making volume edit be applied to old selected track
Fixed erratic movement when dragging toolbar position slider during playback

n-Track Studio version 4.1.6 Beta Build 2043 Released
Saturday, January 28 2006, 8:45 pm - 997 weeks ago
Import tracks from audio CD function
Mixing/DSP performance improvements
Fixed output gain knob having no effect on VST plugins applied on stereo channels
Fixed problems recording when "Ask for names of wave files to be recorded" option is on and names without the ".wav" extension are entered

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Build 2042 Released
Wednesday, January 18 2006, 6:35 pm - 999 weeks ago
Fixed recording not correctly compensating processing latency when using effects that add latency

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Build 2041 Released
Monday, January 16 2006, 12:00 pm - 999 weeks ago
Fixed import wave file dialog box showing (null) instead of file length
Fixed surround panner install problem

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Build 2039 Released
Friday, January 13 2006, 4:00 pm - 999 weeks ago
Fixed n-Track DirectX plug-ins not appearing correctly in 3rd party host programs
Surround Panner, Multiband Compressor, Tempo Delay and Graphic EQ effects added to the 64 bit version

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Build 2038 Released
Thursday, January 12 2006, 4:00 pm - 1000 weeks ago
Buffering settings dialog box now says "Custom" when buffering no longer matches a preset configuration
Fixed recording format dialog box showing Asio Direct monitoring controls even with non-Asio drivers

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Build 2036 Released
Wednesday, January 11 2006, 3:00 pm - 1000 weeks ago
Fixed spacebar sometimes not stopping recording
Fixed occasional freezing when recording with Navigator window open
Fixed crash when selecting "----Vst plugins----" entry in effects drop-down list

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Build 2034 Released
Monday, January 9 2006, 1:27 pm - 1000 weeks ago
Fixed crash when using Parametric EQ plug-in

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Build 2033 Released
Friday, January 6 2006, 5:07 pm - 1000 weeks ago
Fixed inconsistent display while dragging waveforms

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Build 2032 Released
Thursday, January 5 2006, 10:44 am - 1001 weeks ago
Fixed freezing when opening Parametric EQ plug-in

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Build 2031 Released
Wednesday, January 4 2006, 4:44 pm - 1001 weeks ago
Fixed rare freezing when mixing down or rapidly changing playback position

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2029 Released
Tuesday, January 3 2006, 6:30 pm - 1001 weeks ago
Fixed import tracks from .sng file changing the name of the current song
Faster start of recording
Faster start of live input when pressing live button during playback

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2026 Released
Saturday, December 31 2005, 6:00 pm - 1001 weeks ago
Fixed Bounce command removing effects from track even when processing of effects wasn't requested
Happy new year!

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2025 Released
Saturday, December 31 2005, 2:00 pm - 1001 weeks ago
Fixed crash when playing MIDI tracks having removed level meter from left timeline track bar

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2024 Released
Wednesday, December 28 2005, 7:40 pm - 1002 weeks ago
Fixed song markers not appearing correctly in tempo evolution and Pianoroll windows
Fixed live input routing not being updated immediately after a track input is changed
Fixed track color not being updated immediately after color is changed via popup menu

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2021 Released
Tuesday, December 27 2005, 7:00 pm - 1002 weeks ago
Fixed recording meters showing left and right channels as if they were equal when using Asio drivers
Fixed wave file properties box showing length as "null"
Fixed clip indicator level never going below the meter lower range
Fixed incorrect behavior of mouse dragging selection of a track starting from a point with no audio data

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2020 Released
Saturday, December 24 2005, 5:22 pm - 1002 weeks ago
Fixed tracks not showing recorded waveforms at end of recording if "Show waveforms while recording" is disabled
Fixed right-clicking on a waveform not correctly showing some options on the timeline popup menu
Fixed rare crash when opening song files with Navigator window open
Merry Christmas!

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2019 Released
Friday, December 23 2005, 6:37 pm - 1002 weeks ago
Fixed rare crash when closing mixer stripe

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2018 Released
Wednesday, December 21 2005, 6:33 pm - 1003 weeks ago
Fixed problem with Asio drivers and some stereo pair disabled in the Selecte IO channels dialog box

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2017 Released
Tuesday, December 20 2005, 10:10 pm - 1003 weeks ago
Fixed crash closing the program with Live input enabled
Fixed program sometimes hanging during scan of VST plugins

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2016 Released
Monday, December 19 2005, 12:13 pm - 1003 weeks ago
Fixed customized devices names not updating correctly after a song was loaded
Option to display vumeter scale font horizontal when vumeter has horizontal orientation

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2015 Released
Sunday, December 18 2005, 7:12 pm - 1003 weeks ago
Fixed docked windows reappearing very small when closed and reopened
Recording vumeters show customized input names set with the "Input names" button in track properties box
Fixed recording vumeter not updating when audio devices are changed

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2012 Released
Saturday, December 17 2005, 8:19 pm - 1003 weeks ago
Fixed problem dragging wave files
Clip indicators options in level meters to show both current, maximum and-or levels
Auto-reset of clip indicators when clip mode is "peak" or "current"

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2008 Released
Wednesday, December 14 2005, 6:23 pm - 1004 weeks ago
Fixed track not being selected clicking on the track name if track was empty
"Detailed scale" option in level meters popup menu
Fixed recording vumeter window not reappearing after being closed

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2006 Released
Tuesday, December 13 2005, 8:03 pm - 1004 weeks ago
Draw volume envelopes for multiple tracks. Multiple tracks can be selected holding the Ctrl key and clicking on the track vertical name on the left edge of the track
Faster update of mixer window when adding new tracks

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta Build 2003 Released
Saturday, December 10 2005, 10:34 am - 1004 weeks ago
Fixed crash opening MIDI Events list window right after importing MIDI file
Fixed song comments window sometimes opening when loading a .sng even when the "open automatically" option was unchecked
Fixed EQ now working on right channel of stereo tracks

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta 1 Build 2002 Released
Friday, December 9 2005, 10:00 pm - 1004 weeks ago
Recording and playback vumeters now show scrollbars when there are too many input or output devices to fit into the windows
Fixed crash disabling recording from the left channel of an audio input device
Bit depth of wave file resulting from "Bounce to single wave file" now is at least the bit depth of the original tracks wave files
Fixed "Import tracks from .sng file" command importing tracks with inconsistent length
Fixed change in EQ preset not being heard until playback was restarted when "Flat EQ" preset was selected

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta 1 Build 1995 x64 Released
Saturday, December 3 2005, 3:33 pm - 1005 weeks ago
First release of x64 version of n-Track Studio. It runs as a native 64 bit program on Windows XP x64 and Windows Server 2003 x64 on x86-64 CPUs
A number of limitations currently exist. The 64 bit version only sees plug-ins compiled for x64 CPUs. 64 bit versions of n-Track DirectX plug-ins are included
VST plug-ins are not supported as the VST specification doesn't yet include support for x64 architecture
The surround panner and the n-Track Graphic EQ, Multiband Compressor and Tempo-Delay plug-ins are currently not included
The 32 bit and the 64 bit versions of the program will be developed in parallel and the latest build of the program will be available in both formats
The 32 bit and the 64 bit versions are two separate setups that can be installed independently and won't interfere with each other

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta 1 Build 1995 Released
Thursday, December 1 2005, 5:28 pm - 1006 weeks ago
Track input channel list in left timeline track bar
Option to disable automatic insert of live input tracks
Fixed "View/Soundcard settings/Mixer controls" not working on Windows x64

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta 1 Build 1990 Released
Sunday, November 27 2005, 11:28 am - 1006 weeks ago
Fixed occasional "error opening file-chunk" error when starting recording
Fixed problem with punch-in recording when "Use system timer for recording" option disabled
Fixed incorrect number of live input channels added when Live button is pressed

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta 1 Build 1989 Released
Wednesday, November 23 2005, 4:30 pm - 1007 weeks ago
Fixed program freezing when adding during playback VST plugins that accept MIDI input to group channels
Fixed program displaying waveform of previously deleted wavefiles

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta 1 Build 1988 Released
Tuesday, November 22 2005, 7:07 pm - 1007 weeks ago
Fixed crash when recording with one input channel disabled

n-Track Studio version 4.1.5 Beta 1 Build 1986 Released
Monday, November 21 2005, 10:10 pm - 1007 weeks ago
Display of waveform during recording
More accurate waveforms at low zoom levels
Outline waveform display option
Support non-instrument audio VST plug-ins that accept MIDI input, e.g. Gsnap
Redesigned punch-in recording with multiple takes, now takes are added as "alternate takes" that can be selected in the track context menu
Playback position cursor in Navigator window
"Bounce to single wave file with processing" command
Auto "Zoom All" keeps all song visible until zoom level is changed manually
Fixed rare crash when adding Midi notes in Piano Roll during playback
EQ controls hidden with the "Show/Hide EQ controls" option in EQ window settings popup menu
Fixed notes added in Piano Roll during playback not heard when added at the end of track
Fixed program not reporting an error when .sng file fails to be saved because it has "Read only" flag set

n-Track Studio version 4.1 Build 1980 Released
Monday, October 31 2005, 3:59 pm - 1010 weeks ago
Fixed pause in playback that occurred sporadically when switching selected track with popup mixer open

n-Track Studio version 4.1 Build 1976 Released
Saturday, October 22 2005, 12:22 pm - 1011 weeks ago
Fixed height of vumeter in popup mixer stripe not changing when switching between master and track stripes
Fixed pause in playback when switching selected track with popup mixer open
Fixed EQ bands deleted after "Bounce to single wave file" command is applied to a track

n-Track Studio version 4.1 Build 1974 Released
Friday, October 7 2005, 3:43 pm - 1013 weeks ago
Fixed mixer window graphic glitches

n-Track Studio version 4.1 Build 1973 Released
Wednesday, October 5 2005, 7:23 pm - 1014 weeks ago
Fixed crash when rapidly opening and closing the mixer window during playback
Fixed problem with mixer "Full screen" option when "Resize automatically" is selected

n-Track Studio version 4.1 Build 1970 Released
Monday, October 3 2005, 5:51 pm - 1014 weeks ago
Fixed problem with "Mixdown while playing" Mixdown option

n-Track Studio version 4.1 Build 1969 Released
Wednesday, September 21 2005, 11:42 pm - 1016 weeks ago
Fixed timeline mixer stripe not updating after instrument channel is deleted

n-Track Studio version 4.1 Build 1968 Released
Wednesday, September 21 2005, 2:29 pm - 1016 weeks ago
Fixed DirectX plug-ins Pre-Post gain control not working on mono tracks
Fixed closing of timeline mixer stripe making playback stop and restart

n-Track Studio version 4.1 Build 1967 Released
Monday, September 19 2005, 4:15 pm - 1016 weeks ago
Fixed volume slider inverting when mixer is made very short

n-Track Studio version 4.1 Build 1965 Released
Monday, September 19 2005, 2:12 pm - 1016 weeks ago
Fixed master channel effects not being loaded from .sng files saved with earlier n-Track versions

n-Track Studio version 4.1 Build 1962 Released
Friday, September 16 2005, 10:33 am - 1017 weeks ago
Fixed "error reading MIDI SysEx chunk" error message when loading old .sng files

n-Track Studio version 4.1 Build 1961 Released
Wednesday, September 14 2005, 8:00 pm - 1017 weeks ago
Final (non-beta) version

n-Track Studio Build 1959 Released
Tuesday, September 13 2005, 10:53 pm - 1017 weeks ago
Mixer settings button in window title bar

n-Track Studio Build 1958 Released
Monday, September 12 2005, 6:42 pm - 1017 weeks ago
Fixed crash saving songs with MIDI tracks with Sysex events
MIDI tracks background highlights when the track is selected
Fixed program freezing when drawing BPM during playback & BPM is drawn below 0
Fixed pan control disappearing in left timeline mixer stripe

n-Track Studio Build 1957 Released
Friday, September 9 2005, 6:32 pm - 1017 weeks ago
Fixed ReWire devices not appearing in ReWire devices menu

n-Track Studio Build 1952 Released
Thursday, September 8 2005, 2:48 pm - 1018 weeks ago
Fixed error message loading certain 3.x .sng files
Fixed corrupted mixer stripes background
New default colors
"Check for new version" command in the Help menu

n-Track Studio Build 1951 Released
Monday, September 5 2005, 8:20 pm - 1018 weeks ago
Fixed problem naming WDM output channels
Fixed group levels inconsistency when loading songs saved with version 3.x
Ctrl+Shift+Tab shortcut to toggle all open mixer windows

n-Track Studio Build 1950 Released
Friday, September 2 2005, 12:00 pm - 1019 weeks ago
Fixed crash when loading program using Asio drivers and master mixer window closed

n-Track Studio Build 1948 Released
Thursday, September 1 2005, 5:10 pm - 1019 weeks ago
Fixed Emu PowerEfx not appearing in Vst plug-ins list
Fixed sliders sometimes appearing with black background

n-Track Studio Build 1946 Released
Monday, August 29 2005, 4:17 pm - 1019 weeks ago
Fixed mixer scrollbar appearing when it shouldn't
Auto height mixer popup menu option
Fixed mixer window docking problem

n-Track Studio Build 1945 Released
Saturday, August 27 2005, 7:30 pm - 1019 weeks ago
Fixed .sng files not readable by older versions
Fixed left track bar graphics glitches
Fixed groups volume level inconsistency with older versions

n-Track Studio Build 1944 Released
Thursday, August 25 2005, 5:26 pm - 1020 weeks ago
Fixed EQ window disappearing when loading new song
Fixed mixer slider graphic glitches
Fixed maximizing mixer causing the mixer to become excessively high

n-Track Studio Build 1942 Released
Wednesday, August 24 2005, 6:20 pm - 1020 weeks ago
Fixed crash related to multithreaded processing and adjusting volume during playback
Aux channels volume, mute and solo now are active
Fixed aux channels muting when song is saved during playback
Fixed problem importing songs saved with v3.3 with overlapping wave files

n-Track Studio Build 1941 Released
Tuesday, August 23 2005, 6:36 pm - 1020 weeks ago
Fixed effect list window not correctly updating when no mixer was open
Fixed crash when starting playback with no mixer stripe visible
Fixed incorrect offsets resulting from overlapped wave files

n-Track Studio Build 1940 Released
Monday, August 22 2005, 8:25 pm - 1020 weeks ago
Fixed mixer scroll bar never disappearing when "Resize automatically" is selected
Moved "stripes per row" setting from Preferences/Appearance to mixer popup menu

n-Track Studio Build 1939 Released
Monday, August 22 2005, 10:24 am - 1020 weeks ago
Fixed problem with overlapping wave files loading .sng files saved with versions <4.1

n-Track Studio Build 1937 Released
Saturday, August 20 2005, 2:01 pm - 1020 weeks ago
Fixed multiple output VST instruments appearing as single output

Build 1934
Friday, August 19 2005, 7:09 pm - 1020 weeks ago
Option to hide from mixer tracks sent to group channels ('Hide groups sent to this channel' in the group properties box). 'Hide minimized/hidden tracks' option must also be selected in the mixer context menu

Build 1933
Thursday, August 18 2005, 2:40 pm - 1021 weeks ago
Multiple customizable mixers
Option to display vertical master & aux mixers stripes (i.e. with a volume slider instead of a knob)
Menu command to Add aux channel & Delete channel button in Aux channel properties box
Faster mixer redrawing/creating when using multiple output channels
"Insert part at original offset" button in View/Wave files regions dialog box
Fixed problem when closing Propellerheads Reason via Rewire
Fixed sync problem with Fruityloops & Rewire changing playback position
Faders automation play & rec button moved to transport toolbar

Build 1928
Monday, August 1 2005, 3:41 pm - 1023 weeks ago
Fixed problem loading old songs with wave files of zero length

v4.1 Beta 2, Build 1926
Friday, July 29 2005, 3:40 pm - 1023 weeks ago
Fixed mixer vu-meters not showing signal for multichannel VST instruments

Build 1924
Wednesday, July 27 2005, 1:12 pm - 1024 weeks ago
Fixed problem with bpm change information not correctly sent to ReWire devices

Build 1923
Tuesday, July 26 2005, 2:02 pm - 1024 weeks ago
Fixed problem with bpm change information not correctly sent to ReWire devices
Fixed tempo changes window not appearing correctly
Fixed mixer stripes not updating correctly when number of aux channels is changed

Build 1922
Saturday, July 23 2005, 6:11 pm - 1024 weeks ago
Rename track by clicking on track name on left timeline bar, asks to rename track's wave file
Test API for accessing .sng files by 3rd party applications (see post on the n-Track forum)

Build 1911
Wednesday, July 13 2005, 7:31 pm - 1026 weeks ago
Increased audio processing multithreading to take advantage of hyperthreading, dual-core and multiple CPU systems, removed "multithreaded DirectX plug-ins" option and added "Multithreaded audio processing" option. Increase in performance should be ~10% with hyperthreading CPUs and ~50% with dual CPU

Build 1906
Wednesday, July 13 2005, 7:31 pm - 1026 weeks ago
Fixed excessive cpu time when using group channels

Build 1903
Monday, July 11 2005, 7:31 pm - 1026 weeks ago
Fixed problem loading songs saved with older versions
Updated help on surround

Build 1894
Wednesday, July 6 2005, 7:31 pm - 1027 weeks ago
Fixed effects loaded from existing .sng not appearing in the mixer
Bounce & freeze commands now create a mono wave file if the original track is mono and "Expand track to stereo" option is not checked
Fixed "Error creating ball" in Metronome dialog box
Fixed crash when starting .flac conversion
Fixed "VST scan error" on Windows 98/ME

v4.1 Beta 1, Build 1888
Monday, July 4 2005, 7:32 pm - 1027 weeks ago
Support for surround mixing
Surround panner
Redesigned delete track dialog box shows all wave files to be deleted from selected tracks
Overlapped wave files in the timeline Z order can be now altereded with the Bring to front/Send to back context menu commands
List box to select which outputs to mixdown in the Mixdown dialog box
Option to mixdown to multiple stereo wave files, multiple mono wave files or single multichannel wave file
"Bounce track to single wave file" timeline context menu command
Importing of .flac compressed audio files

Build 1846
Saturday, June 4 2005, 7:48 pm - 1031 weeks ago
Fixed crash when starting playback with some tracks minimized and "Hide minimized tracks" mixer option active

Build 1845
Thursday, May 19 2005, 7:48 pm - 1034 weeks ago
Fixed dragging navigator box not updating timeline left bar
Fixed mixer not being updated correctly when deleting group and instrument channels
Button in Preferences/Paths dialog box to open the Effects Settings box to set the VST folder

Build 1844
Friday, May 13 2005, 7:48 pm - 1034 weeks ago
Fixed crash when moving pitch slider of Pitch Shift plug-in when playback was not running
Fixed VST folder not being updated correctly when "Add" button was pressed instead of "Change" button.

Build 1842
Tuesday, May 10 2005, 7:49 pm - 1035 weeks ago
Fixed markers not moving correctly with Edit/Insert command

Build 1841
Thursday, May 5 2005, 7:49 pm - 1036 weeks ago
Fixed mixer not updating correctly when "Show vumeters for each track" option is disabled

Build 1840
Saturday, April 30 2005, 7:49 pm - 1036 weeks ago
Fixed problem with timeline zoom
Fixed mixer not updating correctly when tracks are minimized and "Hide minimized tracks from the mixer" option is active

Build 1837
Wednesday, April 27 2005, 7:51 pm - 1037 weeks ago
Fixed Mute = volume 0 option in Preferences/MIDI dialog box not being updated correctly
Fixed MIDI wrong offset pasting in timeline window

Build 1828
Tuesday, April 19 2005, 7:58 pm - 1038 weeks ago
Fixed crash in MIDI instruments dialog box
Fixed problem with paste in piano roll window

Build 1827
Tuesday, April 19 2005, 7:55 pm - 1038 weeks ago
Fixed crash when copying to clipboard a MIDI track in the timeline
Navigator window draggable handles
Fixed installation problems on Windows 98-ME-2000

Build 1826
Tuesday, April 19 2005, 7:53 pm - 1038 weeks ago
Fixed crash when starting playback with multichannel drivers selected
Fixed piano roll pasting at incorrect offsets

v4.0.5 Beta, Build 1825
Friday, April 15 2005, 7:53 pm - 1038 weeks ago
Piano roll paste command pastes at the current cursor location
Piano roll paint-paste button to paste repetitive patterns by dragging with the mouse
Navigator window (shows current zoom location)
Faster adding of mixer stripes when adding/deleting tracks
Enhanched copy, cut and paste of multiple tracks
Edit/Insert command now can shift existing markers and rithm changes
Fixed problems when using the program as a non-Administrator Windows user. The program installation still needs to be performed by Administrator
Fixed editing ReWire channels names
New algorithm for Pitch Shift plug-in

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